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Se S S 0 0 n

Internet and Its Applications

Internet and Its Components
A Word Wide Web
AWebsite, Web page, Web portal
A Web browsers A Blogs

6.1 Introduction
Networks are everywhere: Any multiple things connecting together and enhancing reach
form a network. You have heard about terms like network of roads, network of rails and
network of computers around the globe, the internet. In this chapter, we shall talkabout some
technical basics related to networks especially Internet.

6.2 Internet and its Components

As vou allknow that Internet isa computer-based worldwide information network. It can be
assumed as an exampleof WAN (Wide Area Network). The Internet is composed of a large
number of smaller interconnected networks. These networks may link tens, hundreds, or
thousands of computers, enabling them to share information with each other and to share
various resources, such as powerful supercomputers and databases (collection of data) of
information. The lnternet has made it possible for people all over the world to effectively and
inexpensively communicate with each other. Unlike traditional
broadcasting media, such as radio and television, the Internet is a DEF.
decentralized System. Each Connected individual can
Internet is a computer
communicate with anyone else on the Internet, can publish ideas, based world wide com
and can sell products with a minimum overhead cost. munications network,

Internet is not a thing which you can touch and feel. It is made up which is composed of :
large number of smaller
of many componernts offering various different types of services. interconnected networks.
Let us talk about these Internet components in coming lines.
6.3 World Wide Web (WWW)
From the ate 1960s to the early 1990s, the Internet was a communication and research tool
used almost exclusively for academic and military purposes. This changed radically with the
introduction of the World Wide Web (Www)or Web in short in 1989. The WWW is aset ot
programs, standards and protocols governing the way in which multimedia files (multimeda
fles are the documents that contain acombination of text, photographs, graphics, video and audio) are
created and displayed on the lnternet.
Session 6 :

Before WWw. Internet was mainly used for obtaining textual DEF.
information. But post-WWW, the Internet popularity grew The World Wide Web
tremendously because of
graphic-intensive nature of WWW.
Therefore, we may attribute the explosion in use and
(WWw) is
programs, standards, and:
a set of

Internet to WWW only.

popularity of protocols that allows the :
The World Wide Web (WWW) is also affectionately called The multimedia and hypertext
files to be created.
Weh". WWW was proposed between 1989-1991 by Tin displayed and linked on
Beruers-Lee. Proposed in 1989, WWW became a reality with the Internet.
invention of HTML and a text browser in 1990.

6.3.1 Difference between WWW and Internet

Most people think that WWW is Internet and vice versa, which is NOT TRUE.
AJaroe part of the Internet is the 'World Wide Web" (WWw). This is made up of web sites that
have one or more web pages. This is the part of the Internet that you probably use most of the
But the lnternet isn't just the web pages that you use every day. It also consists of :
Forums where people can seek help and advice about a topic.
Research databases used by universities and large companies.
USENET - discussion groups about aspecific subject from NOTE
the latest boy band to favourite pets - for example, Google WWW was proposed
Groups. between 1989-1991 by
Tim Berners-Lee.
Email and Instant Messaging (IM) systems.
It is really important to understarnd that the Internet is not the same as the WWW. The Internet
is to the World Wide Web as Europe is to Germany. One is the container, the other is an item
within the container.
The Internet
While Internet is a collection of
computers or networking devices
: connected together ; WWW is a
:collection of documents, linked via World Wide IM
:special 1inks called hyperlinks.
WWW forms a large part of Internet Telr Chat
:but is not the Internet. Goph e
Fiqure 6.1 WWW vs. Internet

