Imaging and Depression in Multiple Sclerosis: A Historical Perspective

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Neurological Sciences (2021) 42:835–845


Imaging and depression in multiple sclerosis: a historical perspective

Fabio Giuseppe Masuccio 1 & Giulia Gamberini 1 & Massimiliano Calabrese 2 & Claudio Solaro 1

Received: 28 February 2020 / Accepted: 28 November 2020 / Published online: 7 January 2021
# Fondazione Società Italiana di Neurologia 2021

Purpose Patients affected with multiple sclerosis suffer from depression more frequently than the general population. Beyond
psychosocial, genetic and immune-inflammatory factors, also the brain damage which is peculiar of multiple sclerosis has been
claimed to have a role in the aetiology of depression in those patients. The study of this interesting relation has been implemented
with both conventional and advanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques. The aim of this review is to provide a historical
perspective on the link between multiple sclerosis-related depression and structural and functional brain damage.
Methods In this review, the results of the MRI studies regarding multiple sclerosis-related brain damage and the presence of
depression are presented.
Results The findings of the reports reveal a link between brain pathology and depressive symptoms or the diagnosis of depression
in multiple sclerosis.
Conclusions Although a multifactorial aetiology has been theorized for depression and depressive symptoms in patients with
multiple sclerosis, this review supports the hypothesis that the structural and functional brain impairment might substantially be
amongst those factors. Thus, depression itself might be a symptom with a neuro-biological basis and not only the consequence of
the disability derived from the neurological impairment.

Keywords Multiple sclerosis . Depression . Magnetic resonance imaging . Depressive symptoms

Introduction respect to the general population [1]. Amongst PwMS, fe-

males and those younger than 45 years appear to be more at
It is well recognized that patients with multiple sclerosis risk for depression. Its prevalence differs within the diverse
(PwMS) experience depression with a higher frequency in forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), being higher in Secondary
Key points Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS) than in relapsing-
• Patients with multiple sclerosis experience depression/depressive symp- remitting MS (RRMS) and primary progressive MS (PPMS)
toms more frequently than the general population. Depression in patients [2].
with multiple sclerosis has to be considered as a process with a multifac-
The specific causes underlying the higher rates of depres-
torial aetiology (genetic, psychosocial, immune-inflammatory factors,
brain damage). sion in PwMS have not been well acknowledged. The efforts
• Structural and functional brain damage has been consistently associated of the research identified some aspects potentially involved in
with depression and/or depressive symptoms in patients with multiple the pathogenesis of depression in these individuals. Genetic,
immune-inflammatory and psychosocial factors, as well as the
• Lack of a former depression diagnosis according to DSM criteria is
present in several papers. Only few longitudinal studies are available. typical structural brain damage and disease-modifying treat-
• The available studies show high variability in design, inclusion criteria ments (i.e. interferon-β), have been claimed to have a part in
and sample size, leading to difficulty in drawing conclusion. this process. Although all these factors have been involved, at
the present time, no evidence is available for a possible role of
* Claudio Solaro disease-modifying therapies in MS-related depression [3].
When considering the demyelinating brain injury, the pos-
Department of Rehabilitation, C.R.R.F. “Mons. L. Novarese”, Loc.
sibility that depression and depressive symptoms in PwMS
Trompone, Moncrivello, VC, Italy might be in some way related to the structural brain alterations
Multiple Sclerosis Center, Neurology section, Department of
has been abundantly debated. If this is the case, depression in
Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, University of MS might be considered as a condition with a neuro-
Verona, Verona, Italy biological basis [4], directly deriving from the primary disease
836 Neurol Sci (2021) 42:835–845

