Bands of Orion Day 2

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Bands of Orion: Readable Version

Day 2:
Amy was, strong-willed. Regardless what the doctor said, she was determined that she
would not let her sickness keep her from doing life. So she continued to strengthen herself,
enough so that she was able to return to school the following year. At the age of 15, she began
attending the London Ladies College, an all girls boarding school in the heart of England and
Amy absolutely loved it. She made many friends, learned science, arithmetic, literature, her most
favorite of all being History! She loved learning about all the different people’s of the world,
seeing what the wore, how they ate! She desired to one day travel the world herself, and
someday even change it. With all the good, fun times that took place at her school, there were
also some hard times. One such day came in the form of a letter.
Seeing that the letter was addressed from home, Amy, excitedly ripped open the envelope
and began reading aloud,
“Dear Amy, we are so sorry to inform you that your Father has passed away.”
Amy stood dumbfounded, speechless, she couldn’t move. It couldn’t be true, surely it
wasn’t true! Her Father was the one who understood her, better than anyone else in the world,
how could God let this happen? Amy, pent up with emotion,
realized the pitcher on the nightstand had somehow found it’s way into her hand. Never quite
good at masking her emotions, Amy threw the pitcher as hard as she could. She began grabbing
everything in reach, throwing, smashing them with all her might, as if breaking them would stop
the aching of her heart inside her. All energy expended she sank to the ground sobbing. Her hand
brushed something on her way down. She looked to see her Bible, splayed out on the floor from
her previous throwing frenzy. It was the Bible her father had given her. She opened it to the
front cover and read the inscription:
Dear Amy, fight on, stay the course; for faithful He will remain.
She was brought back to that day at the beach when her Father told her about Jesus, and
the words to that all-to-familiar song came to her head and she sang out loud.
(sing choked up): Yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus loves me. The
Bible tells me so.

And it was at that moment that it finally clicked for Amy. That Jesus loved her. That he
experienced the same pain of being separated from his Father, like her, because he had to bear
the sins of the whole world on himself. Your sin, my sin, Amy’s sin, he wore it as if he had
committed the sin himself, taking our punishment, dying in our place. That day Amy placed her
faith in Jesus alone to save her. She didn’t immediately feel better, her heart still hurt with the
loss of her Dad, but she now had a new Hope and peace, not only that she would see her Father
again, but that she had new purpose here in this life. She had joy that with Jesus as her strength
she could do anything.
Well, now that Amy was a Christian, she immediately went to work serving the Lord.
After being convicted after one church service about ministering to the needy, Amy started a
ministry to the Shawlies of England.
And joy she would need, for many great trials lay ahead. And we’ll find out more about the life
of Amy tomorrow night. (Transition)
Bands of Orion: Readable Version

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