64 Internet Terminology
Internet terminology. n the
Before we proceed further, it will be good if we briefly talk about
to Internet.
tollowing lines, we are introducing some basic terms
trom another computer on the
Client Any computer on the networks that requests services
computers, processes and sends the
Server Any computer that receives requests from client
There can be other types of
output. Web Servers respond to web related request.
servers to handle different type of requests/actions.
A. 140
on Internet (i.e., accessible via Internet )
Webpage Any digital page/document certain goal in mind
Web Site AAcollection of interconnected webpages, designed with a
web site or service that offers a broad array of resources such as e-mail, forums,
Web Portal
others, e.g., sites like MSN, Yahoo, Indiatimes etc
search-engines among information
software on a client computer, that retrieves from the web
Web Browser A program or Mozilla FireFox,
Examples are : Internet Explorer,
Google Chromne, Netscape, Mosaic,
Opera, Safari, Lynx etc. ....
a program or a component on client side that requests and
Web Client A web client is
services provided by web server.
specific web page with componenk.
Examples of web clients are web browser, a
programs, file sharing programs, chat
fetching information from web server, email
programs etc.
address ofa web page on Internet.
URL Uniform Resource Locator It is the unique
a publicly accessible personal
Blog Short for Web log, a blog is a web page that serves as
personal journal or
journal for an individual. A blog is a frequently updated online
regularly writes and
Blogger The author of a blog is called blogger. A blogger is the one who
updates entries in his/her blog.
Blogging The action of writing blog is called blogging.
Newsgroup Newsgroups are Internet discussion forums where groups of users with
interests gather to discuss on a common topic of interest.
Emoil Short for electronic mail, email refers to messages distributed by electronic means
mostly Internet.
from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network
Email Address Every email has a unique electronic post-office-box with a unique address on a
network where e-mail can be sent;this unique address is known as email address.
Each email address has three sections. Let's look at the example below :

MyEdupAcc@Edupillar. com my. name@gmail. com

Username host or domain name Username host of domain name

Following sections talk about these in details.

6.5 Web Site

A web site is a collection of web pages which are digital files generally written usits
HyperText MarkupLanguage (HTML).Fora web site to be available to everyone in the worla d
all times, it must be stored or "hosted" on a computer that is connected to the Internet round
the clock. Such a computer is known as a Web server.
The web pages of a website are linked together (through hyperlinks and hypertext) and sna
a common interface and design. The site might also contain additional documents and ie
such as images, videos or other digital assets.
Internetinvading in every
With causes sphere,
and purposes. So, we can alsosee websites
for all
kindof of say that a DEF.
also be thought as a digital website
deliveringinformation environment capable of
and solutions and A website or a site is a :
between people, places, and things to support interaction
the goals
group of related web
organization it was created for. of the pages hosted on a web
Server and are linked
Components of a Website together and share
Common interface and
knowthat a website is a
hosted on a
webserver. There are somecollection
of a related

makinga website. These are being components

listed below. essential
Hostingis where a website is
called a website only when physically located. Group of linked
a set of files that are hosted on a webserver. On a webpages qualify to
webserver, somewhere,
transmitted to user computers when they specify the
of the website. address
H:e is the address of the website
odress (also
nea website, (s)he needs to put this called URL of the site). When someone asks to
address into the web browser, and the asked site
isdelivered by the webserver.
Every website has a home page. It is the first web
to a website. Home page of awebsite is page that appears when viewers go
very important as it sets the look and feel of
he website and directs viewers to the rest of
the pages in the website.
It is the overall look and feel the website has as a
result of proper use and integration elements like NOTE
navigation menus, graphics, layout etc. We have given above the compo
Content All the webpages contained in the website together nents of website, not a webpage.
make up the content of the website. Often people mistakenly consider
components of webpage as
e Novigotion Structure components of a website. But there
is a difference, which will be
The navigation structure of a website is the order clear to you when we cover later
of the pages, the collection of what links to what. the components of a webpage.
Usually it is held together by at least one
navigation menu.

:5.2 Website vs. Portal

As you already know that a website is a collection of related web pages. It is hosted on at least
one web server, accessible via a network through an Internet address known as a URL
(üniform Resource Locator). APortal or a web portal also has similar characteristics, but there is
akey difference between a website and a portal, which you must know.
AWeb portal is a launch pad to a host of web based NOTE
Services such as email, shopping, gaming, news, weather A Web portal is also a type of
and so on whereas a website is concerned with providing website but differs in content
nformation about a company cause only. For a user, a and services from a typical
portal is the entry point for using these services. A website that provides only
specialized information and links
Website on the other hand provides some specific type of to sites about them.
between these two.
Following table lists the differences
S.No. Web Portal (Portal)
web Collection of webpages offering aspecialized
1 Collection launchsearch
services likeof email, array ofgaming,
webpages pertaining to the need and goal of the organization content.
owning the website.
news etc. to accere
gateway for using the It is often the final destination
2 It is normally an entry point or the provided specific information.
offered web-services.
website is generaly linked to its own webpagee
3. Generally linked to many other websites that provide A
these web-services.
inte Caters to or delivers one specific type of application
4 A complete environment for managing and or content as per the goal of the website.
grating a large number of diverse applications.
Examples : Yahoo, Rediff, MSN, AOL etc. Examples :, cbseacademic. in.
5. ncert.niC. in etc.

