The End

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Throughout the history of Canada the indigenous population of the country have been

voiceless. They have been both suppressed and oppressed by the Federal and various

Provincial governments within Canada. Many organizations tried to provide a voice for

the native population but failed in their attempt. These organizations eventually merged

together to become what is now known as The Assembly of First Nations. The

Assembly of First Nations gives voice to the issues and problems facing the different

components of the aboriginal community in Canada. To start, there are a few key things

people should know about the Assembly of First Nations such as: how they were

formed, what exactly the organization does, and the multiple Chiefs of the Assembly

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Shortly after the Indian Ac of 1927, the League of Indians was formed their goal was to

provide voice to the voiceless nation the organization failed to gain attention and came

to the consensus that it would be best if they disbanded. Thereafter, the representation

of First Nations people was done through the National Indian Council (NIC). The council

was formed in 1961; the organization failed their goal to give voice to the native

community and changed their name to the National Indian Brotherhood (NIB). The

National Indian Brotherhood was founded in 1969. The organization lasted for 10 years

until the First Nations travelled to London England where they decided they needed to

establish a new organization that would provide voice to all of the Indigenous citizens

with in the homeland. A year after the meeting in London, many First Nations Chiefs

met in Ottawa where they collectively wrote the Declaration of First Nations. At the 1982

National Assembly of the Indian Brotherhood the Assembly of First Nations was
founded. Secondly, in simple terms, the Assembly of First Nations basically provides

voice for the First Nations community in both the Federal and Provincial sectors of the

Canadian government. In the charter of The Assembly of First Nations it is stated that

the organization is determined to do many things. One example is to protect the

reducing population …show more content…

To start, the AFN provides voice to all first nations of Canada. This is done through the

various sectors ie, The Women’s Council, and The National Youth Council. The

Assembly is very effective since it run by the First Nations people for the First Nations

people instead of the government controlling all aspects of their life like they use to do

prior to the formation. The assembly is also one voice for all of the First Nations

compared to before when the original organizations just focused on their own

community instead of the culture as a whole. It is also effective since it was formed in a

time when both the Federal and Provincial government started to realize that what they

had done to the indigenous people was nothing short of cultural genocide. The structure

within the AFN also allows for the organization to be effective since there are chiefs at

both Federal and Provincial levels. There is also representation from each First Nations

community at The Assembly of First Nations. It also provides The National Brotherhood

with representation since The Assembly of First Nations basically adopted the

organization as their Secretariat. Another reason that it is so effective is that it was

founded out by educated First Nations leaders and, the Grand Chiefs had some prior

work in the

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