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. Who among the following refuted

the doctrine of the 6. Select the incorrect statement.
divine and absolute right of the monarch in his book in Russia.
A. Jadidists were the Christian reformers
Two Treatises of Government'?
of Russian Parliament.
B. Duma was the name

A. John Locke illegal in

C. Before 1914, all political parties were

B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Russia.

Montesquieu D First World War broke out in 1914.
D. Georges Danton
Institute was set up at
1. The Imperial Forest Research
2. Which of the following is incorrectly matched? in 1906.
A. Livre A unit of currency that was
A. Dehradun
discontinued in 1794 B. Calcutta
B. Chateau Castle or stately residence belonging
C. Madras
to a king or a nobleman
C. Manor An estate
D. Bhopal
consisting of the lord's
land his mansion Select the incorrect match.
D. Clergy Group of revolutionaries Dhangars - Assam
3. The main objective of the National B Raikas Rajasthan
Assembly was Himachal Pradesh
to limit the C. Gaddi
powers of the king. In 1791, the powers

were divided and Bakarwals Jammu and Kashmir

assigned to different institutions D. Gujjar

like legislature, executive and the

judiciary. It made Between 1880 and 1920, cultivated
area in India rose
France a 9
by6.7 milion hectares. Which of the following
A. Democratic republic be its correct reason?
B. Absolute monarchy (i) More foodgrains were needed to feed the growing
A. Constitutional monarchy
urban population of Europe.
D. Socialist republic
(ii) Colonial government cleared forest to bring more
X was the leader of the Bolshevik party. He returned area under cultivation and enhance the income of
to Russia from exile in April 1917. His three demands state.

were war should be closed, land should be transferred (ii) British encouraged the production of commercial
to peasants and banks should be nationalised, these crops like jute, sugar, etc. S

demands are also known as "April theses". A. (i) and (ii) only
Identify X. B. i) and (ii) only
C. (i) only
A. Tsar Nicholas
Joseph Stalin D. (i), (ii) and (ii)
C. Karl Marx 10. In 1919, Hitler joined a small group called the
D. Vladimir Lenin
A. German People's Party
5. After the death of Lenin, Stalin became the leader B. Socialist Party
of the Bolshevik party. During his period Russia was . German Worker's Party
facing an acute problem of grain supplies. His party D. Nazi Party.
member went to the grain producing areas and raided
the 'kulaks'. Who were these Kulaks? 11. Where was the first English factory set up in 1651?

A. Bankers A. On the banks of Ganga in Patna

Shopkeepers B. On the banks of river
B. Hugli
C. Poor peasants C Near the coast of Madras

D. Well-to-do peasants D. Near the coast of Malabar

S9F |ISSO|Class-9 | Set-A

12 Which of the tollowing was/were the ellect(s) ot the C Baadur Shah 7atar
Permanent Settlement?
D Tntin Tope
() Zamindars did not have interest in
investing in the 14. Tanti of Bengal, Julahas of North ndia, Kaikollar
improvement of land
nd Devungs of South lndin were the communitics
(ii) Paying the high rate of revenue
became ditlieul
for the zamindars and of
(ii) By the first decade of the nincteenth century. A. Weavets
objectives of permanent settlenment proved to be Iron Snellers
of no gain to the
conmpany. C. Tribals
A. () and (ii) only D. Peasnts
B. (ii) and (ii) only commission
15. In 1950, the goverunncnt set up a Planning
C. (i) only
to help design und execute
suitable policies for
D. (1). (i1) and (i) ccomomic developnent. The nodel which was agrecd
called model.
13. On 10h May. 1857, the sepoys started the revolt for the development was

in Mcerut. They declared war on the British and A. Captalist

proclaimed as their lcader. B. Private

A. Rani Laxmibai C. Mixed econony

B. Mangal Pandey D. Socialist eeomomy


16. Which of the following Indian states do not share 19. An clevated area like mountain or an upland
which separates two drainage basins is known as
their boundaries with China?

(i) Nagaland
A. Water divide
(ii) Arunachal Pradesh
B. Meander
(ii) Utarakhand C. Delta
(iv) Mizoram D. Upper coursec
A. i) and (ii) only
20. Which of the sollowing statements are correct regarding
B. (i). (ii) and (iv) only
mangrove forests?
C. i) and (iv) only
found in the areas of coasts which are
(ii) and (ii) only
(i) They are
influenced by tides.