6.6 Web Pages

the World Wide Web and viewable by anvone
A webpage is a digital document that is linked to
any type of information, such as
connected to the internet having aweb browser. It can contain
text, colour, graphics, animation, vide0 and sound etc. DEF.
Content wise the components of a webpage are : Hypertext and Hyperlinks
Hypertext refers to the
Hypertext refers to a digital text, which is more than just text as it can combination of text,
include information in various media formats such as : graphic images, audio &
video tracks, and
) text images
) video hyperlinks. A Hyperlink
graphics refers to a dynamic link
sound > hyperlinks upon clicking at which a
Hyperlink refers to a link from a hypertext file to another such file. A new web page or program
hyperlink can be in the form of agraphic or text, upon clicking where
the linked document opens up.
BIntioduc tion -Beloe You Begn Miciosult Internel Explorer

Following figure Seach Paotaa Ms

(Fig. 6.2) shows you Agden )DVPluo000rP HTM

hypertext and Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Tutorial
Hypertext comprises
hyperlinks of text, graphic, audio, ducion
2of 3 Introduction

video and hyperlinks.

in awebpage. The web page shown Before You Begin |A Hyperlink. Notice
that the cursor changes
here has all of them i.e. ore You This tutonal assumes that your Computer meets the
minimum system requirements for FrontPage 2000, For to a hand here. Upon
the hypertext. more informaion, pleose visit the FrontPage home page, at
e Abeut
http //YLYL
Jonclicking here, the
tPage corresponding web
he screen examples in the FrondPage Tutonal assume that
you have a standard monitor set to a so uton o page opens up.
The 800x600, at the mmum. If you are usng e dfferent
resolubon or monitor, the pades vou create durna the

Figure 6.2 Hypertext and hyperlink

6.7 Web Browsers

web browser is a program that lets youvisit different sites on the Net and display their offerings
on your own computer. You visit a site by supplying the browser with an address, or URL.
Specifically, browsers are intended to let you access resources on World Wide Web - the
hypertext files in the formn of web pages. However, you can use a browser to access other types of
file systems as well.

There are many browsers available in the market eg, Google

Chrome, DEF.
Mosaic, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Safari, Qpera, Macweb etc.
themsuch as
but only
few of Netscape Navigator, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox :A web browser is a

and Microsoft.Internet E:xplorers (MSIE) program that lets you :

Though, MOSAIC (developed by NCSA appear just about everywhere. visit different sites on the
National Centre for Net and display their
noromputing Applicatton ) was the first web browser to come into offerings on your own
market. computer.

6.8 Blogs
Ablogisa kind of website. The termn "blog" is the shortened form of DEF.
Mweblog" a diary or journal on the Web. The owner of the blog A biog refers to an online
writes on the blog and is known as blogger or author of the blog. The journal where entries are
activity of updating or writing for blog is called blogging. :posted. The word blog
: has been derived from
The "blogger" (or author) writes periodically about acertain topic of weBLOG.
his or her choosing (personal experiences, thoughts, hobbies, political
aspirations, etc.). The blogger can provide links to other websites that
she thinks might interest the audience. The updates put on the blog DEF.
by the blogger are called blog-posts. A person who writes and
Blogs usually have a few features that are useful for the blogger and maintains a blog is called
the readers. blogger and art of:
:writing a blog is called
6.8.1 Types of Blogs
Web of today has millions upon millions of blogs. There are blogs
maintained by individuals, there are blogs maintained by companies or organizations on the
web, and then there are blogs dedicated to factual information like news, and so on. But, one
thing is common - they tend to fall into these types of blogs :
1. Personal blog. This is the most common type of blog. Maximum numbers of blogs on
Internet belong to this category. After all, blogging started off as a way of creating an online
diary. Atypical blogger may be keen on posting stories about their interest such as fishing, or
dancing or collecting something.
2. News and views. This type of blog contains factual stories about News, maintained by
jourmalists. News and television companies such as the BBC have many professional journalists
who post stories and views about the latest events. Visitors can add their own opinions as well.
3. Company blogs. Many companies run blogs to let NOTE
their customers and clients know what is going on in the
Company that would interest clients or customers such as new While blog poses no restriction
on number of characters l words
Products coming up or progress being made on some project. for a post, a microblog generally
4. Micro-blogs. This is a new type of blog where one can limits a post to certain number of
chracters e.g., 140 characters is
POSt very short comments that others can follow Twitter is
post 140 : the limit for a post (tweet) on
ue best example of a micro-blog where one can only twitter.
Characters with each entry called a Tweet'. The entries become
a running commentaryabout one's life and interests.
S e S SI 0 n