and not only the mere consequence of the MS-related disabil- fact, these findings paved the way for further inquiry and
ity and of the subsequent reduction of social participation. In additional researches flourished on the link between depres-
order to implement the investigation on this intriguing link, sion in MS and the structural brain damage assessed through
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a fundamental tool in the MRI.
diagnosis and monitoring of MS [5], has been used. Among the initial researches, two negative findings have to
In this review, a historical overview of MRI studies dedi- be reported. The first was conducted in patients in the early
cated to the examination of MS-related depression is provid- phases of RRMS (ten males and eight females) and detected a
ed. The included researches are divided on the basis of the similar T1W and T2W lesion load between depressed and
different methodology used, starting from the results of con- non-depressed subjects [9]. The second found no differences
ventional MRI sequences and going through those obtained in terms of regional distribution of lesions measured through
with advanced MRI techniques. The studies are classified ac- T1W and T2W sequences in ten non-depressed and ten de-
cording to the most advanced MRI methodology employed. pressed PwMS, classified according to both Beck Depression
In addition, distinguishing the presence of depressive Inventory (BDI) and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
symptoms from a former diagnosis of depression is mandato- (HDRS) [10].
ry. Clinical scales, useful screening instruments, can only In turn, other studies underlined a link between structural
identify the presence of depressive symptoms. This does not damage and depression in MS. George et al. [11] observed a
allow to make a diagnosis of depression, which should be positive correlation between left hemisphere T1W lesions and
formulated by a clinician according to the Diagnostic and HDRS in 16 PwMS, in association with a higher number of
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria. In this these lesions in the whole brain in those who were defined as
review, we use the term “depression” when DSM criteria have depressed. Subsequently, Pujol et al. [12] associated the BDI
been fulfilled, “depressive symptoms” when only scales have score with the topography of the white matter lesions, in par-
been utilized. We also pointed out when the authors classified ticular in the uncinate fasciculus, in the cingulum and in the
the individuals as depressed on the sole basis of scales. arcuate fasciculus in 45 PwMS. The total T2W lesion load and
References for this review were identified searching in the lesion load in the left arcuate fasciculus correlated with
Medline and PubMed for all the articles in the English lan- BDI, even if only 17% of the BDI score variance was ex-
guage published in peer-reviewed journals, using the term plained. In a following report [13], the demyelinating lesions
“multiple sclerosis”, “depression” and “magnetic resonance in the left arcuate fasciculus were related with the BDI cate-
imaging”. We checked reference lists for other studies of gories “Affective symptoms” and “Somatic complaint”,
interest predicting the 26% of the score variance of the specific BDI
category. Thereafter, a significant correlation between the
presence of depression and higher T2W lesion load in both
Conventional MRI the right temporal and frontal lobe in 31 depressed out of 78
PwMS was underlined [14].
The first step taken was the analysis of the white matter dis- Another hypothesis arose from Bakshi and colleagues [15],
ruption using conventional MRI sequences, such as T2 who suggested that white matter damage between cortical and
weighted (T2W), T1 weighted (T1W) and gadolinium en- subcortical areas involved in mood control might represent the
hanced (Gad+). In particular, T2W lesions are hyperintense potential origin of depression in PwMS. Forty-eight PwMS
in contrast to a low signal background given by the normal were classified as depressed or non-depressed in agreement
white matter. Conversely, the T1W lesions, the so-called with the DSM-IV criteria for unipolar depression and tested
black holes, appear to be hypointense and represent a more with Hamilton Depression Inventory (HDI) and BDI, T1W
chronic feature, where major and non-reversible tissue dam- and T2W, proton density and fast fluid-attenuated inversion
age is present. The Gad+ lesions consist in areas of contrast recovery (FLAIR) sequences. The presence of T1W lesions in
enhancement, namely the expression of the breakdown of the superior frontal and superior parietal regions significantly pre-
blood-brain barrier, due to acute inflammation. dicted the diagnosis of depression and, in association with
The earliest studies attempted to examine the relation be- indirect signs of temporal and frontal atrophy, the severity of
tween brain damage and psychiatric conditions in MS using depression, which was assessed through HDI and BDI [15].
T2W sequences. A higher lesion volume in the temporal lobe It is not easy to interpret the findings when considering
[6], in the frontal lobe [7] and a higher lesion score in the Gad+ imaging. In a work by Moeller et al. [16], depression
temporal-parietal regions [8] were associated with a higher was not correlated with either the presence or the absence of
level of psychiatric symptoms in PwMS, albeit with a small lesions with enhancement. Kallaur et al. [17] examined 150
influence on the feature “depressed mood”. The samples con- PwMS, 42 of which classified as being depressed according to
sidered in these studies were not numerous and the authors did the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The se-
not forthwith focus on depression. However, as a matter of verity of depressive symptoms was found to be inversely
Neurol Sci (2021) 42:835–845 837

