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Pediatrics: Respiratory

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder in the major pathways of the lungs:
Bronchi & Bronchioles. It comes & goes with flare-ups in the form of asthma attacks
that are reversible!

MEMORY TRICK During an asthma attack, 2 key things happen:

A - Asthma 1. Bronchoconstriction:
A - Acute Attacks that come & go Bronchi puff up with inflammation & get VERY tight.
2. Wet, mucus filled lungs:
Excessive mucus production from goblet cells that line the
#1 #2 respiratory tract.
Bronchoconstriction wet & mucus filled

PRIORITY! Since the respiratory tract is so constricted that oxygen cannot get
in & CO2 cannot get out, resulting in air trapping and making it hard to exhale.

Signs & Symptoms

Top Missed NCLEX Question:

A Accessory muscle use
Critical Sign: Paradoxical Breathing

Which child in the pediatric unit
SOB & dyspnea
should the nurse see first?
Critical Sign: Single word dyspnea

1. 8 year old with cystic fibrosis
Tight CHEST & Tachypnea presenting with fever &
green sputum

2. 10 year old with croup
presenting with a barking
High-pitched wheezing cough & tachypnea
3. 6 year old with acute asthma

exacerbation suddenly has
no wheezing
Minimal “diminished breath sounds”
4. 11 year old with new

tachycardia & anxiety after
albuterol nebulizer treatment
3 As 6 year old
Absent Breath Sounds (Silent Chest) PRIORITY
Acidosis (CO2 retention)
Air trapping - Prolonged exhalation

Critical Complications Key Sign of Status Asthmaticus Test Tip

Hypercapnic respiratory failure = HIGH CO2 Pulsus paradoxus 150

Pulsus paradoxus

Drop in systolic blood pressure

Hyper Capnic = High Carbon dioxide

More than 10 mmHg

1. Decrease in stroke volume
2. Decrease in systolic blood pressure
(systolic squeeze)
ABG (Arterial Blood Gas) 0₂

0₂ 3. Pulse wave amplitude during inspiration
pH less than 7.35 = Acidosis
PaCO2 - Over 45 = Acidosis
PaO2 - Less than 80! = Hypoxic

* 1st Sign of Hypoxia = Mental Status Change Patho: increased negative pressure > 10 mmHg
1. Agitation PRIORITY
within the lungs puts a lot of added 90
2. Restlessness NCLEX TIP
3. Drowsiness pressure on the left ventricle,
Status Asthmaticus NCLEX TIP making it difficult for the heart to
1. Endotracheal Intubation pump oxygen rich blood to the body.

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