Bài tập tiếng Anh anh Vượng kim chi

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1. Describe a city or a town in which you would like to live.

You should say:

 Where is it located
 What it looks like
 What the most important landmarks and places to visit, and say whether
the city or town is special to you.
My home town is Thai Binh province. I have been living there since my birth.
Thai Binh is a coastal province in the Red River Delta. It can be considered an
oasis because it is surrounded by the sea and is an alluvial plain without
Thai Binh has many noted spots that can be mentioned as: Keo Pagoda, Bac
Ho's Temple and Bac Ho's Monument with Vietnamese farmers, Thai Binh
Museum, Vincom or GO! Shopping mall, Tran’s Pantheon,… Besides, Thai
Binh cuisine is also very famous for Bánh Cáy, Kẹo Lạc, Canh cá, ….
Being a college student means being away from home, from what is the most
familiar to you. Feeling homesick on cold rainy afternoons and reminiscing
about it is overwhelming to me. So I can say that it is special to me.
2.Describe a technological device that is important to you.
You should say:
 What is it
 Where you got it from
 How long you have had it
and explain how important it is to you.
In the current era, high-tech equipment has helped us save a lot of time and
effort in life. It can be listed as smartphone, TV, laptop,... In my opinion,
smartphone is a technological device that is important to me.
The first time I used a phone was in 9th grade. Since then, I have used 3 phones
from different brands such as: Iphone, Huawei, Samsung. And I can tell you
which one is the best. ( Đoạn này a nói xong cười cười cho nó có thiện cảm kiểu
làm trò íkkk :33)
My current Samsung phone, I've been using it for more than 1 year.
Without it, I think I’m gonna struggle in learning, communicating and amusing.
Learning with blackboard and chalk is not appropriate for the college student,
especially in the quarantine Covid-19. During the lockdown, teachers can send
assignments, references, and lectures to students. Teachers can send
assignments, references, and lectures to students . Under quarantine, I can't meet
anyone, instead, we call video and get in touch easily, therefore, it’s important to
3.Describe a social networking website you use.
You should say:
 What is it
 Why you use it
 What benefits it offers
and explain how this social networking website helps you.
Most adults have a mobile phone with the use for communication, information
exchange, and entertainment, ... so social networking website is indispensable.
One of them I use is Zalo.
I use it for convenience and many of my friends use it too.
It allows me to call, text, send documents and photos for free as long as I have
an internet connection
It has helped me save money on my phone, reminded me that when my friends'
birthdays come. I often use it to check unknown numbers. When using it for
work, I feel secure about its message security.
4.Describe a TV programme you like.
You should say:
 What the name of the programme is
 What time it is on TV
 What it is about
 Who you often watch with
and explain why you like it.
One of my favourite shows is Road to the top of Olympia.
It is broadcast every Sunday at 13:00.
The contestants will answer the questions to win points and compete in
elimination after each round. The winner of the week and month will continue to
compete to find the owner of the laurel wreath and the prize of the show.
I often watch it with my little brother. We usually discuss questions and answers
together. It’s really interesting
I love watching it because it gives me a lot of useful knowledge in many fields
5.Describe your favourite restaurant.
You should say:
 What the name of the restaurant is
 Where the restaurant is
 What type of food you often eat in the restaurant
And explain why you often choose this restaurant.
I don't usually go to restaurants but one of my favourite restaurants is Nem
nướng Nha Trang.
It is a restaurant in my hometown - Thai Binh city. It serves Bún Chả, Nem lụi
nướng, Nem hải sản. Nem lụi nướng is the dish I often eat in that restaurant.
It is served with rice paper, lettuce, herbs and pickles with a peanut butter sauce.
I often choose this restaurant because of the delicious food, hygiene and
affordable price
6.Describe a problem that affects the environment in the area where you live.
You should say:
 What the problem is
 What causes it
and explain what you think could be done to solve it.
My hometown has smooth green fields with poetic beauty. That was when I was
a child, due to the industrialization process those fields became industrial
production zones.
That has caused problems that are harmful to the environment where I live.
One of them is the problem of discharging untreated wastewater into the
environment. It pollutes the environment and destroys aquatic ecosystems.
Businesses do this so they don't have to pay for wastewater treatment costs.
In my opinion, to handle this problem, it needs the intervention of the
Government, the investigation of the police, and the complaint of the people to
force the business to compensate for the damage and overcome the
consequences and install the system at the same time. Treat wastewater before
releasing it into the environment.
7.Describe an animal you like:
You should say:
 What the animal is
 When you saw it for the first time
 Where you saw it
and explain why you like it.
While in the dorm, we don't have pets so I can't bring my cat with me, it's quite
sad that I don't get to take care of it regularly.
My grandmother had a cat, it gave birth to a cub with beautiful coat colour. I
asked her for a kitty to take care of since it was born and now it is more than
three years old. The feeling of taking care of a cat, cuddling and stroking it is
very soothing and relaxing.
I was blown away by its big eyes and super cute looks and I guess it wasn't just
me but my whole family too. Because at first my mother didn't allow cats but
now I don't know who my mother's child is anymore LOL
8.Describe a historical place you once visited.
You should say:
 When you went to this place
 Where it was
 Who you went with.
and explain why you like it so much.
I rarely travel because of motion sickness. But I can tell you about a historical
place that I visited: Bai Dinh Pagoda. A temple with the most records in
Vietnam and it was built more than a thousand years ago.
I went there when I was in 9th grade with my dad to pray for me to pass my high
school exam.
It is located in Gia Vien, Ninh Binh.
I really enjoyed visiting this place. It has the largest gilded bronze statue in Asia,
and has the Bell Tower on high but it’s not my cup of tea because I am afraid of
heights. My father said that touching the stone statues in the temple will bring
good luck, so I touched all of the Arhat Corridor :))))) . After that, I passed high
school. So I have a good impression of that trip as well as that temple

