Motivation and Personality Assignment

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Name: Navneet Kaur 0826874

Name of the article Motivation and Personality

1. Describe the basic research question (hypothesis) that was explored in the study.

The major five personality traits—openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness,

and neuroticism—as well as the propensity for sensation seeking are all covered in this article. It also
examines how these characteristics influence the kinds of goals we set for ourselves and how they spur us to
engage in various rewards, objectives, and pursuits.

According to the main findings (conclusions) of the study covered in the article, our personality traits do have
an impact on our motivation and the kinds of circumstances, actions, and objectives that we are drawn to. For
example, persons who are high in extraversion have more sensitivity to incentives, and they react with greater
energetic arousal in response to the pursuit of rewards. Conversely, persons with higher levels of neuroticism
report greater

2. Describe the basic results (conclusions) of the research that is discussed.

The research's core findings indicate that personality characteristics and motivation are related, and that
people are prone to being motivated in various ways depending on their personality features. The propensity
to seek sensation and the big five personality factors of openness to experience, conscientiousness,
extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism all have a substantial impact on how eager people are to take
chances and participate in particular behaviours. The cybernetic big five hypothesis also connects personality
qualities to the kinds of objectives people select, as well as the associated drive and behaviours they display to
reach those goals.

3. Describe the criticisms and limitations of the study or research.

The text does not specifically address the research's faults or limitations. It is crucial to remember that
personality is a complicated and nuanced concept, and that motivation may be influenced by more than just
the big five qualities and experience seeking. The study also extensively depends on self-report measures of
motivation and personality, which can be biased and inaccurate.
4. Describe your personal reaction to the research, using the article information and examples to support
your reaction. For example: What did you find interesting about it? What questions did it raise for you?
What more do you want to learn from this research? Vague answers are not accepted. Please make sure
your opinions are supported by the article.

I found this article to be quite interesting. It was insightful to learn that our personality traits can influence
our motivation levels and the types of goals that we pursue. For example, individuals who are high in
extraversion may be more motivated by rewards and seek social stimulation, while those who are high in
conscientiousness may be more motivated to achieve higher grades and engage in health-enhancing behaviors.

I was also fascinated by the channeling hypothesis, which suggests that specific personality traits can
influence the types of careers and activities that we pursue. For instance, extraverts may be more likely to
enter high-impact careers to satisfy their power motive, while those who are high in neuroticism may be more
likely to drink in solitude following negative social exchanges.

However, I do acknowledge that this research has some limitations. For instance, the results are based on
correlations, which do not necessarily imply causation. Additionally, personality traits are not the only factor
that can influence motivation, as environmental and situational factors can also play a role.

Overall, I would like to learn more about how personality traits interact with environmental and situational
factors to influence motivation levels. I believe that this information could be useful for understanding how to
motivate oneself and others to achieve their goals.

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