associated with Gad+ lesions, postulating that a chronic in- T1W, T2W imaging, regional and total lesion load calculation
flammatory stimulus, rather than an acute one, might be the and brain atrophy measurement were utilized. In PwMS, HDRS
trigger for MS-related depression. was correlated to reduced total temporal brain volume and right
In a further study [18], 78 out of 405 RRMS patients, de- hemisphere brain volume.
fined as being “active” as they had Gad+ lesions, had higher After 2 years, 90 of those PwMS were reassessed [21]. The
Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) scores and higher fre- presence of depression and the HDRS values resulted to be
quency of clinically relevant depressive symptoms. Amongst correlated with right temporal atrophy. In three patients who
them, 29 were experiencing a clinical relapse and 49 were not. developed depression, additional T2W lesions and atrophy in
The “active” patients with or without a clinical relapse did not the right temporal lobe were found. Although this sample of
differ in terms of BDI-II. After 3 months, 74 “active” patients newly depressed individuals was very small, the potential
underwent MRI and BDI-II determination for a follow-up connection between atrophy of this area and the development
evaluation. Lower BDI-II scores were ascertained in concom- of depression was highlighted.
itance with the remission of the clinical relapse, advocating for Stronger support for the relation between atrophy and de-
the idea that the clinical relapse itself might exert in some way pression was given by Feinstein et al. [22]. In this study,
a depressive influence. carried out in 40 PwMS, 21 of which classified as depressed
In summary, the majority of the reports documented a cor- according to DMS-IV criteria, less grey matter volume and
relation between depression and depressive symptoms in higher atrophy of the left anterior temporal region were
PwMS and T1W and T2W lesions, in particular in the frontal highlighted. Furthermore, in the case of major depression,
and temporal lobes. The findings are in disagreement in only the combination of T2W lesion load in the left medial inferior
two papers, probably due to the small sample size or to the frontal area and the cortical atrophy of the left anterior tempo-
short disease duration [9, 10]. In association, the results pro- ral gyrus explained the 42% of the variance.
vided from Gad+ imaging are clearly contradictory, feasibly Using a cross-sectional and longitudinal design with an
owing to the variability of the samples and of the methods of inter-test interval of 17 months, Stuke et al. examined 40 pa-
determination of depression. tients with RRMS and SPMS [23]. The subjects underwent
T1W magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition with gradient
echo (MPRAGE) MRI scans, voxel-based morphometry and
Advanced MRI depressive status assessment through BDI. At the baseline, the
association between left temporal lobe atrophy and depressive
Over time, conventional MRI sequences were improved with symptoms was confirmed. In addition, the longitudinal results
quantitative and advanced techniques, such as the measure- documented a significant relation between the worsening of
ment of grey and white matter atrophy, diffusion tensor imag- depressive symptoms and growing atrophy in both the left thal-
ing (DTI) and functional MRI (fMRI). These more sophisti- amus and right internal globus pallidus. The deterioration of the
cated methodologies have helped the comprehension of the depressive status was also linked to the reduction of grey matter
MS pathology, underlining that a more complex damage was volume in the right cingulate cortex and frontal lobe.
present beyond the white matter involvement. In 126 PwMS and 59 healthy controls who underwent
T1W three-dimensional (3D) scans and depressive symptoms
Atrophy assessment with Montgomery and Asberg Depression Scale
(MADRS), the bilateral frontal cortical thinning was a predic-
Brain atrophy is an early and frequent phenomenon in MS, tor of depression, and MADRS severity was correlated to right
mostly due to the cortical and deep grey matter damage, the entorhinal cortical thinning [24]. Besides, Nyygard et al. [25]
origin of which is only in part understood [19]. This has been detected a negative association between depressive symptoms
demonstrated in vivo by several MRI studies which measured and cortical surface area and volume of the frontal and parietal
brain volume or cortical thickness applying automatic and lobes in 61 RRMS patients. T1W MPRAGE imaging, FLAIR
semi-automatic algorithms, mainly using surface- or voxel- sequences and quantification of cortical grey matter analysis
based morphometry on conventional MRI images. were utilized.
Atrophy was considered as an alteration potentially linked to These data encouraged the hypothesis that the progression
depression in PwMS since the study of Bakshi et al. [15], where of structural brain damage over time might be the basis of the
signs of temporal and frontal atrophy were correlated to this MS-related depression.
pathology. Afterwards, Zorzon et al. [20] selected 95 PwMS,
matching them with 110 healthy controls and with 97 patients Hippocampal atrophy
suffering from chronic rheumatic diseases. All the subjects were
evaluated with DSM-IV to diagnose depression and HDRS to The interest in the hippocampus grew on the basis of the
quantify depressive symptoms. For what concerns MRI analysis, results on subjects without MS affected with major
838 Neurol Sci (2021) 42:835–845