Hemisphere. Which of the (ii) They are mainly found in the deltas of the Ganga.
17. India lies in the Northern
following lines divides India into two equal parts? the Mahanadi and the Krishna.

Tropic of Cancer
(ii) Lions are comnmonly found in these forests.
(iv) The sundari trees found here provide durable hard
B Tropic of Capricorn
C. Equator A. i). (i) and (ii) only
D. Prime Meridian
B. (ii), (ii) and (iv) only
It has (i). i) and (iv) only
18. X is the northern-most range of the Himalayas.
It is covered with D. (i). (i). (ii) and (iv)
an average height of 6000 metres.

snow throughout the year and has loftiest peaks.

21. Select the incorrect statement.
Identify X.
A. According to 201l eensus data, Uttar Pradesh is
A. Shiwalik the most populous stale of India.
B. Himadri B. Census in India is held after every ten years.
C. Himachal Telangana became a separate state in June 2016.
D. Purvachal D. Arunachal Pradesh has the least population density.

ISSO Class-9 | Set-A |S9F.

22 Adolescent population is the most plateaus and mountains. They prefer plains because
important feature of for
the Indian areas are suitable
population. They are an important resource these
for the future. What is A. Farming
age group of the adolescent
population? B. Manufacturing
A. 6 to 12 years C. Transportation
B. 8 to 15 years D. All of these.

C. 10 to 19 years industries are classified into

25. On the basis of ownership sector and
D. sector, joint cooperative
10 to 18 years private sector. public
sector. Which of the following are cooperative sector
23. Kaziranga National Park is in which of the following industries?
states of India?
Maruti Udyog Limited
Rajasthan Union Limited
B. Karnataka (i) Anand Milk
Aeronautics Limited
C. Assam (ii) Hindustan
D. Kerala (iv) Sudha dairy
A. (ii) and (ii) only
24. There are many important factors which affect the
B. (i). i) and (ii) only
distribution of population. Topography is the most
C. (i) and (iv) only
important among them. People do not want to live on
D i) and (iv) only


26. Parliament controls the money that governments

Select the incorrect statement about the democratic B.
form of government. have
A. C. Parliament exercise control Over those who run
All the major decisions are taken by the rulers
who are elected by the people. the government
B. People can change the current government through All of these.
30. Citizens of India have the freedom of speech and
Elected rulers can do whatever they want.
expression. They can form associations and unions
D Government is limited by a basic set of rules
mentioned in the Constitution. and carry out assembly in a peaceful manner. It comes
under which Fundamental Right?
27. Which among the following is the term given to
A. Right to Equality
original inhabitants' or 'communities of people',
B. Right to Freedom
who lived and continue to live in close association
C. Right to Freedom of Religion
with forests?
D. Right Against Exploitation
A. Marginalised
B. Vaishyas 31. Prime Minister is the head ofthe government in India.
C. Adivasis He has wide ranging powers. Which of the following
D. All of these are the powers of the Prime Minister?

28. Apartheid was the name of the system of racial (i) He chairs the meetings of the cabinet
discrimination, imposed by the white Europeans on (i) He distributes and redistributes works to different
A. India ministers
B. Sri Lanka ii) He coordinates the work of different departments./
. Chile iv) He has the power to dismiss ministers.
D. South Africa. A. ). i) and (ii) only
29 A democratic country needs a Parliament because B i), (ii) and (iv) only
A. Parliament is the final authority for making. C. (i), (ii) and (iv) only
changing or abolishing the laws
D i). i), (ii) and (iv)

4 s9F|ISSO| Class-9 | Set-A

32. Which of the following is not a Fundamental1 34. For introducing any new money bill, it is necessary
Right? that it is first introduced in the

A. Right Against Exploitation A Lok Sabha

B. Right to Freedom of Religion B. Supreme Court

C. Right to Property C. PMO

D. Both AandB D Local courts

33. Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education 35. Which of the following features is common to most
Act came into effect from of the democracies?

