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Chapter 2

Thermodynamic analysis of IC Engine


• Introduction
• Air Standard Cycles
• Fuel-Air cycle
• Actual cycle
➢ The Three Thermodynamic Analysis of IC Engines are

A. Ideal Gas Cycle (Air Standard Cycle)

❑ Idealized processes
❑ Idealize working Fluid

B. Fuel-Air Cycle
❑ Idealized Processes
❑ Accurate Working Fluid Model

C. Actual Engine Cycle

❑ Accurate Models of Processes
❑ Accurate Working Fluid Model
❑ The operating cycle of an IC engine can be broken
down into a sequence of separate processes
✓ Intake, Compression, Combustion, Expansion and
• Actual IC Engine does not operate on ideal
thermodynamic cycle that are operated on open cycle.
• The accurate analysis of IC engine processes is very
complicated, to understand it well, it is advantageous to
analyze the performance of an Idealized closed cycle
Air Standard Cycles
Air-Standard cycle differs from the actual by the
1. The gas mixture in the cylinder is treated as air
for the entire cycle, and property values of air
are used in the analysis.
2. The real open cycle is changed into a closed
cycle by assuming that the gases being
exhausted are fed-back into the intake system.
3. The combustion process is replaced with a
heat addition term Qin of equal energy value
Air Standard Cycles
4. The open exhaust process, which carries a
large amount of enthalpy is denoted by Qout of
the equal energy value
5. It is assumed that there are no heat losses from
the system to the surrounding.
6. Actual engine processes are approximated
with ideal processes
a) Almost pressure during intake and exhaust
strokes are assumed to be constant pressure.
b) Compression strokes and expansion strokes
are approximated by isentropic processes
Air Standard Cycles
c) The combustion process is idealized by a
constant-volume process(SI cycle), a
constant-pressure process(CI cycle), or a
combination of both(CI Dual cycle).
d) Exhaust blow down is approximated by a
constant-volume process.
e) All processes are considered reversible.
Comparison of OTTO,DIESEL, and DUAL Cycles
❑ For the same inlet conditions, the same compression ratios and
same heat removal:
Comparison of OTTO,DIESEL, and DUAL Cycles
❑ For the same inlet conditions, the same peak pressure and
same heat removal :
Comparison of OTTO,DIESEL, and DUAL Cycles
❑ For the same inlet conditions, the same compression
ratios and same heat addition:
fuel-air cycle

❑The fuel –air cycle take into consideration the

➢The actual composition of the cylinder contents.
➢The variation in the specific heat of the gases in
the cylinder.
➢The dissociation effect.
➢The variation in the number of moles present in the
cylinder as the pressure and temperature change.
fuel-air cycle
➢ Compression & expansion processes are
➢ No chemical changes in either fuel or air prior to
➢ Combustion takes place instantaneously at top
dead center.
➢ All processes are adiabatic.
➢ The fuel is mixed well with air.
➢ Subsequent to combustion, the change is always
in chemical equilibrium.
fuel-air cycle
1.Composition of Cylinder Gases
➢ The actual composition of the cylinder contents are
(Fuel + Air + Water vapor + residual gas)
➢The fuel air ratio changes during the engine
➢ The change in air-fuel ratio affects the composition of
gases before and after combustion particularly the
percentage of CO2,CO, the exhaust gas.
➢The amount of exhaust gases in the clearance
volume various with speed and load on the
➢ The fresh charge composition varies its composition
because when it enters in the cylinder comes in contact
with the burnt gases
fuel-air cycle
1.Composition of Cylinder Gases cont…
❑ The composition of the working fluid, which changes during
the engine operating cycle ,is indicated in the following table
fuel-air cycle
2. Variation of Specific Heat with temperature
➢ All gases except mono-atomic gases, show an increase
in specific heat with temperature.
➢ The increase in specific heat does not follow any
particular law.
➢ However between the temperature range 300K–1500K
the specific heat curve is nearly a straight line which
may be approximately expressed in form

➢ Where a1,b1,and k1are constants

➢ The gas constant R=Cp-Cv=a1-b1
fuel-air cycle
❑ Above 1500K the specific heat increases is much more rapid
and may be expressed in the form

❑ Since the difference between Cp & Cv is constant, the value of

k decreases with increase in temperature.

❑ Thus, if the variation of specific heats is taken into account

during the compression stroke, the final temperature and
pressure would be lower compared to the value obtained at
constant specific heat.
fuel-air cycle
❑The magnitude of drop of temperature at the
end of compression is proportional to the drop
in values of ratio of specific heats
fuel-air cycle
3.The effect of dissociation
➢ Dissociation is the disintegration of combustion products,
at high temperature above 1600K.
➢ Dissociation is the reverse process to combustion.
➢ Dissociation is the heat absorption (Endothermic process)
➢ Combustion is heat liberation (Exothermic process)
➢ In IC engine, mainly dissociation of CO2 and little
dissociation of H20
fuel-air cycle
➢ The dissociation of CO2 in to CO and O2 starts
commencing around 10000C

➢ The dissociation of H2O occurs at temperature

above 13000C

➢ The presence of CO and O2 in the gases tends to

prevent dissociation of CO2; this is noticeable in
a rich fuel mixture which by producing more CO,
suppresses dissociation of CO2
fuel-air cycle
fuel-air cycle
fuel-air cycle
4. Effect of number of moles
➢The number of molecules in the cylinder varies
as the pressure and temperature change

Actual cycles
➢ The actual cycles for IC engines differ from the ideal (air-
standard) cycles and the fuel-air cycles in many respects. The
actual cycle performance and efficiency is much lower than
the air-fuel cycle performance and efficiency due to various
losses occurring in the actual engine operation. The major
losses are due to:
1.Variation of specific heats with temperature.
2.Dissociation of the combustion products at high temperature (>
1600 K).
3. Progressive combustion (Time loss).
4. Incomplete combustion of the fuel.
5. Heat transfer (Heat loss).
6. Exhaust blow down loss.
7. Gas exchange process.
Actual cycles
➢ In addition to these, Friction, Fluid flow, Leakage (Blow-by),
residual gases, etc., have to be considered.
Comparison of Ideal and Actual
Example #1
In an Otto cycle air at 27 ◦C and 1 bar is compressed adiabatically until the pressure is 20
bar. Heat is added at constant volume until the pressure rises to 38 bar.
Calculate the
a) the compression ratio
b) air-standard efficiency, and
c) the mean effective pressure for the cycle.

d) Assume Cv = 0.717 kJ/kg K and R = 8.314 kJ/kmol K.

Example #2
In an engine working on Diesel cycle inlet pressure and temperature are 1 bar and 27 ◦C
respectively. Pressure at the end of adiabatic compression is 38 bar. The ratio of expansion
i.e. after constant pressure heat addition is 5.
a) the heat addition,
b) heat rejection and
c) the efficiency of the cycle.
Assume γ = 1.4, Cp = 1.004 kJ/kg K and Cv = 0.717 kJ/kg K.
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