depression. In those patients, hippocampal atrophy was asso- (NAWM) was far to be “normal”. This technique permitted
ciated with depression [26]. In parallel, also in PwMS, some the estimation of the micro-pathological changes in normal-
studies correlated the presence of atrophy of the hippocampus appearing brain tissues, measuring the water proton diffusiv-
with depression. The theory regarding this link postulated that ity, which is described by two main indices: the fractional
hippocampal damage might contribute to depression reducing anisotropy (FA) and the mean diffusivity (MD). High values
the peculiar function of this structure, i.e. the decrease of the of FA, which represents the degree of anisotropy underlying
stressing response to depressive stimuli. the water diffusion, characterize the healthy white matter,
In 29 RRMS patients vs 20 healthy controls, the T1W 3D whereas a decrease in FA suggests the loss of axons’ integrity.
scans and FLAIR imaging demonstrated smaller volumes of The MD indicates the rotationally invariant magnitude of wa-
the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in the depressed PwMS ter diffusion and can be used as a measure of the overall level
cohort (BDI-II score > 13; n = 8). In addition, a smaller mean of myelination and density of the tissue.
hippocampal volume was found in PwMS in comparison to Feinstein et al. [31] screened 62 PwMS for depression, 30
the healthy controls [27]. of which classified as being depressed on the basis of a BDI-
In a retrospective analysis, Kiy et al. [28] revealed a posi- revised score greater than 19, and assayed them with T1W,
tive correlation between larger left temporal horn volume (an T2W sequences and DTI. Smaller NAWM in the left superior
indirect measure of the hippocampal volume) and either the frontal region and greater hypointense T1W lesion volume in
psychic nor the somatic items of BDI. Sixty-four patients with the right medial inferior frontal region were detected in de-
RRMS, 8 with PPMS and 16 healthy controls were examined pressed patients. Noteworthy, DTI revealed the presence of
using 3D T1W MPRAGE imaging and the calculation of lower FA in NAWM and higher MD in normal-appearing
brain and temporal horn volume. grey matter (NAGM) of the left anterior temporal lobe.
In another study, 123 PwMS (80 RRMS, 18 with a benign These data asserted that also the micro-pathology of the so-
form, 17 SPMS, 8 PPMS) and 90 matched for sex and age called NAWM and NAGM might play a crucial role in the
healthy controls were evaluated with T1W, T2W imaging and development of depression in MS.
voxel-based morphometry [29]. Sixty-nine PwMS were clas- Such a finding was confirmed in a further work [32], show-
sified as being depressed on the basis of MADRS. ing lower FA in 15 patients affected by RRMS when com-
Noteworthy, depressed and non-depressed PwMS did not dif- pared with 15 healthy individuals. In PwMS, the HDRS score
fer in terms of white matter atrophy. On the contrary, the was also positively correlated with FA values in both grey (left
analysis of grey matter atrophy showed that depression was hypothalamus, right posterior middle cingulate gyrus and hip-
selectively related to atrophy of the left middle frontal gyrus pocampus) and white matter lesions (right precentral gyrus
and right inferior frontal gyrus. and posterior cingulate gyrus).
Gold et al. [30] considered a large cohort of female PwMS A DTI analysis with the study of the whole-brain structural
who underwent T1W, T2W and Gad+ MRI of the brain as connectivity was performed by Nigro et al. [33]. An increased
well as the calculation of the hippocampal volume and shape. local path between the right hippocampus and amygdala and
The Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression scale an increased shortest distance in the connection between them
(CES-D) was used to divide the patients into two groups, the and some regions of the prefrontal cortex were detected.
first with a low grade of depression (n = 83) and the second Seemingly, these results proposed that the MS-related struc-
with a high grade of depression (n = 26). The two cohorts were tural brain impairment might interfere with the information
similar for left and total hippocampal volumes, but the cluster flow between these cerebral structures, namely deputed to
including highly depressed subjects had significantly smaller the emotions modulation.
right hippocampal volume. A modestly significant correlation In a larger study [29], frontal and fronto-temporal pathway
was detected between depressive affect and right (r = − 0.23, damage was linked with depression and fatigue in 147 PwMS
p = 0.02) and total hippocampal volume (r = − 0.22, p = 0.02) and 90 gender-matched healthy controls. Reduced FA in the
but not left hippocampus. forceps minor was detected in the depressed and fatigued co-
Although the lack of standardized protocols and the pres- hort (65 PwMS). Tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) analy-
ence of white matter lesions might represent potential con- sis, an automated method to augment the interpretability of the
founding factors in its measurement, brain atrophy has been FA data deriving from different subjects, was used.
consistently associated with depression in MS, especially In a recent study by Rojas et al. [34], 23 depressed, 22 non-
when involving the temporal grey matter and hippocampus. depressed PwMS (classified on the basis of BDI-II) and 20
healthy controls were compared through T1W, T2W, DTI
Diffusion tensor imaging sequences and TBSS analysis. PwMS with depressive symp-
toms had similar values of FA and white matter volume in
Other MRI studies based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) comparison with both the non-depressed cohort and the
suggested that the so-called normal-appearing white matter healthy controls.
Neurol Sci (2021) 42:835–845 839