Internet Services
A Email Primer
A Using Search Engine
A Introduction to Social Media
A Digitol Indig
21 Introduction
So, you know what Internet is. But do you know what do people really do on the Internet and
how ?Well, they exchange messages or E-mails, participate in discussion groups (known as
news groups),chat with many other people across the globe, retrieve data files, and access all
sorts of information.

The tvpes of services available on Internet are as diverse as the DEF.

people interested in it. You can retrieve or search the desired Web Services are the
information, e-mail your friends, do video-conferencing, store or software based services
retrieve files, participate in a discussion forum etc. that take place when two
electronic devices
This session is dedicated to the practical application and use of
connected via network,
Internet. In this session, you'll be learning about various Web communicate over
services along with the practical guidance for the same. Www's HTTP protocol.
7.2 E-mail (Electronic Mail)
The most widely used toolon the Internet is electronic mail, or e-mail. E-mail is used to send
written messages between individuals or groups of individuals. E-mail messages are
generally sent from and received by mail servers - computers that are dedicated to processing and
directinge-mail. Once a server has received a message, it directs it to the specific computer that
the mail is addressed to. Tosend e-mail, the process is reversed.
72.1 E-mail Account and Address DEF.
E-mail addresses commonly take this form: :E-Mail stands for

username@hostname Electronic Mail. It is the

: most widely used tool to
Here are anumber of typical e-mail addresses (well, almost tvpical) : send messages electroni,, cally (1.e., through,' computers) on a network.,
Any resemblance to real e-mail addresses is
ese note, all the e-mail addressEes mentioned here are fictitious.

Here you see that before the character '@'

(pronounced "at" Advantages of E-mail
Low cost
net name
or "at the rate of") the e-mail account holder's * Speed
appears and after '@, the name of Net server (also
domain name) appears which hosts this e-mail address. That Waste reduction
Ease of use
is, in address Wada.Sacin@l1nfoMeet.con, Wada.Sachin is the net
name of a user and is the name of server hosting Record maintenance
:* Patience
it (domain name).
Thus we see that an email-address has tvo parts separated by
'@ ("at") symbol. Limitations of E-mai
(i) Usenname. On the left side of @separator is the user Hardware requirement
name. A user name cannot have blanks. Impermanent
A hasty medium
(i) Domain name for the host server. The portion to the Hard to convey emotions
right of @identifies the server or host or network that
services your e-mail. It is sometimes also called the
e-1mail server.

7.2.2 E-mail Primer

Before you start sending and receiving e-mails you must have an e-mail account.So, here well
be discussing how you can create a free web-based email account and use it for sending and
receiving e-mails.
A Creoting aWeb based E-mail Account
R You can create your Web-based free e-mail account upon many sites. Somne of them are:
http://, http://,
A http://, http://
In the following lines, you'll see how one can create a
web-basede-mail account on the site
1. Get connected to Internet.
2. Now log on to site
3. To register for the very first time click at Sign up for
gmail and follow the instructions.
You can alsouse email-client software for
sending/receiving emails. An e-mail client (also mail
user agent (MUA)) is a front-end computer program used to
send, receive and manage e-mais.
Some common email-clients used are:
1.Mozilla Thunderbird. It is an e-mail and news
package by Mozilla Foundation. cross-platform client sottware
2. Postbox Express. It is similar to
extensions as well.
Thunderbird in look and feel but offers some
3. eM. It is a client and server
platform for
email-client integrates email, contacts, shared messaging
and collaboration. Tns
VoIP(Voice over IP), and
online document authoring in a rich
browser-based interface.
Some other popular email clients are :WindowsLive mail, Claws mail,.
ZimbraSuit Opera mail et:
Viewing Received Mails
Once you have created your web-based e-mail account, you can log in it and view your mail.
For this you'll have to get back to the web page that allows you
to log in to your e-mail accou
Session 7:

For instance, we have created a mail account on, so we will have to go to web page Following steps will guide you how to view the mails in your e-mail account
(we'lluse our newly Created account on
1. Go togmail web page (by typing the URL in the address bar) to log in
to your e-mail account. In this web page, type your newly created login and password in
front of UserName : and Passwordd: fields, and then click at Sign In
[Fig. 7.1(a) step 1].

