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Gender Studies Constructive Male Engagement

Gender Equity & Equality Involves meninactively promoting gender

equity with regard to reproductive health,
Gender Equity increases men's support for women's
Process of being fair to women and men, reproductive health and children's
including using measures to compensate for wellbeing, and advances the reproductive
historical and social disadvantages that health ofboth men and women
prevent field. Homophobia
Gender Equality Fear of, aversion to, or discrimination
The state or condition that affords women against homosexuals or homosexual
and men equal enjoyment of human rights, behavior or cultures. Homophobia also
socially valued goods, opportunities, and refers to the self-loathing homosexuals as
resources. well as the fear of men who not live up to
society's standards of what it is to be a
Gender Integration & Mainstreaming "true man.

Gender Integration Heterosexism

Refers to stralegies applied in program The presumption that everyone is

assessment, design, implementation, and heterosexual and or the belief that
evaluation to take gender noms into heterosexual people are People. naturally
account and to compensate for gender-

Gender Mainstreaming  To develop a basic understanding of

gender analysis and its benefits
The process of incorporating a gender  To become familiar with gender
perspective into policies, strategies, analysis tools, approaches and data
programs, project activities, and
administrative functions, as well as What is Gender Analysis?
institutional culture of an organization.  Gender analysis draws on social
Women's Empowerment science methods to examine
relational differences in women's
Improving the status of women to enhance and men'S and girls girls" and boys
their decision-making capacily at allevels.
especially health. as it relates to their ◦ roles and identities
sexuality and reproductive ◦ needs and interests

◦ access to and exercise of power

and the impact of these differences in their

lives and health.
 Methodology for collecting and 4. Analyze the differential IMPACT of
processing information about programs or project interventions to
gender men and women
 Identify roles, needs, opportunities
of women and men Applying the 24 Hour Activity Profile
 Requires information - quantitative  Productive
and qualiative  Reproductive
Different Domains of Gender Analysis  Community work
 Leisure
Knowledge, beliefs, and perseptions

Access to assets GENDER ANALYSIS

Practices, roles and participation - tool for framing better, more effective
Legal rights and status
- understood before initiating new
Gender-based Opportunities -facilitate development project
Gender-Based Constraints- inhibit - may have unintended outcomes if not
Level of gender analysis FRAMEWORKS

 Household and community level  The Harvard Analytical Framework

 Project or program (Gender Roles Framework)
 Organization or institution  Harvard Institute of International
Development , HIID
Gender analysis-planning flow  Efficiency Approach
 Adequate data collection at the
 Situation analysis Individual and Household level;
 Development and implimentation of agricultural and rural sector
strategy  Data is collected on activities of
 GAD goals and targets (gender men and women
equality and woman's  Identified as either reproductive
empowerment) or productive type
 Access to and control over
resources and income
1. Surface the diffential situation  Data is collected in 3
2. Identify the differential ROLES AND components- activity profile;
RESPONSIBILITY access and control profile;
3. Analyze the differential ACCESS TO influencing factors
RESOURCES  Makes M-W work visible
 The Moser Gender Planning  No single framework addresses all
Framework development problems.
 At the heart of the Moser  Each model was developed at a
Framework are three concepts. particular point in time.
Moser Tool 1:Women's triple  Consultants could use one model or
role combination of models/ methods
Moser Tool 2: Gender Needs depending on the situation in hand.
Assessment (Practical and
Moser Tool 3: Disaggregating
- refers to the process of planning and
control of resources and decision
designing the implementation phase of
making within the household
policies, programs, or projects from a
 The Gender Analysis Matrix (GAM) gender perspective.
 Rani Parker (1990s)
 GAM Tool 1-GAM involves four - Mainstreaming a gender perspective into
levels of society policies, programs and projects requires
The 4 categories appearing that both women's and men's needs are
vertically on the matrix are taken into consideration at all stages of the
women, policy cycle.
household, ◦-Gender planning stems from the
community recognition that different groups of
 GAM Tool 2- GAM looks at the women and men have different needs,
imapct on 4 areas different levels of access and control over
labour, resources, and different opportunities and
Time, constraints.
- Gender planning pays particular attention
Socio-cultural factors
to unequal gender relations and structural
 The Women's Empowerment inequalities. It aims to transform unequal
Framework (WEF)
gender relations in diferent policy areas by
 Explain; responding to the needs of women and
 the historical perspectives of
men and through a more even distribution
gender development (WID, of resources, actions, responsibilities and
 the concepts of gender
 how gender issues are - Gender planning is a method and a
addressed in a projects. concept that emerged as a result of the
 how to carry out gender inability to address gender inequalities
analysis with existing planning models and
 Enhanced Gender Mainstreaming processes. It has its origins in
Evaluation Framework transformative models of social and human
development, which in turn emerged to
Important to know: inform international development model
based mostly on maximizing economic aware approch wil be most suitable for the
growth and increasing productivity policy intervention at stake.

