Four Ways To Hone Your Power Skills

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Four Ways to Hone Your Power Skills—and

Advance Your Career



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Power Skills Are a Difference Maker
PMI’s Pulse of the Profession® 2023: Power Skills, Redefining Project
Success explores how power skills are proving essential for project professionals
and organizations.

It’s time for project professionals to power up. Amid a global talent crunch—the
greatest shortage in 16 years, according to
a ManpowerGroup reportpublished in May—organizations are scrambling to fill
leadership gaps. Aspiring project leaders can step up and fill the void in more
ways than one by building and refine their power skills, part of PMI’s Talent
Beyond advancing their careers, those who seek to continuously improve their
power skills gain cutting-edge knowledge of what’s happening in the profession
—and help their organizations achieve a strategic advantage amid nonstop
disruption and the pursuit to create a better world for all.
“With the fast-changing nature of technology and the overall business and project
landscape these days, it is vital that every project professional keep updating
themselves in their own field and acquire new skill sets to stay relevant,” says
Shahid Ali, PMP, a former senior manager at C4 Advanced Solutions, Dubai.
Power skills are critical behaviors that enable project professionals to succeed—and
strengthening them adds leadership muscle:

Building collaborative leadership skills can help you strategically
navigate complexity and—when necessary—manage up.

Learning to embrace adaptability makes it easier to pivot amid

Reinforcing an innovative mindset keeps you future-focused in the
face of digital disruption.

Fine tuning problem solving can reduce the impact of blockers and
accelerate project progress.

Taking steps to improve communication can help you target
messaging and become a more effective speaker and listener.

And elevating empathy helps hone a people-centric ethos that
ultimately helps teams deliver projects with true impact.
Yet it’s worth noting that only 40 percent of companies are focused on
upskilling, according to a PwC global report published in May. Individuals who
put in the extra effort to sharpen their skills stand to gain a career development
Here are four ways that project professionals are empowering themselves to
ensure they are ready to seize leadership opportunities.
1. Shadow success
Seeing strong leadership in action helps project professionals channel their own
power skills in ways that deliver true value and impact. Tapping into the
knowledge of others—like someone whose innovative thinking helps quickly
resolve challenges and raises the bar for collaboration—will help aspiring
project leaders learn how to harness those skills. Whether it’s a dedicated mentor
or someone from your professional network, people whose leadership you
respect can give you a model to emulate.
“The mentor has the experience over the years of managing different types of
projects, stakeholders, risks; encountering various challenges, resolving them
and learning lessons from each project,” says Ali. “Therefore, mentors can share
their experiences, train and coach the project professionals to harness the power
To find a power skills mentor, Ali recommends looking for someone whose
responsibilities align with the type of roles you aspire to in the years ahead. For
instance, a project manager should reach out to a senior project manager or
program manager. Another option? Ask your direct supervisor or a leader
within the project management office (PMO) to assign a mentor, Ali says. Or if
you’re more comfortable seeking external help, turn to existing connections or
join professional networking groups.
For Ali, having a mentor to lean on helps ensure that, in the face of project
challenges, his decision making is driven by strategy rather than impulse. For
example, when a supplier was underperforming during a project, Ali considered
holding the vendor accountable by taking punitive measures. But after turning
to his mentor for advice, Ali realized that he needed to treat the vendor as a true
partner. He worked to understand
the vendor’s challenges and showed authentic appreciation for how they
overcame obstacles. By rethinking the relationship with the vendor, Ali was
able to elevate the vendor’s performance going forward.
“I have used this principle as much as possible with my suppliers and vendors
and have mostly been able to get the required job done on time and within
scope as a result,” he says.
2. Assess and correct
Project managers must continually evaluate their power skills gaps and seek out
opportunities to learn and adapt, says Allison Cardenas Verde, PMP, program
and project manager, Unilever, in Santiago. Conducting a self-audit will reveal
which skills need the most work and help you target training pursuits—from
courses to certifications to conferences.
“I never feel that I’ve become the best project manager I can be—that
moment does not exist,” Verde says. “You always have to analyze yourself
and identify the areas where you know you need to develop.”
Verde’s self-assessments are holistic. She gathers feedback from supervisors,
peers, people who she supervises, key stakeholders and clients. She also takes
online leadership questionnaires that help to guide her professional development
Each project is a chance to recharge power skills, too, she says. Verde’s project
postmortems are designed to help reinforce her leadership strengths and identify
how she can better serve the team. She mixes team feedback with self-
reflection: If a project met all its strategic objectives, how did her leadership
contribute to that? Or if an element of the project took extra time or resources to
complete, which power skills will help her avoid making similar mistakes in the
These insights provide a roadmap for Verde’s power skills training—and
reinforce a commitment to learning that never stops. From books and magazine
articles to formal training sessions and conferences, Verde seeks knowledge-
boosting opportunities that can ultimately inspire her teams and motivate her to
think strategically about her career.
“This approach has led me to strengthen several skills, the most important
being the development of a collaborative leadership style, the ability to adapt
to changes and respond to them in the best way,” Verde says. “I now
understand the importance of creating high-performance teams, treating them
with respect, showing confidence in their contributions in their area of
expertise and providing them a clear communication of what is expected of
each one of them.”
3. Test your skills
Not having a formal project leadership role shouldn’t stand in the way of
applying new power skills. Are there opportunities to show more agility or
empathy as part of your current responsibilities? Can you offer to support or
even fill in for a project leader when they take time off? Seizing the moment will
help you understand where you’re at on the learning curve— and make it clear
that you have the desire to step up.
“Anytime I go for a training, I make sure I practice what I learned when I get
back,” says Carol Ariyibi, head of corporate transformation, Asset and Resource
Management Holding Co., Lagos.
Photo credit: Janet Orilua