2. And here you are, successfully into **" Acpt

C A & nttps
your e-mail account [Fig. 7.1(6) step 2]). C1 Other bockmarks

You'll see a list of messages along with Go gle

One accourt 4lo Goog
details like, From, Subject, Date etc. To
After typing userid (email)
view a message, move your cursor on and password, click here
subject detail of message. Wherever, Emal to Sign in, ie., to open
cursor changes to a hand Password your email account

symbol N click there to view it. ([If s soned n

it is not showing you the list of mails,

then click at Inbox link in the window.] (a) Signing in a Gmail mail account

MInbox (3)- imstudent ins

CN nttps mail.googie comn h i w b o

ICS3U101: Lab 9 ( cS1110: lectures Other bockmarks
Apps 1 Non-Programmer's
m student ndan
Go gle
More 1-3 of 3
Social Promotions
cOMPOSE D Pnmary
Tips for using Gmail 2-57 pmn
Gmoil Team
Inbox (3) Welcome to Gmail 2:57 pin
Gmall Team
Get Gmail tor your mobi 2:57 pm
Imponant Gmoil Team

Fiqure 7.1 (b) The inbox of a mail

Replying or Forwarding an Email Message received, you can reply to the sender of
email message you've
While you are reading an Fig. 7.2(a)].
by clicking at Reply button [see
message immediately
you to the Comnpose window, where, automatically the
button, it takes recipient of reply
When you click at Reply in front of To box i.e., the sender becomes
address of the sender appears
message [see Fig. 7.2(b)]. write the reply mail
message and send it.
window you can may want to
Now in this compose or usetul piece of information, you
or some interesting button, while
received a joke done by clicking at Forward
If you've This can be
message to someone else. you
send the same
message. After clicking at Forward button, DEF.
reading the mail addresses of the recipients separated by Inbox is the name of
need to specify the intend to forward it. folder that stores your
Commas to whom you your e-mail server takes received mails.
your email mails.
When you log in to Inbox which, stores your received
you into afolder SKILLS-I

what yu need te now

Gmall s d e r Here

Click here at Forward

if you want to send
To reply to this same to someone else.
mait click here at
Reply tink.

(a) Replying/Forwarding an
need te Anow,
student.clasSNOPmail,com Windows Internet Explorer
GnailGmailis itferent, Here's what you
c o m n b o ) eerdtô5
M t a l gnogh
Fvortes Jeos Mat
Page Tçols
- s t . res hat you needto An

Te: Gml Team <ma norephgooge

AdsIA1cs I E¢L Sbect Altach a fig

See. when you click at Check Spelling
Reply, the sender
address automatically
becomes the To: Type here the
n Tue Jan 13 2009 12 26 PM Gmal Team <mal-noreplyQooogle com> wote
address in the compose text of
spam-hghting tools ar
asy to find an inbox that organizes itself great
Messages that are easy reply-message.
message window bul-n hat Sound coo? Welcome to Gmail

To oet tated you may want to

some of Gmas
Leam aboutSuntchino unique features on the Gettung Started page
Gunde to lean how to announce your new Gmail address import
yourcontads. and fonward your email from Yahoo! Mail, Outlook. Hotmail., and others
vur mobte phone to get superfast access to Gmail
Set our Heip Center to nd specihc answers to all your questions
" Vist

Send Save Now |Diacard

nternet . 100%

Figure 7.2 (b) Replying/Forwarding email-message window.

Structure of an Emoil Message

message. An e-mail message can
Let us now learn about the general structure of an e-mail
contain some or all of the following components
address, the from field
FROM This is the address of the sender of the e-mail. Apart from the e-mail
may contain the name of the sender also.
TO This is the address or addresses to which the mail is sent.
to whom you want
CC CC stands for Carbon Copy. Here you can specify the address/addresses of those
to send a copy of the mail. The CC recipient's name is visible to all recipients.
BCC will also recelve d
BCC is for Blind Carbon Copy. This is also a list of addresses. These people recipients.
other The bu.
Copy of the message. But a BCC recipient's name is not visible to the
recipients can see the TO and CC addresses.
SUBJECT Ashort title for the mail. It ideally should speak about contents of the message.
BODY The message.