Feminist critiques showed that these + Adoptinga gender-aware approach is

models not only failed to be gender neutral diferent from simply including women as
but, by ignoring women's gender needs and an'ad-on'.This genderapproach can bea
gender relations, had negatively affected gcnder-mainstreaming approach, which
women in unexpected ways. aims tobemefitwomem andmen equally, or
agender-specific approach, which takes into
Why is gender planningimportant? accounthe gender difterences that emerge
◦ Introducing a gender perspective into during the problem definition and that
planning of policies, programs, and projects target (a particular group of) women or
enables women's and men's needs to be men specificaly.
made visible and to be addressed. The  This step also assesses how the
inclusion of a gender perspective in the proposed solutions il affect women
planning process enables policymakers to and men by carrying out a gender
understand gender inequalities when impact assessment of the various
planning an intervention, thereby avoiding solutions. Finally, gender- specific
erpetuating them during the objectives are identified.
implementation of policy, programs or
project, and achieving better results.

How does gender planning work? Step 3. Legitimacy and Operational Design

◦ Step I. Defining the problem During this stage a detailed definition of the
inler vention andis organizational and
agenda of decision-makers and the delivery design is formulated, In this slage,
intervention problemis defined. decision-makers identify the outcomes of
Through a gender analysis, the needs, the intervention, the actions to be taken in
roles, resources, opportunities of women order toachieve the outcomes, the parners
and men and the constraints for public and their roles and the neesary
intervention in the respective area budget,along with the deliveryof
identified. procedures, timing and organizational
Step 2. Defining the
poliey/program/project - Decision-makers thould also identify asess
the specifie gender indicators outcomes of
This step inchudes the framing of the the intervention for both women and men,
intervention approach, based on previous disaggregated by specific target groups and
analysis, and the identification of a set of taking acount of how gender intersects with
altemative solutions. The framing of the age, ethnicity, education, (dis)ability, among
approach implies deciding what gender- other factors.
It is also important to address the issue of In Nutshell..
the reprsentation of women and men.
When designing a policy, a program or a Gender planning can be applied in diferent
project, specific attention should be paid to fields, from agriculture and rural
ensuring gender balance in the composition development to culture, employment and
of the team , the presence of staff with health,
knowledge and experience with gender Gender planning can also be applied to
issues and the provision of gender equality different types of interventions: policies,
training for staff and partners involved in programs and projects.
the intervention.
- A gender evaluation should be planned at DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS
this stage to monitor and evaluate the
relevance and effectiveness of the prodaims that all human beings are born
intervention from a gender point of view. free and equalin dignity and nights...
eveyone is entiled to all the nighs wihout
Gender Budgeting may be used to ensure distinction of any kind includling sex..
the adequate reflection of both women's
and men's neds in the alocation of
resources for the intervention measures.

United Nations Convention on the

Ensuring a gender participatory approach Elimination of all forms of Discrimination
Against Women (UNCEDAW)-Adopted by
The potential of gender planning to the UN General
challange gender social roles and the
unequal distribution of resources and Assembly on December 19, 1979
power willbe greater if individuals and
groups potentially affected by the respecive 'International Billof Rights for Women"
intervention are involved, and if their
"Discrimination AgainstWomen"
participation is taken into account of in
other stages of the policy cycle, such as includes any distinction, exclusion or
monioring and evaluation. restriction made on the basis of sex that
affects the women's enjoyment of human
The adoption of a gender participatory
rights, irespective of their marital status, on
appoach to genderplanning: equal basis with men, in political, economic,
Makes it posible to identify the problems,. social, cultural, civil or any other field.
needs and expeclations of the women and (Article 1)
men whoselives willbe directly affected by
Principle of State Obligation
the policy:
State Parties are bound to meet its
Allows for a better understanding of how
obligations as stipulated by CEDAW thru:
genderelatesto the content of policy
‣End allformsof discrimination against "An employer employee manager,
women by taking all appropriate measures; supervisor agent of the employer reacher,
instructor, professor, coach trainer or any
‣Incorporate the principle of equality in the other person who, having authority,
legal system, abolish discriminatory laws influence or moral ascendancy over another
and adopt laws promoting gender equality; in a work or training of education
>Establish institutions to ensure effective environment, demands requests or requires
protection of women against any act of any sexual favor from the other, regardless
discrimimnation including the elimination of of whether the demand request of
all acts of discrimination against women by requirement is accepted.
individuals or organizations.

