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EDFX343 Prac Feedback for Behaviour Management

Lesson 1:
Set expectations for success before the lesson begins. A simple and effective way of doing this is
asking a pair of students to model how to move silently to a space and sit elbow to elbow and knee
to knee. Point out how they did these components successfully and that this is the agreed
expectation of behaviour when they sit in their pair. Asking the students about who reads first is a
good way for them to remember what they are supposed to be doing during this time. 

Once the pairs have been made, you need to be explicit about person 1 and person 2 and their
responsibilities. If you don’t students will just talk instead of read. During the students reading time
it is a good opportunity to listen to students read and provide feedback. It is also an opportunity to
complete record keeping on each student and their fluency reading. Eg
 Reading with intonation
 Reading by decoding
 Reading works accurately or inaccurate

Lesson 2:
Feedback from peers is really effective and the kids enjoy it. When they say arbitrary things like
“they read fluently” ask them to be specific. What does fluent mean? What did they do that was
fluent? A visual timer can support the pairs during this time. It was good that you moved between
the groups.

With the chatting, be assertive in your expectations of the chatting and if it is continuing, we have
the Reminders system. If the chatting is on task, of course try to include that in your lesson. But if it
is off task and causing you to stop your teaching, remind the students of a 1st reminder if they
cannot participate in the lesson appropriately. It is really good that you are addressing the blurting
and reminding students not to blurt out their answers.

Lesson 3:
It is really good to see that you are using more positive reinforcement strategies in your lessons such
as ‘I’m noticing Ellie is sitting on the floor with her munch and crunch’ and ‘well done to Jacob who is
starting his work at his desk quietly’ which really motivates the other students to do the same. It
seems like you are becoming more confident in using the reminders system when necessary. One
thing to use more often is the raffle tickets as the students really enjoy this.

Lesson 4:
Really successful lesson. All students were actively engaged in this lesson. Helpful strategy is asking
them to sit knee to knee and eye to eye to show respect to their partner. Fabulous feedback when
students were retelling their sentences. 

Lesson 5:
The lesson instruction for the volume and capacity went well. You re directed those students who
were not showing their 5 l’s of learning but also remained calm when students were active and crazy
outside. All students understood the task and were able to use the language for volume and

Lesson 6:
You used lots of behaviour management techniques that all worked well. You didn’t talk over the
students and made the expectation that students would stop their discussions before you started
talking. A fabulous lesson!

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