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Senior High School

Personal Finance and It’s Relation to Investment Decisions of

Entrepreneurs in Southville 1

A Thesis Presented
to the Faculty of the Senior High School of
Cabuyao Institute of Technology

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Research 2 for
Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) Strand




Submitted to:




Personal finance is a combination of planning and managing personal financial

activities such as investment, spending, saving, paying bills, protection, retirement, taxes,
mortgage, and estate planning (Terry Turner 2022). Personal finance incorporates how
people manage all aspects of finance, both short term and long term. It is an essential
component of not only managing a company's day - to - day financial needs but also in
terms of planning a financial future. In today’s world, people are learning to be an
employer instead of being just an employee. Even in the field of education, teachers
thoroughly encourage, teach, and engage students to lessons that can be a big help in terms
of being a great business owner. Financial literacy is very relevant, which pushes people to
be better at managing money and savings. Entrepreneurs are heavily influenced by
personal finance for it is a must when starting to invest in a business (Will Kenton 2022).
Such knowledge offers a helping hand not just in tracking a company’s expenses, but also
on how to make a better flow of income. The new concept of smart personal finance
involves developing strategies that include budgeting, using funds wisely, saving for
retirement, and more. It is very important to become financially literate in order to make
the most of an individual’s income and savings. Financial literacy helps you distinguish
between good and bad financial advice and make intelligent decisions. (Cleartax 2022)

The researchers are conducting a study about Personal Finance and Its Relation
to Investment Decisions of Entrepreneurs in Southville 1 because problems circulating
financial management among entrepreneurs are higher than normal (Evans 2017).
According to, personal finance is a super crucial aspect of one’s life because
it gives the freedom that people crave for. A good financial future is imminent if an
individual is consistent with the right insurance, investment, and savings plan. However, a
strong financial knowledge and decision-making skills help people weigh options and
make informed choices for financial situations, such as deciding how and when to save
and spend, comparing costs before a big purchase, and planning for retirement or other
long-term savings. Money is becoming more valuable every day due to how expensive
living has become, that is why many people are striving to have a business someday.

The purpose of this research is to show the correlation between having a knowledge
about personal finance and having good decision-making skills. This study explores how
an entrepreneur views its business from an investment perspective and how it manages
cash flows and expenses. The researchers chose this topic for the very reason that many
business owners are struggling with financial management and this study will provide a
wider standpoint for recommendations and solutions. The importance of this research is to
explain how personal finance influences the investment decisions of entrepreneurs in
Southville 1.

In the recent years in the country, there is a Lot of people or Entrepreneurs in the
Cabuyao that is either-or not know the portance and the help of personal finance in the
business society also because of this some of the businesses did not usually do great
outcome because of lack of knowledge in financing the money. Firstly, Personal Finance
is the study or the guide of the family either can be personal study resources that can be
used to have a successful outcome in the business society because Personal Finance
involve on creative thinking involving on how they manage, save and protect their
investment to their financial resources from this start the personal finance is a guide to
distinguish the good decisions on every situation that involves money. In personal finance,
this has many structures techniques that requires and need to learn to expand the learning
in saving and protecting all your financial resources this includes career planning,
budgeting, tax, cash and risks management this also includes the planning methods such as
retire planning and estate planning. From these structures that we can learn in personal
finance we can also see the potential if this can be learnt by a lot of people in that area that
can possibly be done in a good and manner way. The solid understanding and learning of
personal finance can also offered a high possible of an successful business and successful
facing financial challenges but also we can learn some possibilities that it can give are the
responsibilities and opportunities that can help in our daily life. Also, personal finance can
teach us how we include the credit costs and how we can deal or not to pay too many taxes
and then personal finance can teach you to select successful investments that can help and
match your needs.

Financial education provides “individuals with the knowledge, aptitude, and skill
base necessary to become questioning and informed consumers of financial services and
manage their finances effectively’ (Mason and Wilson, 2000, p. 5). In this generation,
Today's marketplace provides and constant barrage of messages that can help and suggests
on what you can spend and also what you can borrow your way to financial success,
wealth and security. These messages can enquire a very enticing for those who are starting
their financial lives and businesses. Secondly, in learning Personal Finance you or we can
do a lot of things right in personal Finance during the period of life, as long as we can
make a decision right and avoid doing negative things.

Personal Finance is not a rocket, you can succeed very well in your own personal
finance by making good decisions, the right planning and taking actions to imply it. This
will come the ideas of Spend Less and Save more in this idea we have to recognize or
financial objectives that are rarely achieved without forgoing and sacrificing our current
consumption like spending on goods and services. This can be also implied on by putting
money on savings because some savings are investments by saving and investing some
people are much likely to have funds available for future consumption that can spend in
the essential things in businessman and home. Saving for future consumption represents a
good work or illustration of the human or person’s desire to achieve a certain standard of
living. This what we called earnestly desires to seeks to attain, maintain if attained and to
preserve if threatened also to retain if lost. In any particular time, some of us actually
experience their standard of living. in essence our own level of living is where you would
like to be and also level of living is where you actually are. After this we can encounter
the so-called Inflation and how inflation affects income and consumption. Inflation is
when the prices are rising and also the individuals are rising to maintain the same rate of
its power. From an income point of view inflation has a significant effect which Personal
incomes can rarely keep up in times of high inflation in a certain country because in this
situation your real income is the important number. Financial Education can teach and
give us ideas.

