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It's another successful School Year for 2021-2022 and here comes the new school
year for 2022-2023. These years are becoming fruitful and important years for our
school,where all faculty and staff continue to work hard for us learners'.Tandag Central
Elementary School has still been very committed to continuing to help learners who are
struggling with reading. According to the last accomplishment report on reading in the
division, our school targeted not only K stage 1 but k 2 stage as well. During the making of the
Enhanced School Improvement Plan (E-SIP) of Tandag Central Elementary School for the CY
2023–2026, together with our benefactors and the collaborative effort of the School-
Community Planning Team composed of the following: School Head as team leader, Student,
Teacher, Parent, &, Barangay LGU, Member of Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Committee (BDRRMC), and Member of School Child Protection Committee
(SCPC). They decided to focus more on K stage 1 which is from Kindergarten to grade 3,
which is being proposed by the Reading Program Creator, she presented the idea of her
current ongoing research entitled Academic Performance of Kindergarten Pupils with parents
Involvement in Tandag Central Elementary.
In her research, she explained why K-1 stages must be on top priority. In her Context
and Rationale, she stated that early childhood is essential to child development, this is a very
important stage where the child learns in various fields such as cognitive, social, and
behavioral. According to Dr. Jessica Alvarado, academic program director for the BA in Early
Childhood Development at National University. In addition to that, she also explains the
impact of reading academically, children who are not reading on grade level by the end of the
third-grade struggle in every class, year after year, because over 85 percent of the curriculum
is taught by reading. Reading is the skill by which students get information from books,
computers, worksheets, and boards to learn math, science, literature, social studies, and
more. Hence, The Reading Program Project TCES was being updated to suit the current
The updated reading program was being mobilized, used, and implemented in our
school for the school year 2023 onwards. The effectiveness of the said program was being
manifested in every classroom in our school. The reading corners were visible, and the
reading framework of our school was being oriented to all faculty and staff and all our
benefactors, The reading materials were checked by the school reading management team.
For the last three years on keeping records and assessments of the learners. The
school reading management team provides a google drive and this drive is visible to all
teachers and the school head for tracking and profiling our students' reading development
and progress.
For monitoring and evaluation, the team created a monitoring tool for teachers to
evaluate their reading teaching skills. This monitoring tool was created based on the Reading
Project Banner( The Project TCES, which means The Complete Educational Support).
For Programs and pieces of training and Activities - The school is managed by a
school principal 3 Mrs. Jenefer B. Impok, with a teaching force of 23 teachers with the
segregation of 1 male and 22 females. Teachers are upgrading their professional capacity by
continuing professional endeavors, there are 20 out of 23, or 86.96% of teachers pursue their
master's degree, and 3 out of 23 are no longer interested to pursue their master's degree for
the reason that they are already to be retired soon. The school implemented the Project
“TATAK” Technical Assistance to Teachers for Additional Knowledge to aid and
supplement the need of the teachers. This project is headed by the project owner Rosemarie
E. Lozada. She also indicated in her LAC plan the sessions where most of the topics were
providing teachers on how to enhance their Reading Teaching Skills across curriculum areas.
For collaboration and linkage- The school has a partnership with the barangay
officials specifically HON. REA JEAN B. DAPAR Brgy. Kagawad/Educ. Committee Chair
HON. LUIS F. MAQUILING Brgy. Captain for the commitment to continue supporting our
Reading Project/They are also providing us aid to help us push our reading goal by assisting
us with school materials like bond paper, pencils ad, etc.
The last entry for the Best School Reading Implementer. The school is proud to
present the Certificate of Recognition given by the barangay captain of Mabua, no other than
captain Roger Pimentel for the valuable effort in giving the basic literacy and numeracy skills
of the Badjao learners who belong to the underprivileged learner in the community. For this
school year, The school is very proud that these Badjao learners are increasing in numbers
and are willing to continue their studies even amid difficulties in their life situations. Today our
school are already catering to 31 Badjao learners.24 kindergartners and 7 grade 1.


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