AITACHMENTS You can attach one or more pictures and documents or anv
other with your e-idll
computers specity a maximum size for the mails they can handle and so you have to keep a
in mind if you intend t0 send very
big attachments.
This is the date and time on which the message was sent from the
DATE senders computel:
MESSAGE-ID Every message will have a unique id, which is used to track replies to it. The message id is not
visible to us ; rather it is used internally by the e-mail proaram and the
e-mail systeml.
Send MessageN Sve Drat
Emai-ids of Carbon Bpell Check Cancel Mess age Reset
0gy recpient s
16 ace saQhotmad (om Email-id of
recipient here
Srhect trst E ma
Title ofe-mail
message BroteARach E-mail ids of blind
I on the vay to send my very tirst
carbon copy recipients
E-n l, Kindly reply
to boost my confide nce.
Name of the file to be
atached with this lass 10th St udent
message comes here. Text of the message
Cick Browse to search (message body) being
sent is written here.
for the file name first and
then dick at Attach

Fiqure 7.3 Structure of an E-mail Message

Sending Mail
E-mail Format Types
To send mail(s) to your friends and
Plain text (.txt)
relatives, vou need to first log in to your Can be read by anyone, regardless of the e-mail:
e-mail account and then follow these steps:
application they use.
1. After logging in to your e-mail * Does not offer text formatting options.
accounts, vou need to click at Can have pictures or graphics attached, but not inset.
Compose (or New Mail or Compose Rich text format (.rtf)
Mail in some accounts) button to Allows you to format a message for font, justification,
compose a new mail message to be stylized text and other options.
sent. Pictures or graphics (such as smileys) can be inserted.
2. In the Compose Message window, :* Cannot be read by every type of e-mail application.
vou'll see various fields, which are
to be used for the following things :

To : Mail-id of recipient
CC: Mail-ids of recipients of Carbon Copy of this mail-message.
Bcc: Mail-ids of recipients of Blind Carbon Copy.
Title of the mail message.
Subject :
see CC: or Bcc: boxes, click on Add CC: and/or Add Bcc: links below To:
If youdo not
(cc: and Bcc: are OPTIONAL Components) multiple
you to send the same mail message to
The Carbon Copy i.e., CC field allows message to all
amanager wants to send same
recipients at the same time. For example, if of his
this field for entering the mail-ids
his/her sub-ordinates, he/she may use
The Blind Carbon Covy ie, Bcc field allows the sender to send same mail-message to
> message.
other persons also hve received the same
recipients without letting them know that some

Refer to
Fig. 7.3 for
the structure of e-mail

Figure 7.4
(a) Composing mail message.

Attach afle

Chuose file 3. Fill in the details of e-mail rnessaze arnd write

the text of message in the box
it. If yOu want to attach a file
designated tr
M Rerer
Docnera with your e-mai! message, firstly click at
Dedio 614747
Attach a file link below Subject: box and ther
youneed to browse through your cormputer to
My Dorns
After selecting desired
file to be attached, click
select the desired file, and then click at Onen
here to cornplete the file [see Fig. 7.4(b)].
My Comcue attachment with e-rmail
Once you are through with composing
Mu N e Fle pame
the e-mail message, click at Send button
Fes d ype MF [see Fig. 7.4(c)]. And your e-mail will be
Figure 7.4 (b) Attaching a file to email-message
sent to the recipient's Inbox in no time

Finally click at
Send to send
your e-mail. end

aPenng 2 tous 2S

Sca S


Figure 7.4 Lts

(c) Sending email s


Difference between Cc and Bcc

Both Cc and Bcc forward a copy of the message to everyone you've listed. The main
latter, the
between Cc (ie., Carbon copy) and Bcc (Blind carbon copy) is that, with the
recipients do not get to know each other.
Session A.155
Using BCC protects the privacy of your recipients and helps NOTE
reduce spam. When you send an email to
using the normal "To:" or "Cc:" fields, allseveral
of theirpeople
email Spam is defined as irrelevant or

clearly displayed in the message. If the email inappropriate messages sent on the
addresses are Internet to a large number of people.
is forwarded, the email addresses of all previous recipients Junk mail is the unwanted or
may also be forwarded. However, when you use BCC to unsolicited advertising or promo
send emnail to more than one persorn, the email addresses of tional material received through mail
your recipients will not be displayed in the emails. or email. These two terms typically
are used interchangeably.

