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You are on page 1of 3 Course Code : MCSt-217 Course Tile: Software Engineering Lab Assignment Number : MCA(1)/L-217/Assign/2023 stu0y. tation Mana fens Weightage : 30% 8 HA 8 Last Dates for Submission :30°* April, 2023 (for January sess%,‘*"*" 31 October. 2023 (for July session) Question 1: Assume that you are assigned responsibility of developing an Online Hall Ticket Generation System (OHTGS) for 2 University. OHTGS should run both on PCs and Mobile Devices, OHTGS will haveall fields such as Student’s name, Student's Address, Examination Center Code and Address, Aadhaar Number, Programme Code, , Course Codes and Titles (Semester Wise), and Enrollment Number etc. Any student enrolled to any programme who applied for Examinations should be able to generate and download the Hall ticket. Make necessary assumptions. Now, Estimate (1) Cost and (2) Effort ‘Ans. Assumptions: * The university has a database of all enrolled students, thelr personal information, program information, and examination information. * Each student has 2 unique enrollment number and Aadhaar number. * The examination center code and address are already known and stored in the database + The program code and course codes and titles for each semester are already known and stored in the database. © The system will require authentication to ensure that only authorized students can generate and download hall tickets. * The system will be accessible over the internet and will need to have appropriate security measures to protect student information. Requirements: 1, Student Information: The OHTGS should capture and store student information such as name, address, program, semester, and enrollment number. The student's Aadhaar number should be used for authentication purposes. 2. Examination Information: The OHTGS should store the examination center code and address, program code, course codes and titles for each semester, and enrollment number for each student. 43. Hall Ticket Generation: The OHTGS should provide the functionality for students to generate and download their hall tickets. The system should verify the student's Aadhaar number for authentication purposes before allowing them to generate and download thelr hall ticket, 4, Accessible on PCs and Mobile Devices: The OHTGS should be accessible on both PCs and mobile devices. The system should be designed responsively to ensure that itis easy to use on both types of de SS. Security: The OHTGS should be designed with appropriate security measures to protect student information. This includes encryption of data and appropriate access controls to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to student information. 6. User-Friendly Interface: The OHTGS should have a user-friendly interface that Is easy to navigate and use for students, It should be designed in a way that students can easily find and generate their hall tickets without any difficulty. Ignow Study Helper-Sunil Poni Page 1 » Joueu SYvoy HeLree www r SUMIL POONA 2. Scalability: The OHTGS shouldbe scalable to handle a large number of students and examination centers. The system should be designed in a way thatt can accommodate future growth and changes inthe university's requirements, Overall, the Online Hall Ticket Generation System (OHTGS) should be designed to be user-friendly, scalable, and secure. It should provide a seamless experience for students to generate and download their hall tickets for the university's examinations. (1) Cost: Developing an Online Hall Ticket Generation System (OHTGS) for a University will involve several costs, including 1. Development Cost. This will include the cost of hiring a team of software developers, designers, and testers to develop and test the system, The development cost will depend on the size and complexity of the project, as well as the experience and expertise of the development team, 2. Infrastructure Cost: This will include the cost of servers, databases, and other hardware and software required to host and run the OHTGS. The infrastructure cost will depend on the expected number of users and the amount of data that will be stored and processed. 3, Maintenance Cost: Once the OHTGS is developed and launched, it will require ongoing maintenance and support. This will include fixing bugs, adding new features, and updating the system to keep it secure and up-to-date. The mai depend on the complexity of the system and the level of support required tenance cost will 44, Security Cost: The OHTGS will handle sensitive student information; 0 it will need to be designed with appropriate security measures to protect against data breaches and cyber attacks. The cost of implementing security measures such as encryption, ‘access controls, and security audits will depend on the complexity of the system and the level of security required 5. User Training Cost: Once the OHTGS is launched, it will need to be adopted by students and staff. This will require training and support to ensure that users can use the system effectively. The user training cost will depend on the number of users and the complexity of the system. Overall, the cost of developing an Online Hall Ticket Generation System (OHTGS) for a University will depend on several factors, including the size and complexity of the system, the number of users, and the level of security and support required. The cost will also depend on the experience and expertise of the development team and the technology used to develop the system. A detailed cost analysis would need to be conducted to determine the exact cost of developing an OHTGS for a University. (2) Effort: Developing an Online Hall Ticket Generation System (QHTGS) for a University will require significant effort from the development team. The following are the necessary efforts required: 1, Requirements Gathering: The first step in developing an OHTGS will be to gather requirements from the university, students, and other stakeholders. This will involve understanding the needs of the users, the features and functionality required, and the technical constraints of the system. 2, Design: Once the requirements have been gathered, the development team will need to design the OHTGS. This will involve creating a user interface, designing the database schema, and defining the system architecture. 3, Development: After the design is complete, the development team will need to code and implement the OHTGS. This will involve writing the application code, integrating the database and other backend systems, and testing the system to ensure it is working correctiy. 4 Testing: Once the OHTGS is developed, it wil need to be thoroughly tested to ensues functoning corectl. This will indude unit testing, tegration testing, and user acceptance testing, ‘S eh ey Ignow Study Helper-Sunil Poonia Page 2 Tou Stvoy HeLPee aww SumiL Poona 5. Deployment: Aer testingis complete, the OHTGS will be deployed toa production environment. This wil invalve setting up servers, configuring the system, and ensuring itis working correctly in a ve environment. 6. Maintenance and Support: Once the OHTGS is deployed, it will require ongoing maintenance and support. This will involve fing bugs, adding new features, and providing user support as needed. Overall, developing an Online Hall Ticket Generation System (OHTGS) for a University will require significant effort from the development team. The teem will need to work closely with the university and other stakeholders to ensure the system meets the needs of its users and is designed to be scalable, secure, and user friendly. The effort required will depend on the complexity of the system, the number of users, and the level of functionality p stooy, Ignou Study Helper-Sunil Pooni Page 3

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