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Enterprise Park, Banay-Banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________
Grade/Section: _______________________________ Score:____________

ACTIVITY 1. Based from Sobel's point of view, combine the following items listed in column A to
items from column B the resulting word will be placed in column C. (10 POINTS)

ACTIVITY 2.Read the selection and try to answer the questions there after. (20 POINTS)

1. What were the challenges faced by Mr. Lucio Tan?

2. What are some of his achievements?

3. What made Mr. Lucio Tan successful?

4. If you were Mr. Tan, do you think you will be able to hurdle all the challenges
he had in the field of entrepreneurship during his younger years? Why?
ACTIVITY 3. Look at the pictures below, study the items illustrated. Discuss the advantages of being an
entrepreneur.(10 POINTS)

ACTIVITY 4 Directions: (10 POINTS)

1. Analyze the selection carefully and give your insights thereafter.
2. List down at least five (5) probable solutions to uplift the economic standing of the man in the selection,
cite to come up with each solution.

Activity 5 (20 POINTS)

1. Make a list of entrepreneurial activities in your own community.

2. Observe if there are new and innovative products or services being offered.

3. Interview at least three entrepreneurs that has been in the business for years.

4. How did these entrepreneurial activities evolved from their time of operation?

Reflection (30 POINTS)

1. I learned that _______________________________________________________________________

2. I enjoyed most on ____________________________________________________________________


3. I want to learn more __________________________________________________________________


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