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Name: Date: …
English III - Class # … Teacher:
Capitalization, punctuation, fragments, run-on sentences, and subject & verb agreement review.

1. Work in groups to complete the exercises below.

2. The leader must upload the worksheet until … of the class day.


1. Cross out the mistakes and correct them. There is one mistake in each sentence.

Example: I can speak three languages, but I can’t speak german. German_______ _

a. My family and i live in an apartment building. __________________

b. maybe Carla will see a movie tonight. __________________

c. Did You talk to our teacher last week? __________________

d. Tommy wants to see the new Star wars movie at the theater. __________________


2. Rewrite the next sentences using punctuation properly. Highlight corrections.

Example: I can speak three languages but I can’t speak German
I can speak three languages, but I can’t speak German

a. I need some butter garlic onions and milk

b. She went to get a drink didnt she
c. Why wasnt she happy to get the job
d. Boys will win tonight he said

3. Complete the chart.

Fragment Missing Complete sentence

Example: Loves to lie around in
the sun all day. Sandra loves to lie around in the sun all day.
a. Drove in the city during the Subject

evening rush hour.

b. My brother Joe Predicate

c. When my cousin moved to Dependent

d. Here and now. Full thought


4. Highlight the best to repair the next run-on sentences.

Example: Judy leads a charmed life she never seems to have a serious accident.
life, she life; she

a. The airport is about to shut down because of the snow and if the plane doesn't land soon it will
have to go on to Boston.
snow, and snow; and snow. And
b. The show begins at 7:30 make sure you're there before 7:15.
7:30, make 7:30. Make
c. Marcel always knew his way around the woods this is something he could always depend on.
woods; this woods, this
d. Coins were minted of precious metals the religious overtones of money were then
metals, the When coins were minted of precious metals, the …


1. Underline he best to repair the next run-on sentences.

Example: Anyone….. present there. was were
a. This pair scissors ….. well with hair. works work
b. These apples ….. $ 2.50. cost costs
c. Alisson together with Marco ….. working on a new project. are is
d. Neither red nor black …………………………… me. suits suit

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