A. 2010 A. They have political parties.

B. 2002 B. They have formal constitution.
C. 2008 C. They hold regular elections.
D. 2012 D. All of these


40. Read the given statement and select the option that
36. Physical capital is divided into fixed capital and
working capital. Which of the following is not a fixed correctly fills the given blanks.
In India, literacy rates vary in different states.
i h a s the highest literacy rate whereas (ii) has
A. Buildings the lowest literacy rate.
B. Raw materials
() (i)
C. Machines
A. Mizoram Odisha
D. Tools
B. Goa Bihar
37. Select the correct statement about the village Palampur. C. Kerala Bihar
D. Kerala Odisha.
A. Farming is the main production activity in

Palampur. 41. Mid-day meal scheme has been implemented in schools

B. Farmers here, grow three different crops in a year. to

C. 75 percent working people are dependent on A. Increase the attendance of children

farming for their livelihood. B. Encourage the retentiveness of girl child in schools
D. All of these C. Improve the nutritional status of children.
D. Both A and C.
38. Which among the following are the requirements for
42. Poverty line may vary with( and i )
production of goods and services?
i) and (ii) are respectively
A. Land

B. Labour
A. Age, Region
C. Physical capital
B Caste, Gender
C. Time, Place
D. All of these
D. Men, Women.
39. Various economic activities are classified into three
43. Although there has been a substantial reduction in
different sectors which are primary, secondary and
global poverty, people are still living in poverty in
tertiary. Which of the following activities is included different counties. The new sustainable development
in the secondary sector? goals of the United Nations (UN) has proposed to end
all types of poverty by
A. Manufacturing
A. 2025
B. Animal husbandry
B. 2030
C. Mining C. 2035
D. Education 2040

ISsO | Class-9 Set-A| SOF

Rural Employment Guarantee
44. Which ofthe following is one of the historical reasons 45 Mahatma Gandhi National

of 2005 aims to provide
for the widespread poverty in India?
wage employment
in a
A. The low level of economic development under the days of guaranteed
British colonial administration. rural household.
year to every
B Colonial government encouraged traditional
A. 100
handicraft and discouraged the development of
industries. B. 180
C. Absence of natural resources and skilled labour
C. 210
D. All of these D. 365


46. Four different places are markedthe given political

on B. 4>3>1>2

map of India. Identify them and select the incorrect C. 3> 1>4>2
statement regarding them. D. 4>2 3>1

48. Match the columns and select

the correct option.

Terms Meanings
(1) Place of worship for
(a) Jungvolk
people of Jewish faith

(b) Genocide (ii) Systematic, organised

punishment of those
belonging to a group or

(c) Synagogue (ii) Nazi youth groups for
children beBlow 14 years
of age
(d) Persecution (iv) Killing of people onn a
large scale
A. (a) - (ii). (b) - (iv). (c>G). (d)-(ii)

A. India's only active volcano lies in S. B. (a) - i). (b) - (iv). (c)-(i). (d)-(ii)
B. Kullu Valley is located in Q. C. (a)-(ii), b) - (i). (c)-(ii). (d)-(iv)
C. R is the state in which a town receives highest D. (a) -(iv). (b) - (ii). (c)-(0). (d)-(ii)
rainfall in the world.
D. P is the state where the forest regarded as the only 49 Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
remaining habitat of the Asiatic lion lies.
Anti-poverty Inception
47. Names of four highest populated states of India are programme year
A. Prime Minister 1993
given in the box. Arrange them in descending order
Rozgar Yozana (PMRY)
of their population and select the correct option.
B. Rural Employment 1995
1. Maharashtra Generation Programme
2. West Bengal
2 (REGP)
3. Uttar Pradesh C. Pradhan Mantri Gramodya 2000
4 Bihar
Yozana (PMGY)
A. 3>4>2>1 D. Swaranajayanti Gram 1995
Swarozgar Yojana
- s9F|ISSO|Class-9| Set-A
statements and select the option which (iv) The Judges of the High Courts are appointed by
50. Read the given
correctly identifies them as true (T) and false (F) ones. the Chief Justice of India.
The decisions of the Supreme Court is not binding -> no veman
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
on High Courts.

(ii) Supreme Court can hear appeals against
decisions of the High Courts. 7

(iii) Judiciary is not under the control of executive or



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