1987 Philippine Constitution, Article I,

Section 14
"The State recognizes the role of women in ENVIRONMENT
nation-building and shall ensure the
fundamental equality before the law of - The acts would impair the employee's
women and men” rights or privileges under existing labor
laws; or
Republic Act No. 7192 "Women in
Development and Nation Building Act - The above acts would result in an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive
Women of legal age, regardless of environment for the employee.
civilstatus, shall have the capacity to act and
enter into contracts which shall be equal to Rebublic Act No. 8353
that of men:
"The Anti-Rape Law of 1997"
 borrow and secure loans under the
same terms as men; Rape by sexual intercourse
 equal acces to all government and Rape by sexual assult
private sector programs;
 equal right to act as incorporators; Republic Act No. 9208
 equal membership in socio, civic
and recreational clubs; "Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003"
 admission to Military school (AFP, R.A. NO.6725
лі 1877 " Anti-5extent Republic Actхо, TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF
This law declares as unlawful for any
Work Education on Training -related Sexual
employer to discriminate against any
Harassment is committed when
woman employe with respect i to erms and Women's Rights and Empowerment
conditions of employment solely on account
of her sex.  Equal Treatment Before the Law.
 Equal Aicess an d Elimtination of
RA No. 7322 Discrimination in Scholarships, and
Training. Education,
(An Ad Inereasing Maternily Benefits of  Appropriate revision of curricula
Women in Private Sector)
 Enrollment of women in
Matemity benefit equivalent to 100% of her nontraditional skills training in
present basic salary, allowances and other vocational and tertiary levels shall
benefits or the cash equivalent of such been couraged.
benefits for sixty (60) days.  Expulsion and non-readmision of
women faculy due to pregnancy
outside of marriage shallbe
R.A. No. 8972
 No school shall turn out or refuse
(Solo Parent Act) admission to a female student solely
on the account of her having
Benefits ot Solo Parents: contracted pregnancy outside of
a Flexible work schedule.  Womnen in Sports.
b. Not to be discriminaled in terms of Schools, colleges, universities, o any
employment. other other learning institution shall
take into acount its into women
c. Parental leave. sudent population in granting athleti
d. Education benefits. There shall be a pro mal
R.A. No. 9710 represenlation of women in the
athlete scholarship program based
(Magma Carta of Women) on the percentage of women in the
whole student population.
Duties of the State to the Human Rights of Posible Research Aren: Review of
Women sports policy of schools and its
Refrain from discriminating against women conformance with Section 14 of
and violating their rights, Magna Carta of Women.
 Women in the Military.
Protect women against discrimination and  Nondiscriminatory and
from violation of their rights by, private Nonderogatory Portrayal of Women
corporations, entities, and individuals; and in Media and Film,
 Women's Right to Health.
Promote and fulfill the rights of women in  Special Leave Bemefits for Women.
all spheres, including their righls to pay based on her gross monthly
substantive discrimination. compensation following surgery
caused by gynecological disorders.
 Possivle Research Area: Penalties for Violation of Magna Carta of
 Awareness of women employees Women
about this right. Statistis of Women
who availed of this privilege.  Imposition of sanctions under
Administrative law, civil service law
Rights and Empowerment of Women in and other appropriate laws.
Marginalized Sector  Payment of damages in cases of
violation commilted by private
 Food Security and Productive individual or entities.
 Right to Housing. Republic Act No. 9262
 Right to Decent Work.
"Aniti-Violence Against Women and Their
 Livelihood Credit, Capital, an Right
Children Act of 2004"
 Right to Educatiou aud Training. refers to any act or a series of acts
 Right to Representation and commited by any person against a woman
Participation. who is his wife, former wife, or against a
 Rights and Empowerment of woman with whom the person has or had a
 Women in Marginalized Sector sexual or dating relationship, which result in
 Right to Information. or is lkely to resultin physical, sexual,
 Recognition and Preservation of psychological harm or suffering, or
Cultural Identity and Integrity. economic abuse including threats of such
 Peace and Development. acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment
Increase the number of women or arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
participating in discussions and
decision-making in the peace
process, indluding membership in
peace panels recognizing women's
ole n conltict- prevention and peace-
making and in indigenous system f
conllict resolution.
 Women in Especially Dificult
Kinds of Violence Against Women
Women in Especial Diffcult Physical
Circumstances" (WEDC) shall refer
tlo victims and survivors of sexual Sexual
and physical abouse, legal
recruitment, proastitution traffcking,
armed conlict, women in detention, Economic
victims and survivors of rape and
incest, and such other related Battery: Battered Woman Syndrome
circumstances which have
Protection Order
incapacitated them functionally.
issued under R.A. No. 9262
Kinds of Protection Orders

Permanent Protection Order

Temporary Protection Order

Barangay Protection Order


VAW shalbe considered a public offense

which may be prosecuted upon the filing of
a complainzat by any citizen having
personal knowledge of the circumstances.


VAW victims shall be entitled to take a paid

leave of absence up to 10 days in adition to
other paid leaves under the Labor Code and
CSC Rules and Regulations

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