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Worksheet to accompany the unit from RJ Tarr at

Why did the USA find Vietnam such a difficult war to win? – Military Factors

• In response to the growing involvement of the USA in Vietnam, the Vietcong began a highly
effective campaign against the North:
• Economically, they secured aid from China and the USSR
• Strategically, they poured into North Vietnam via the ‘Ho Chi Minh Trail’ - a 1000
mile route along the border with Laos with heavy jungle coverage so that detection
from the air was very difficult.
• Socially, they cleverly worked with North Vietnamese peasants there on their farms
in an ingenious ‘hearts and minds’ policy designed to build up popular support for the
communist cause in the south.
• Militarily, they adopted ‘guerilla’ (‘hit and run’) tactics against enemy forces.

• Watch the video to make notes in this table.

• NOTE: The witnesses do not necessarily appear in this order; and some may appear at
several times during the video!

Task 1: Notes from the “People’s Century” video (

WHY were guerilla tactics used by the Vietcong?

Because the US had more advanced weapons, resources and equipment to beat the Vietcong
and the North Vietnamese Army open warfare. It would also be effective as the support from
peasants meant that they were able to hide themselves in peasant villages. They also had
knowledge of the jungles of the south and essential supplies were coming from the north to the
south through the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

WHAT were the main guerilla methods adopted?

Threats and Direct action

Travelling in the night and recruiting women

Given political indoctrication
Vast extension tunnels were used to shelter the troops
Supply of ammunition and food was given by already established communist nations such as
USSR and China
North viatnamese forces colluded with the Viet Cong and helped the Viet Cong enter the hamlets

All ages were fighting the 'peoples war' even children helped the fforts of Viet Cong
Worksheet to accompany the unit from RJ Tarr at
Used personal relations to infrom the Viet Cong

How did these methods help to undermine the American war effort?
Population supported the Viet Cong movement and regime even with the Nortj Vitenam
government and American suport led to development within communities
Sociala and Political disaster during the attack of Saigon
American population wanted the war to edn after seeing the consequences of the war

pyschological impacted the soldiers mindset leaving the soldiers in panic and paranoia
'Everyone was the enemy'

Task 2: Notes from the “Peter and Dan Snow: Battlefields” video (

Vietcong Ability to ‘blend in’: The Ho-Chi Minh Trail:

Strengths difficult to tell from villagers sent arms, fighters equipment
largely concealed in jungle

US Drawbacks of their air campaign: Drawbacks of their land campaign:

Weaknesses Over a million civillians lost their lives Viet Cong guerilla warfare hard to adapt to

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