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1. Indicate time to the hour.

2. Read and write time as shown on the clock.
3. Practice the habit of coming on time.

Value focus: Punctuality


Topic: Time to the hour

References: K-12 Math Grade 1 Teacher’s Guide (Quarters 3 & 4 pp. 59-62), M1ME-IVb-3
Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Grade 1 pp. 270, 274, 281, Math for Life pp. 196-197
Materials: Flashcards, puppet pictures, pictures, charts, etc.


Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
-Everybody stand. Let us pray. -Pupils will pray
2. Greetings
-Goodmorning children. -Good morning Teacher Joy and
3. Opening Song
-Class, let us sing the song “One and One Two” -(The pupils will sing)

4. Setting of classroom standards

-What will you do if your teacher is already in -Keep quiet
front? -Sit properly
-Listen attentively
-Can I expect those from you? -Yes, teacher
5. Drill
-Let the pupils do skip counting by 5’s. -Pupils will do the skip count by 5’s.
6. Review
-How many months are there in a year? -There are 12 months in a year, teacher.
-What are those months? -January, February, March, April, May,
June, July, August, September, October,
November and December.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
-Introduce a puppet clock.

"Hi, I’m Mr. Tick Tock clock. What can you see
on my face? How many numbers do I have? How
many hands are on my face? “
2. Presentation
-Who among you here has a clock in your house?

-What is the shape of your clock in your house? -The shape of our clock is cicrle.
-The shape of our clock is square.

-How many hands or arrow does the clock in your house -It has 2 hands, teacher.

-Are the two hands of the clock have the same length? -No, teacher.

-How many numbers do you see in the clock’s face? -There are 12 numbers, teacher.

-What are those numbers? -The numbers are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

and 12, teacher.
2. Discussion

-The clock has 2 hands with different length.

-The short hand is the hour hand. It moves from one numeral
to the next in one hour, and one complete rotation is
equivalent to 12 hours.

-While the long hand is the minute hand. It moves all the way
around in an hour. Every number it passed it represent five
minutes, so we will count skip by 5’s in every number of the
clock. Say for example number 1 in minute is equivalent to 5
minute, number 2 is 10 minutes and so on and one complete
rotation is equivalent to 60 minutes or 1 hour.

-(Let the pupils read)

Long hand Minute hand

Short hand Hour hand

-I have a story to tell you.

Kardo goes to school early. He wakes up at

4:00 in the morning. He fix his bed, exercise,
clean the house and take a bath at 5:00. He eat
his breakfast and brushing his teeth at 6:00. He
reaches the school at 7:00.
-(4:00 in the morning)
-(The teacher will call a pupil to arrange the hands of the -(5:00 in the morning)
-What time does Kardo wake-up? -(6:00 in the morning)
-What time does Kardo fix his bed, exercise, clean the house
and take a bath? -(7:00 in the morning)
-What time does Kardo eat his breakfast and brushing his
-What time does Kardo reaches the school?
-Yes, teacher.
*Value Infusion -Yes teacher, it is good to come to school
early so that we won’t be late.
-Is Kardo early for school?
-Is it good to come to school early? Why?
-Very good! You should be in school before time. -5:00
-I will point the clock’s hand to this number. Tell me What -11:00
time is it.

We tell the time by the hour. It takes 60 minutes to make an

The teacher will present and explain about the rubrics.

Rubrics G1 G2 G3 G4
Legend =2 =3 =5

-Before the activity will start, let me read first the directions
per group.

Group Activity
Direction: Match the clock to its correct time.

1.) a.) 8:00

3. ) b.) 6:00

3.) c.) 3:00

4. ) d.) 1:00

5.) e.) 12:00


Direction: Draw the hands of the clock to show the given time.

1.) 2:00 2.) 5:00 3.) 7:00 4.) 9:00 5.) 12:00

Direction: Look at the picture and the clock. Write the correct time when you do the following:

1. I wake up at _____ in the morning.

2. I go to school at _____ in the morning.

3. I ate my snacks at _____.

4. I ate my lunch at _____.

5.I sleep at _____ in the evening.

1. Generalization

-How do we tell time? -We tell time by hour.

-What hand is pointing the hour? -The hand of the clock that is pointing the
time is the short hand.

-How many minutes does it take to make an hour? It takes 60 minutes to make an hour.
2. Application

Bring out your paper clock and show me on your clock the following time I say to you.

-Show me the time 2:00

-Show me the time 9:00
-Show me the time 11:00
-Show me the time 5:00

Identify what time are the hands of the clock pointing. Put your answer to the space provided.

1. ) _______ 4. ) ________

2. ) _______ 5. ) ________

3. ) _______
Draw a diamond-shaped clock with its hands pointing to a time of:
1. ) 12:00
2. ) 4:00
3. ) 8:00
4. ) 1:00
5. ) 9:00

Prepared by:


Applicant Teacher

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