Most of these advanced studies found a link between de- orbitofrontal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, right amygda-
creased FA within the white matter (evidence of loss of axons’ la and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
integrity) and depression, thus suggesting a disconnection When considering depression and FC modifications, a de-
mechanism at the origin of this disease. crease in FC has been consistently detected. Consequently, it
has been theorized that a causal link between depression and
Functional magnetic resonance imaging brain damage in MS might be the interruption of the connec-
tions between similar areas of the brain. In particular, the
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) emerged as a impairment of a specific neural network within the limbic
pivotal technique to expand the knowledge on the physiopath- system might represent an important finding in this regard.
ological basis of depression in MS as it can map neural activ- Thus, depression might be the effect of a sort of maladaptive
ity in the brain or spinal cord using the blood-oxygen-level- mechanism intervening in these structures, deputed to emo-
dependent contrast to detect changes associated with blood tional control.
flow. This registration is usually performed during a visual,
cognitive or sensorimotor task.
An easier way of collecting functional data is represented Other lines of research
by resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI). This type of fMRI is used in
brain mapping to evaluate regional interactions occurring in a Even the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA) has
resting state and to study the functional connectivity (FC), been involved in the control of the disease process of MS,
which is a measure of the functional communication between considering the role of the structure and the neuroendocrine
different areas of the brain. With rs-fMRI, resting-state net- alterations in the development of depression in PwMS.
works (RSN), namely areas with similar functional character- Although the hypothesis of a reduced activation of the
istics, are recognized. HPAA has been postulated in PwMS (paralleling the findings
Using this technique, Rocca et al. [35] investigated hippo- in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, the mouse
campal dysfunction in the pathogenesis of MS-related depres- model of MS), the available data seem to provide evidence
sion. When compared with the 42 healthy controls, the 69 of a chronic activation of this cerebral structure, conceivably
PwMS had significantly lower resting-state FC in the default in response to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines
mode network (DMN), a medial cortical RSN involving the in MS lesions [39, 40].
hippocampus and several frontal-parietal areas only at rest. In Also, the olfactory bulb volume was claimed to have a part
PwMS, the bilateral decrease in hippocampal FC was corre- in MS-related depression. In patients with progressive forms
lated to more severe depressive symptoms (measured with of MS, Yaldizli et al. [41] presented the correlation between
MADRS). In particular, depressive symptoms were associated lower olfactory bulb volume and higher depression scores
with the reduction of resting-state FC in the orbitofrontal cor- (assessed with CES-D). These results are in line with previous
tex, middle temporal gyrus and precuneus. studies demonstrating that depressed subjects without MS
In cognitively preserved depressed PwMS, a decrease in have lower olfactory bulb volumes and that PwMS have a
FC was present not only in the DMN but also in other RSNs, decreased olfactory function in association with higher de-
such as the salience network and executive control network, pressive scores [42]. Although the underlying mechanisms
where both the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex were have not been elucidated yet, the main theory supposes that
involved [36]. the olfactory bulb dysfunction might represent a step towards
In a recent retrospective study, the data of two groups of depression due to its connection with the amygdala and the
PwMS taken from two different studies who underwent rs- limbic system in general.
fMRI have been analyzed [37]. Twenty-two PwMS were de-
fined as depressed on the basis of BDI-II and compared with
21 PwMS considered non-depressed on the basis of HADS. In Discussion
the depressed group, lower FC between the amygdala and the
frontal regions was reported. PwMS are more predisposed to suffer from depression than
During an emotional processing “face task”, an increased the general population [1]. In these subjects, the brain lesions
activation of the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex was de- embody the expression of the inflammation and demyelin-
tected in PwMS in respect to healthy controls, as well as in ation peculiar of a neuro-inflammatory disease such as MS.
depressed versus non-depressed PwMS [38]. In addition, FC In turn, according to the studies considered, brain damage
was altered between the left amygdala, dorsolateral and ven- might represent one of the determinants of depressive status
trolateral prefrontal cortex, with a negative correlation be- (see Table 1 and Table 2).
tween MS depression scores (BDI-II and BDI-fast screen This might be in line with the findings in patients without
(BDI-FS)) and the connectivity among left hippocampus and MS, where an emerging evidence suggests that chronic low-
840 Neurol Sci (2021) 42:835–845

Table 1 Details of the studies using MRI for the investigation of the relation between depression and brain damage in PwMS

Study Patients MRI Psychometric Results regarding depression


Honer et al. 8 MS (with psychiatric disorders) vs 8 T2W DSM-III Higher total T2W lesion volume in temporal lobes in
[6] MS (without psychiatric disorders) the psychiatric disorders cohort.
Reischies 46 MS with clinical relapse T2W Ad hoc 7-point Correlation between cerebral lesions and psychological
et al. [7] scale for symptoms score. More severe symptoms are related
symptoms of to periventricular and frontal lesions.
Ron et al. 116 MS vs 48 disabled subjects (with Spin echo, SCID; BDI-II Greater T2W lesion score involvement in the
[8] rheumatologic or other neurologic inversion temporal-parietal regions in those with flattened
disorders) vs 40 HC recovery mood.
Millefiorini 18 RRMS (13 depressed) T1W, T2W SCID Comparable lesion load between the depressed and
et al. [9] non-depressed group.
Moeller 25 MS (6 depressed) T2W, Gad+ SCID, MADRS, Presence or absence of Gad+ lesions not correlating to
et al. [16] HADS depression.
George 16 MS (8 depressed) T1W HDRS Correlation between high cortical white matter left
et al. [11] hemisphere lesions and HDRS score. In the
depressed group: higher number of brain lesions.
Sabatini 20 RRMS (10 depressed) T1W, T2W, BDI-II, HDRS No differences in regional distribution of lesions in
et al. [10] SPECT, proton depressed and non-depressed patients.
density-- Higher cerebral blood flow in the left limbic cortex of
weighted MRI depressed patients vs right limbic cortex of
non-depressed patients.
Correlation between BDI and HDRS and perfusion
Pujol et al. 45 MS (31 RRMS, 14 PPMS) T2W BDI-II Correlation between demyelinating lesions in the
[12] arcuate fasciculus and BDI.
Pujol et al. 45 MS (31 RRMS, 14 PPMS) T2W BDI-II Demyelinating lesions of the arcuate fasciculus
[13] correlated to “affective symptoms” and “somatic
complaint” of BDI-II.
Berg et al. 78 MS (37 RRMS, 33 SPMS, 8 T2W DSM-IV, HDRS, Correlation between depression and T2W lesion in right
[14] PPMS) MADRS, BfS, temporal lobe; higher T2W lesion load in the right
BDI-II frontal lobe.
Bakshi 48 MS (33 RRMS, 15 SPMS) T1W, T2W, DSM-IV, HDI, Correlation between the presence of depression and
et al. [15] Proton density, BDI-II T1W lesions in superior frontal and superior parietal
FLAIR regions.
T2W lesions did not correlate to depression.
Zorzon 95 MS vs 97 patients with chronic T1W, T2W DMS-IV, HDRS Correlation between right frontal lesions and HDRS
et al. [20] rheumatic disease vs 110 HC score.
HDRS score correlated with the decreased temporal
brain and right hemisphere brain volume.
Zorzon 90 MS (18 depressed) T1W, T2W HDRS HDRS score correlated with right temporal atrophy.
et al. [21]
Feinstein 40 MS (21 depressed vs 19 T1WI, T2W DSM-IV In the depressed cohort, more extensive T2W
et al. [22] non-depressed) hyperintense and T1W hypointense lesions in the left
medial frontal region, less grey matter volume and
atrophy of the left anterior temporal region.
Kallaur 150 MS vs 249 HC T1W, T2W, Gad+ HADS Depression is inversely associated with Gad+ lesions.
et al. [17]
Rossi et al. 405 RRMS (78 “active signal at Gad+ BDI-II “Active” patients had a higher frequency of depressive
[18] MRI”—29 experiencing clinical symptoms; “active” patients with clinical relapse or
relapse—vs 327 “not active at not were comparable in terms of BDI-II.
MRI”) Lower BDI-II scores in concomitance with the
remission of clinical relapse
Feinstein 62 MS (30 depressed) T1W, T2W, DTI BDI-II Depression related to:
et al. [31] - Smaller NAWM in the left superior frontal region.
- Greater hypointense T1W lesion volume in the right
medial inferior frontal region.
Neurol Sci (2021) 42:835–845 841