For example, after she earned an agile scrum master certification where she
learned about self-organizing teams, Ariyibi immediately tested her new skills
with team members to empower their decision making. The benefits were
instant. Whereas team members previously came straight to her to help solve
challenges they faced, the team now learned how to think through ways to
manage problems independently.
Volunteering for projects at community groups or other nonprofits can
provide leadership opportunities that stretch your power skills—and create
opportunities to give back. For instance, PMI’s Hours for Impact encourages
project professionals to share their knowledge and skills through volunteer
initiatives that support the United Nations
17 Sustainable Development Goals.
For Ariyibi, volunteering as the co-facilitator of monthly meetings for a group
of agile project professionals in Nigeria has improved her communication and
presentation skills. A colleague following her career development, impressed
by her skill set, offered her a job opportunity.
“Volunteering helps create visibility of what you’re doing and establishes you
as an influencer,” she says.
It also has helped to embrace servant leadership. When volunteering as an
internal coach at a previous organization, she became a more active listener.
Now she’s able to more quickly identify when team members need help or feel
uncomfortable with a particular assignment.
“I learned not just to listen for words, but the emotion behind the words— some
of the things that are unsaid,” she explains. “It taught me to be more
4. Share your knowledge
If you attend a conference or complete trainings targeting power skills, create a
slide presentation or a video summary of your learnings that you can share with
other team members or on social media. Such knowledge sharing can boost your
reputation as a leader, but it also requires you to hone your communication
To share her power skills knowledge, Ariyibi writes social media posts and
speaks at professional conferences. Taking the time to prioritize her thoughts
and synthesize key information for posts and presentations has helped her
become a more effective communicator. As a result, it has changed the way she
leads and coordinates meetings.
“Before I go into any meeting, I think about what the objective of the meeting is.
I try to read materials before I go to the meeting and think of the main points I
want to emphasize,” she says.
Another lesson? Understanding that leading sometimes means facilitating—
by encouraging and empowering everyone to become an active meeting
“It’s allowing everyone to feel seen and heard, while bringing information
together with an outcome that leaves them feeling they arrived at a win- win,”
she says.
Verde concurs. Sharing across multiple platforms forces her to tailor her
communication style to meet unique needs—whether it’s a social media post or
an in-person presentation. She has learned to apply this customized engagement
with project stakeholders.
“You need to understand how you can catch the attention of people, what you
should highlight and how to communicate in different ways,” she says, adding
that it’s equally important to listen carefully to how others respond. “This has
been relevant especially when I led project teams
located in multiple countries with different cultures and languages.”
No matter how you build power skills, finding ways to polish and reinforce
them can not only put you on a project leadership track, but help ensure your
existing project work delivers more value and impact.
“Once you refine power skills, you’re capable of doing anything,” Verde says.

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