Renin Angiostenin

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” Angiotensin - Comvedting» Grespme fvbioitars a erat ae ee ae _ = Angiolensin Pathingy * \ — Are Fees 7 The reni th & > J erin. argflesin patho ag cc compl» Will regubabed pottway that is irhegrol inthe ‘of blood valued pene ing A gi Fond whem Ife balance] ord [orlerieh bleed pressure) (Ace) < Wgistensin cor verlirg The rire onclion of this pathiona 8 Yre production Raping» « Cae weight of 38000 to 61000 dain «St contoine (52) amines > corfirually aypthaszed ond sacveled y aheQive ‘with a melee sphich io secreted from Tne on engyme Rik gferie, leas paptide bond tm cangielensinggy™ and produce 0 chen (RE conver gk Fete! [angitensin v x # oy *, rallwogy veqitlate bleed pressure ¢ pH How renin angiotensin: f { Regulation of dlood_pressune! ' parlheoget nee blood = Reni oxrfiotens Y pf 1 Production of a vasoconstrictor angjstensin )) ( bradytinin) fon of & vasodilator Preduction of a _vasocon Prgictensin - isa polent vasoconstrictor thal incase d —_— The total Ee resisbores prayh a ssc of mechanisms idan @ Frhorcement- of Glecholamind® releases” * @ Erharcement Nervous 4 dem. 1 @ Sneveased propo sichaage dh ang the (qwautDof all these adkons b oo Mngiclerein 13) causes, f neuyalransmission. sithin she perigheral and remaieling J ype hat Prgidendin-® _comees_hypertoth «effects. Hemodynamic Nowraqenic, Signals sigh 3 ain cea Renin release 4 Stimlade angiotensin A ail bao) Bi Raid pressor response m: weossor PYeSpeMse | pais or He HN v ; Frevwased ‘awl pressure wsuayoliu - uury — pny] y whenq Soprypeu sob ent. 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Ow ® Dry cough side effects disturbomees —(“qnalaite Joke, lass of locke) « Dis advenchger * v Oo Admmishn Sof 209 AX i" @ Polspephde 2600 OU node c Veen _—_ A eyrotile (as nok mmnkelaty eproltde (56 cog) Bo Gonopetides head origin BPR. hed fh tad the ayes in eo peter, in inhibiting AcE ond was shown to consiahery ’ mg ee . Ra = Laer blood pressure in pofients wsith essential agestension Bul due fo tre _pophide nolure gf fis . Of Huse diseases 7 fe lacks of Corl odlivity asst ¥ dite “ty | ond — forms arin acids dm, be duvalion “ef action is Because of thes demerits , Feprotide «ov mah— wnarkedled « sdecrense loud pressure? Bers ave — bradykinin goreaicbig -focko —_ mote N aaluve ard hase pephdes ee aie r Yo) a - Tele: (elas t AN Grady Kim i a pout Calin iS mes HN ygpastction af bradykinin and hws increases oe blood pressure ie ‘ tom ets Ye. concentration of- CrakjKinin wslieh Vor win Se, He results in ius Bets Yoorease. bleod pressure « ein vanish fente Hingho bap ot the sulfheehyl group af coplopril expressed sore severe problems on apeying* 3D ovoid these problerns . the sulfhydryl group - ns avoided and” having fhe -following Moyo formula wos 4 a} 4 T [EH Development of Pralap “The cormpounds \ aes which the male Guile, Ne ombograthyl group (0) ne cuelopment af caplepril, © provided oy Jesrirod proline mam — oxdivily ’ astily Ye use of maby group a @y (G+ alanine) ord 4 Phnglethy| group a Ry resulted in pried - Frdlaprilal has [Ee op ae oot | es | more. potent than caplo gril - a \ 4 has vey ar iy a a o F erdlapiiled produced erebagril. a orn 0 octyells B) y nA Cael < ze NZ en x " Gi, y Berfiation tyke ut CON 3 eG Enaliem\ the. combinalion — g structural fooluves ‘in r Yo) Bro cael groups and tlw See NTU meats 7\ es en ae tno lipped developed tohen Whe darine is regoced in tuo respeds — @ d- eerloins basie arrino ocd gre Sirdead of He slordond @® Gk does rot _vequive bicactvation — siner_rther of the, tic acid aroups ove asterifed (8 =) - 7 omboryic oc groups om skefel Usinopil wins devlapal oh Sh some me 03 Qu i bon bigs oral. olsorpivly hon thes” AcE- erclags inhibitors - endlapil mere glerk thon eogbp © dhe inti re cole fe Fel is i dyes mimics +e Pre ° ~({ -@ s Side chain | SON ~ nee Endasrilo se Phe side chain a sti ® — ~ NBS most no aa aii Vepdeagis 4 pee \ \ Nobile “peptide bond acid ond Je Chery otha) Vee phenyl a= binding _ of conbitte: 4 te) preted —_— Yee compourd Jo AcE Hyp’ develo Thus the additonal binding groups in endlaprilat press wake ib wom potent than eagle plc ; * Predrag: produ is crmpoind tha aden ~drisinel) jd mi Phe epedly abe redo pro-drua ane peptide in srolave. They conlain vidi emborie group inhibibers are DOy- Most af the Ack inhibitors Se, they ave vey poly ard baie amine aout Alogi ase for example, qroup_onl ond ) y getting _Gonized So, thoy are very daw’ orig a ha pcaaeione absorbed from ju Ee ts im 0 yO" ‘aad } oe - Ho: aX A 4 try Nve Or ih d Hs, oAuge® fraps ul - Coinfic ey, mochamer Vier ba ede edlion osith o An Coot Kon off _adipcent amboyilete in endlapaita | greally enhances the basicity of Ihe secondany amine eas negplive _chorat is poly 4o, Abe over AM ere becomes Tr Shueture Acivly Relattonship of Bralapnil Ck repel , (Ret Shribios’y 0 athe dhruclarol chosocerishies for ACE ivhivitory ~~ o.chivily on — J: The Ning must aorlain_o corborafic acid to minnie the _@ fait amibonylote of AcE subslroles « iis & Loyge ophobie. heleroayelle _viegs aa he fring) inevease Cpolerey Sand alter \oxmacokinetic meters - ale) eo) ; ot Kishi Ne t=) fhe gen P Arvolpe eon. be ee %me. birdin Avoups _ (A, & °°). shows Lsupatien birding 40 gine chain. compen Se The sulfhydryl group (Phe in emboryfate ard pheaghin for cifhyphal aroun) - io ocid: aide Bie cal ze enrpounls _protuge igh ft incidence of cain saa Sand Coste disnbonge3) & Sulfa! containing compounds_con Spon disulfide) wh shorten duration of action: 9 #1 Binding ~ a gine throvah either a etch — -<_coutbepiilher or _phoahinale sriics pepide. yphotysis rorailion ate» ¢ emhana binding fs 8 Saterifiealion of the crlooxl onc phos pinata, produces an roll bioavailable pion ; te_mimie_the olde helm af [« on ia udsuoll )) Within. the choarboxylote series , when % iis ( ine bide coin) this eae a P alive . Optimum t of inhibitor Srereochemistey Usio

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