Table 1 (continued)

Study Patients MRI Psychometric Results regarding depression


- Lower fractional anisotropy in NAWM and Higher

mean diffusivity in NAGM of the left anterior
temporal lobe.
Shen et al. 15 RRMS vs 15 HC T2W, DTI HDRS Lower fractional anisotropy in the right posterior
[32] middle cingulate gyrus, the right hippocampus, the
left hypothalamus, the right precentral gyrus and the
posterior cingulate correlated with depression.
Nigro et al. 20 depressed MS vs 22 non-depressed DTI DSM-IV, BDI-II In depressed PwMS:
[33] MS vs 16 HC - Increased local path length in the right hippocampus
and right amygdala
- Increased shortest distance between both the right
hippocampus and right amygdala and the
dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
orbitofrontal cortex, sensory-motor cortices and
supplementary motor area.
Gobbi et al. 147 MS (65 depressed) vs 90 HC T1W 3D MRI, MADRS No differences between depressed and non-depressed
[29] DTI MRI PwMS for T1W and T2W lesions and white matter
Depression selectively related to atrophy of the left
middle frontal gyrus and right inferior frontal gyrus.
Stuke et al. 44 RRMS and PPMS T1W MPRAGE BDI-II Cross-sectional: association between left temporal lobe
[23] (cross-sectional); 40 RRMS and MRI, atrophy and depressive symptoms.
PPMS (longitudinal) voxel-based Longitudinal: significant relation between the
morphometry worsening of depression and growing atrophy in
both the left thalamus and right internal globus
pallidus. Reduction of grey matter in the right
cingulate cortex and frontal lobe.
Pravatà 126 MS (87 RRMS, 21 Benign MS, T1W 3D MADRS Decrease in cortical thickness in bilateral
et al. [24] 14 SPMS, 4 PPMS) vs 59 HC fronto-temporal regions. Frontal cortical thinning
predicted depression. MADRS severity correlated
with right entorhinal cortex thinning.
Nygard 61 RRMS vs 61 HC T1W MRI, FLAIR BDI-II Negative association between depressive symptoms
et al. [25] and cortical surface area and volume of the frontal
and parietal lobes.
Gold et al. 29 RRMS vs 20 HC T1W, FLAIR BDI-II Smaller volumes of the hippocampal dentate gyrus.
[27] Smaller mean hippocampal volume.
Kiy et al. 72 MS (64 RRMS, 8 PPMS) vs 16 HC T1W BDI-II Correlation between larger left temporal horn volume
[28] and psychic and somatic items of BDI-II.
Gold et al. 138 female MS (83 low grade of T1W, T2W, Gad+ CES-D Highly depressed subjects had significantly smaller
[30] depression vs 26 high grade of right hippocampal volume. Significant correlation
depression) between depressive affect and right and total
hippocampal volume but not left hippocampus.
Rocca et al. 69 RRMS vs 42 HC T1W, T2W, MADRS Lower resting-state functional connectivity in the
[35] rs-fMRI DMN. Decrease in the bilateral hippocampal
functional connectivity. Significant association
between depression and reduction of resting-state
functional connectivity in the orbitofrontal cortex,
middle temporal gyrus and precuneus.
Bonavita 16 depressed MS vs 17 non-depressed rs-fMRI CMDI Disequilibrium in the functional connectivity in DMN.
et al. [36] MS vs 17 non-depressed HC vs 15 Decrease in functional connectivity involved both
depressed subjects the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, salience
network and executive control network.
Riccelli 77 RRMS (22 depressed) vs 20 HC fMRI BDI-II, BDI-FS Increased activation of the right ventrolateral prefrontal
et al. [38] cortex. Altered connectivity between the left
amygdala and dorso- and ventrolateral prefrontal
cortex. Negative association between depression
scores in PwMS and the connectivity among left
hippocampus and orbitofrontal and dorsolateral
842 Neurol Sci (2021) 42:835–845