Speaking part 1
Let's talk about fast food.
- Do you like eating fast food?
I don't usually eat fast food because it's not healthy. It is high in calories but high
in fat and low in nutrients. If I eat them, I will have to fast for tea to keep my
calorie intake stable so I don't gain weight
- Why do you think fast food has become so popular?
In my opinion, fast food became popular because of its spicy, salty taste and its
Let's talk about the Internet.
- What do you usually do when surfing the Internet?
I usually surf facebook, check messenger, watch youtube and search for
information that I wonder about on google as reference
- Do you study online?
Yes, I studied online and I quite enjoyed it.
- Is the Internet useful for your study?
Yes, it's quite helpful for a distracted person like me. I can combine offline
learning in the lecture hall and online with online lectures. I can rewatch it over
and over again, rewatching any part I don't understand
Let's talk about your daily routines.
- What time do you often go to bed and get up every day?
I usually go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 5:30am according to the dormitory
- Do you do morning exercise?
I do exercise almost every morning according to the regulations of the school
- Do you have breakfast in the morning?
The doctor told me that the best medicine is daily diet. And breakfast is the most
important meal of the day so I never skip it. I eat a lot in the morning, eat just
enough at lunch and eat less at dinner according to my body's energy needs.
Let's talk about your neighbours:
- Do you get on well with your neighbours?
I think it depends on the neighbor. If they are friendly, cheerful, and kind, then I
will be too. Otherwise it's just normal
- What do you like/dislike most about your neighbours?
I like my neighbor to be happy, sociable, helping each other. Two-faced, mean,
backstabbing, fabricating, conjecturing about me while I'm not doing anything
to them that's what I don't like most about my neighbor
Let's talk about learning English.
- How long have you learned English?
I have been studying English for more than 10 years now. From 3rd grade until
What do you find interesting about learning English?
When learning English, I learn new knowledge through translating passages, in
addition, it also helps me practice reading comprehension, and finding
Teachers are an important factor in my English learning process. I find most of
my English teachers to be open-minded people about how to look at a problem
and I feel comfortable talking to them. My views will not be denied or
stereotyped but will be freely expressed. The teacher will guide and show me the
issues to review if there are mistakes in a very gentle way. It makes me love the
way they do
- How do you practise English every day?
I don't usually study English academically. I practice my English every day by
watching videos about singing, medicine, life science in English and I focus on
pronunciation, and practice space repetition to be able to listen and speak better.
Let's talk about your leisure time.
- What do you do in your spare time?
I often use my phone for entertainment or reading books and stories on the
internet because it is difficult for me to buy books at this time, play badminton,
or jog in the afternoon after school.
- Do you like to spend time alone or with a group when you're free?
I think I'm more of an introvert than an extrovert. I don't like noisy places, I find
myself losing energy when attending gatherings and I need my own space to
Let's talk about your friends.
- Do you have many close friends?
No, I have a few close friends. Best friend is a word that means a lot to me. I
don't want my relationship to have no depth. And do I and them understand each
other to the point of being close friends?
- What do you usually do with your close friends?
I often chat, play games, confide, share secrets or embarrassing things that I can
hardly share with others with close friends.
- Do you think friendship is important?
I think friendship is important in life. We cannot be alone. We cannot afford
everything. Friends will help us when we are in trouble, and sharing feelings
with friends is a very effective way to relieve stress.
Let's talk about food.
- What's your favourite food?
My favourite dish is Canh Cá Thái Bình. It is served with deep-fried fish, unique
Thai Binh noodles, sweet broth and especially served with Rau Cần and bamboo
shoots with chillies. Trust me, it's a great dish. If possible, give it a try
- What are some traditional food in your country??
Pho is the first thing that comes to mind. It is a symbol of Vietnamese cuisine.
Bone broth for many hours with cinnamon, star anise, onion, ox bone, and pork
bone. Lean meat is also stewed in broth. Flat noodles are boiled in boiling water,
add meat and herbs, and then served in broth with herbs, bean sprouts, bananas
and chili sauce. I can't say ^_^

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