73 Using Search Engines

If you want to view particular information on the Internet, you can search for it using search
engines, a progranm used for searching information on the Internet.
731 Finding Information using a Search Engine A Search Engine is a :
There are many search engines on the web. The searching process is program that searches
similar on these search engines. Following Table 7.1 lists some popular through a database of
search engines on the web. web pages for particular
Table 7.1 Some Popular Search Engines
Search Engine/Directory URL Search Engine/Directory URL

Google Yahoo! Search

Bing DuckDuckGo

We are going to learn the information searching process in the Bing search engine - Bing
( To search for web pages pertaining toa specific information, all you have to do is:
(i) go to the home page of the search engine.
(ii) type the information to be searched for in the box provided for it.
(ii) now click at Search button next to it. Within a few seconds, the search engine
search for that information and display the links to the web pages, which are linked
to your desired informnation in some way.

Figure 7.5 shows this process of searching information. ccm


WB IUGES VIEOS BCempute Scexeng A
www big com ath

bing Compuer Science

bing Compter Science
Dnly tron tnka
01 000 AEBUATB

Compytersclence WpdA
tino by language ianow ty

etes grcuceda

t tyAConpute cieco

a tome nd 4a accaienssthe yHerns sud, a

Depatert at Comouter Science agErgocanog IT Oety

Caede, seleac eand Eraneefmg d n Det is rengd
cttng dge çh ang tor impatg stale of th af educaon
for, in the
Type the keyword to be searched knaoas Cemputer Sciense
the search
box shown. And then click at
button [ P)
The search engine will search in its Computer aciensa Suuole Enesh YuSda hg has

databases and display the matching results

nple e/Compuie &cience

on a webpage.

information through a search engine

Fiqure 7.5 Searching

7.3.2 How Search Engine Works

In asearch engine, you can type keyword(s) to search for and a search engine searchestthem,
search engine works with the help of
on the web and provides you the details. A
three elements :
Spiders or Webcrawler or Bots or Agents. The search engines use a software called spider or
fol owing
or bot or agcnt which comb the Internet looking for documents and
addresses. or
webcravoler spiders or vcbcrawlers perform the methodical searches needed toofind information,

The Bots or Spiders are given

direction by the search engine Spiders comb the Net, collect the documents & web addresSes
and they crawl from one server to software
send them to search engine's Indexing
another, compiling the huge lists
of URLs (based upon the direc
tions) given by search engine. vsta

Indexing Software and

Database. The lists of documents
and web addresses collected by
bots are sent to the indexing
software. The indexing software Spider software
extracts information from the
documents and web addresses, Collected
A Indexing
prepares on Index of it and document or
URL software
R stores in a database.
The kind of information indexed
The Indexing software extracts information
A depends upon the particular
search engine. Some index every How from the documents and stores it in a database

word in the document ; others

index the document title only. Search Searcb
Search Algorithm. When you Bngind
perform a search by entering Works |Databas
keywords, the search engine
software searches its database
(in which indexing software
From this database, using a
stores its entries) using search method (algorithm),
particular search method called Comate cnsLL

the search engine

search algorithm. And then it
assembles a web page
displays the matching
documents or web addresses. displaying the matching
results as hyperlinks. Databes
Figure 7.6 illustrates the working
process of search engine.
Fiqure 7.6 How search engine works
7.3.3 Some Searching Tips
To effectively search for desired information, you must learn the art of framing3search queries.
In the following lines, we are going to discuss some tips for the same :

juesios terms Jike

Donot aNk
wantto tind out
Nome WwDh, plar et, you
Home MMinister ot
Who is the Home Minister of ldia t
in the scarch 1 lo ly |ht wrd or plhre must
matcheN winathed douent, put a plus
getting lakhs ot
useless, ln o) iehtely bcfore it. lor
This becaUSe the
is xpe, th ollowiny, query
searches tor vh wond thoston university
query separately.
That is, in this vae, will malh witlh web payes having both
Vour search
will serh lor wod e words bonton and mierily.
iwho", "home", "minister", "li"
5, loify aword or phrase must not
separately and hen display all e Per in matched doCuments, put a
results. Common words like "a", " ' , mins iyn () immediately before it, e.
"is", "the" ete. are dropped. tasla -china
2. Surround your query in quotes or put You can use N T operator in place of
some punctuation marks (; or -) if you minus sign eg, Asia - China is same as :
want it to be treated as single phrase Asia NOT China.
rather than a series of individual search
terms. For example, if you want to search 6. Use OR operator (OR) or (|) to get results
with either of two keywords, eg., to
for the book titled God of Small 1hings
return results having "B.Tech" OR "B.E",
then you may write it as you may write:
"god of small things"
"B.Tech" OR "B.E."
or as god-of-small-things
god ; of ;small ; things
7. Use AND operator to get results with
or as