Table 1 (continued)

Study Patients MRI Psychometric Results regarding depression


prefrontal cortex, right amygdala and left dorsolateral

prefrontal cortex.
Yaldizli 103 RRMS, 35 SPMS, 8 PPMS Spin echo, TW1, CES-D Correlation between the olfactory bulb volume and
et al. [41] T2W, proton depression scores in progressive MS.
Rojas et al. 45 RRMS (23 depressed) vs 20 HC T1W, T2W, Gad, BDI-II Lower total brain volume, normal grey matter volume,
[34] MPRAGE 3D, increased T2W lesion load in depressed PwMS. No
DTI differences in global fractional anisotropy and in
white matter volume between groups.
van Geest 43 MS (22 depressed) vs 12 HC T1W, T2W, DTI, BDI-II, HADS-D Lower white matter volume, decreased fractional
et al. [37] rs-fMRI anisotropy of the uncinated fasciculus and lower
functional connectivity between the amygdala and
the frontal regions in the depressed cohort.

MS, multiple sclerosis; RRMS, relapsing-remitting MS; PPMS, primary progressive MS; SPMS, secondary progressive MS; HC, healthy controls; MRI,
magnetic resonance imaging; fMRI, functional MRI; rs-fMRI, resting-state fMRI; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion
recovery; DMN, default mode network; BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory; BDI-FS, BDI-fast; HDRS, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; HADS,
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; MADRS, Montgomery and Asberg Depression Scale; BfS, Befindlichkeitsskala; CES-D, Center for
Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale; CMDI, Chicago Multiscale Depression inventory; SCID, Structured Clinical Interview DSM-IV; NAWM,
normal-appearing white matter; NAGM, normal-appearing grey matter

grade inflammation might contribute to the onset and mainte- However, it remains a challenging matter to definitely
nance of depression [44]. judge whether neurological damage (which should be consid-
In PwMS, rather than an independent pathology, or a mere ered in any case as a part of a multifactorial physiopatholog-
consequence of the disability derived from the primary dis- ical mechanism), is or not the trigger for depression in PwMS.
ease, depression appears to be intrinsically linked to the struc- The reasons behind this concern can be expressly explained
tural and functional brain damage. However, this has not to be by the methods of the studies (Table 2).
considered as the exclusive cause, but a part of a multifactorial For instance, the diagnosis of depression is not always
mechanism in which the MS-related cerebral impairment reliable in the most part of the works examined. In regard
plays a proper role. to depression, the semi-structured interviews and the scor-
In fact, increasing signals convey the attention on this in- ing scales are the main methods of evaluation. Only the
teresting hypothesis, although the results of the studies are not first methodology permits to obtain a diagnosis of depres-
univocal. sion and must be administered by a trained physician.
White matter lesion load and localization, in particular in Conversely, the scoring scales are used to score depres-
the temporal and frontal lobes, have been correlated to the sive symptoms and might overestimate depression when
presence of depression. When considering the advanced meth- used to diagnose it. In fact, a number of items related to
odologies, atrophy (mainly of the temporal lobe) and the physical symptoms are present [1]. This can be confusing
micro-pathological changes in NAWM and NAGM detected when evaluating PwMS, often exposed to fatigue, pain
with DTI were associated with depression. and sleep problems. Thus, the high variability of evalua-
In regard to fMRI, the findings suggest that a “disconnec- tion instruments negatively influences the reproducibility
tion syndrome” exists in MS and that depression might be the and comparability of the studies.
consequence of a sort of maladaptive mechanism. In addition, some of the considered reports have very small
With respect to the structure involved, the limbic system, in samples, which provide the possibility of a type II error.
particular the hippocampus, and the frontal and temporal re- Instead, other studies have a retrospective nature, not allowing
gions seem to be the brain parts most implicated in depression. to infer direct causality links.
These sites are delegated to emotional control and integrate In association with these methodological problems, it must
different stimuli. It has to be noted that in fMRI studies, not be forgotten that depressive symptoms and depression
PwMS presented an abnormal communication between these itself might arise directly from the adverse conditions which
areas even in the absence of depression. Reflecting on these can be encountered in life. This is mainly true in the case of
premises, the “disconnection syndrome” might feasibly be the PwMS who find themselves thrown into an “ab initio” pro-
reason for which PwMS result to be more susceptible to gressive disease, with all the uncertainties in terms of disabil-
depression. ity, loss of autonomy and of social participation.
Neurol Sci (2021) 42:835–845 843