3. Use wildcard * for pattern matching. For both of two keywords, e.g, to return
instance, if you want to search for certain results having "B.Tech" as well as "B.E.",
things starting with word dir, then you you may write:
may write "B.Tech" AND "B.E."

NOTE keyword.
searched on a search engine is often termed as a
A word relevant to information being

7.4 Social Media/Social Networking

a collective term for websites
Social media is community
applications that focus on communication,collaboration.
based input, interaction, content-sharing Social Networking is the use of
Networking sites, also internet-based Social media
So, in short, we can say that Social where people interact programs to make connections
called Social media, are Internet sites about each : with friends, family, classmates,
freely, sharing and discussing personal
customers and clients.
other and their lives, using a multimedia mix of
Business even use social
words, pictures, videos and audio. ads for their
networking sites for placing relevant
businesses and products.
Various Social Networking Sites
Social media are in many forms including blogs and
microblogs, forums and message boards, socialnetworks, Social media is a collective term
for websites and
wikis, chat-rooms etc.
that focus Onapplications
Some popular social-networking sites are: Facebook, cation,
community-based input, interaction
Linkedln, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, WordPress, content-sharing and collaboration.
Blogger, Typepad, Lirelournal, Wikipedia, Wetpaint, Wikidot,
Second Life,, Digg, Reddit, Lulu and many others.
below :
Most popular social media applications of today are being given

1. Facebook
It is a free social networking site where users, after registration, can create profiles, upload
photos, videos, post/send messages, and so on.

2. WhatsApp
This is one of the most popular social media platforms to connect with others by the
exchange of messages, audio/video file-sharing, and audio/video calls.

R 3. Twitter
Twitter is known as the real-timne, public microblogging network where often news breaks
first. Here short messages with a limit (earlier 140 characters but now 280 characters)
posted, that is why the term microblogging. The posts of Twitter are known as tweets.

4. YouTube
YouTube has become the de-facto name for sharing videos online. YouTube is undoubtedly
the largest and most popular video-based social media website.

7.5 Digital India

Digital India is an ambitious project of the Government of Indiato make the country digitally
empowered in the field of technology, launched by Govt. of India, on 1July, 2015.
The aim of Digital India is to ensure the Government's services
are made available to citizens electronically by improved online NOTE
Digital India is a program
infrastructure and by increasing Internet connectivity or by Govt. of India to
making the country digitally empowered in the field of by
India into a
technology. The initiative includes plans to connect rural areas digitally empowered
with high-speed internet networks. Digital India consists of three society and knowledge
core components: the development of secure and stable digital economy.
infrastructure, delivering government services digitally, and
universal digital literacy.
7. A. 159
The objectives of Digital India are listed in the figure below :


To ensure that To connect rural

To improve To increase
government services areas with India's online
are made available internet
high-speed infrastructure
to Indian citizens internet networks connectivity
in India

(a) Objectives of Digital India

9 Pillars of Digital india

Universal Access Public Internet e-Governance E-Kranti
to Phones Access Programme Reforming government Electronic delivery
Highway through technology of Services

Electronics manufacturing Information Early Harvest

Target NET ZERO Imports for Jobs Highways for All Programme

Figure 7.7 (b) Pillars of Digital India

Digital India consists of three core components:
as a utility to every resident
1. The creation of digital infrastructure - Digital facilities
and services on demand
2. Delivery of services digitally - Governance
3. Digital literacy - Digital empowerment of people
Common Digital India services and initiatives are :
documents in digital form
Digital Locker - providing digital locker to store important
electronic means and make it
E-education - providing education through all possible
within reach of all.
9 Government portal - the bjometric attendance system
e-Sign framework - online electronic signature service
e-Hospital - providing online health services
scholarship schemes
National Scholarship Portal - Information about national
app by Govt. of India
DBM Mobile App - Swachh Bhart Mission

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