Table 2 Summary of the positive and negative findings of the studies the formal lack of longitudinal studies, considering the onset
on depression and MRI alterations in PwMS and related comments
and progression of MS and depression in relation to lesion
Positive/negative reports Comments load and brain pathology, does not permit to unquestionably
attribute to brain damage a clear responsibility in depression
T2W lesions 7 studies [11–14, 20, 22, 34] - Small sample [9–11] and depressive symptoms onset and maintenance.
correlated T2W lesions in - Depression diagnosis not
frontal and temporal according to DSM
Another important point is represented by the population
lobes with depression or [9–11, 29, 34] recruited for the studies, which might lead to ponder a possible
depressive symptoms/5 - MS forms not specified selection bias. As a matter of fact, the samples are often com-
studies [9, 10, 15, 29, 35] [11] posed of individuals with different MS forms (see Table 1 for
did not. - Study in the early phases
of MS [9]
details), which have a diverse incidence of depression and
- No sub-analysis for MS dissimilar MRI pattern, as it has been already acknowledged.
forms [12–15, 22, 43] Unfortunately, these problems are sometimes the results of the
T1W lesions 3 studies [15, 22, 31] - Depression diagnosis not high costs of these kinds of studies, mainly deriving from MRI
correlated T1W lesions in according to DSM [31, utilization.
frontal lobes with 34]
depression or depressive - No sub-analysis for MS
In addition, when specifically reflecting on atrophy, the
symptoms. forms [15, 22] findings of the studies are not comparable as no unified pro-
1 study [34] did not. tocol is available, augmenting the variability in the method of
Gad + lesions 1 study [18] correlated - Small sample [16] assessment.
Gad+ lesions to - Depression diagnosis not
depression/1 study [17] according to DSM [17,
However, apart from the techniques used, it has to be pon-
inversely correlated Gad+ 18] dered that it might be easier to correlate depression with the
lesions to depression/1 - MS forms not specified lesion load in a specific area of the brain, than with the lesion
study [16] did not. [16, 17] load in the whole brain, for the simple reason that the study of
Atrophy 11 studies correlated - Small sample [22, 27] a more specific area has been performed.
atrophy in temporal [20, - Depression diagnosis not
21, 23, 28], according to DSM [21,
The lifetime prevalence of depression in MS is about 50%,
frontal-temporal lobes 24, 25, 27, 28, 37] and its social burden represents a matter of paramount impor-
[22, 24, 25] and hippo- - Use of two different tance, underlining the necessity for further strategies in the
campus [27, 30, 37, 43] to scales for determination prevention and treatment of cerebral damage. At the present
depressive symptoms or of depressed and
time, although an antidepressant function might have been
depression/0 study did non-depressed PwMS
not. [37] attributed to some disease-modifying drugs, and some antide-
DTI 4 studies correlated lower - Small sample [32] pressants have been proposed as potential “neuroprotectors”,
fractional anisotropy in - Depression diagnosis not the data available are not so comforting [45].
the temporal lobe [31] according to DSM [31,
and hippocampus [32, 33, 32, 34, 37]
37]/1 study did not [34]. - Use of two different
scales for determination Conclusions
of depressed and
non-depressed PwMS Taken together, all the observations suggest that depression in
PwMS might not be a simple consequence of disability but, at
fMRI 4 studies [35–38] correlated - Depression diagnosis not
least in part, a result of the multi-faceted brain injury charac-
a decrease of functional according to DSM
connectivity to [35–38] terizing MS. This damage includes focal damage, diffuse im-
depressive symptoms or - Use of two different pairment of white and grey matter and the subtle harm in
depression/0 study did scales for determination normal-appearing brain tissues, as well as the reduction in
not. of depressed and
FC. Currently, we do not fully comprehend the authentic re-
non-depressed PwMS
[37] lation between depression and the neuro-inflammatory disease
which is MS, although it appears to be a complex multifacto-
rial mechanism in which brain damage seems to play an im-
portant role.
Thus, there is an urgent need for studies which might boost
It is also well known that the individual cognitive styles our understanding of the matter, in particular with a prospec-
might exert a pivotal role in the aetiology of depression [1]. If tive longitudinal design. The advantage of this type of re-
this is the case, the lack of consideration of the premorbid search would consist of a more precise analysis of the clinical
personality traits and of the possibility of a pre-existing psy- and MRI changes over time. Short- and long-term longitudi-
chiatric morbidity might constitute a matter of crucial interest nal studies involving selected PwMS and considering the
in evaluating the results of the studies. On the other hand, also, premorbid personality traits and depressive status might
844 Neurol Sci (2021) 42:835–845

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