Currently a great deal of attention is being drawn to this area from public, private,
profit and nonprofit entities. As concerns about consumers’ financial capability have
increased, so have the number and variety of financial education programs and program
providers. This explains that even finance needs a deep knowledge about it according to
the statement. Secondly, some programs offer comprehensive information on a variety of
topics for a broad audience, including savings, credit, risk management, investments,
retirement planning and similar topics. Others are focused on a single topic such as credit
management, retirement planning, and investing; and they are tailored to a specific group,
such as youth, women, or minorities (Braunstein and Welch, 2002). This connects to the
study that Financial Education can help every entrepreneur just like the first explanation,
but this statement has more evidence that shows that this can help every person to balance
and to have a desire life.

The Goal of the Financial is to ensure that everyone has learned, enlightened about
the information and skill to make good financial decisions also this may sure the
important to be protected from the players. Lastly, Financial Education works because
Danes, Huddleston‐Casas, and Boyce (1999) conducted a study to assess the impact of a
high school financial planning curriculum on the financial knowledge, behavior, and self‐
efficacy of a national sample of teens using the curriculum. Judgment sampling was used.
Therefore, Findings revealed that the owners of micro retail stores lack the necessary
skills in financial planning; practice simple “buying” and “selling”; inventory level
depends on cash sufficiency and availability; family members take turns in managing the
business; it also sees competition is minimally addressed due to limited capital and
limited capital access; and borrowing is made through individual money lenders or from
micro-lending institutions; goods withdrawn for personal consumption are not accounted

Also, Problems encountered include lack of capital, high interest rates on

loans, unrecoverable credit granted to some customers, arrogant customers, and nil
government support. In the other hand, in Philippines this shows the lack of strategies and
knowledge that compact the high rate of problems that may affects or bad outcomes
because of some lack strategies.


Kireeva, E. V. (2016) states that the process of personal finances is a cash flow made
by the individuals' decision-making. Personal finance is the financial decision of an
individual, including their activities, budgeting, insurance, risk management, mortgage
loan, and credit card.

In the current situation of one's individual, it is not easy to handle finance if an

individual does not know any financial planning. Having prior knowledge in financial
planning may help future entrepreneurs become wise in using their capital since it will
help them know the risks they might encounter.

In an individual's finances, some of their source of income comes from their

wages, salaries, and government benefits (Social Security System (SSS), medical
insurance, retirement plans, disability insurance, life insurance, and retirement plans) that
an individual can get.

The basis of finances is the individual income, which is all their cash flow or the
money they get from all sources. It is an individual salary, retirement benefits like Social
Security, rental, and investment income are all included (Terry, 2022).

In other words, risk in a business is a massive obligation of future entrepreneurs

when they have to use their finances, meaning double obligation and more risks they will
meet. Deciding to use personal finance is a problem for some of the starting businesses
since it requires critical thinking, where we know that budgeting finance is complex for
some entrepreneurs who will start to invest their capital. Moreover, personal finance is all
about risks and trust that must be built in future entrepreneurs' minds when investing.

Personal finance includes short- and long-term financial management of all facets of
an individual or family's money. The phrase also refers to a whole economy sector where
services and goods and offered to people who want to manage their money better and take
advantage of investment possibilities (Turner, 2022).

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Paradigm of the study

This conceptual framework depicts the relationship of the variables indicated in

the paradigm that fit in the proposed study problems. The paradigm shows the Input,
Process, and Output of the study.

The first frame contains the level of personal finances of entrepreneurs in terms
of, source of income, budget, and savings as well as, determining various factors
influences an investor’s decision before making an investment in terms of financial
outlook, and identifying if there is a significant relationship between entrepreneur’s
personal finance and other financial resources when it comes to the relation of investment
decision. The second frame contains the process of data collection, analysis, and
interpretation of data gathered. The last frame contains applying the process, and results
from the data gathered, and providing the study that has been determined.


The purpose of this study is to know what kind of relation that the personal finance
have on investment decisions of entrepreneurs in Southville 1.

1. What is the level of Personal Finance of the respondents in terms of

1.1 Source of Income
1.2 Budget
1.3 Savings

2. What are the factors to be considered in investment decisions of respondent in terms of

1.1 Property
1.2 Cash Investments
1.3 Product/Service Innovation

3. Is there a significant relationship between entrepreneurs’ personal finance and other

financial resources when it comes to the relation of investment decisions?


There is no significant correlation between entrepreneurs’ personal finance and other

financial resources when it comes to the relation of investment decisions.


This study will look into the relation that personal finance have on investment decisions
of entrepreneurs. And in this study, the researchers will survey the entrepreneurs of
Southville 1 about their experiences when it comes to investment decisions. And this will
also determine if they use personal finance for their business.

This study will not cover how entrepreneurs resolve their issues and problems on
their finances.

The data collection will be done through an online survey with 30 participants
from Southville 1. And by this, the researchers will know what investment decisions that
the entrepreneurs face.


This research is done with the aim of providing proper use on our personal finances and
also to influence and teach people what is the proper thinking in investment decision.

Business Managers. This study is very useful for every person who wants to build and
manage a business properly.
People in our Society. This study is very important because we want to know what
entrepreneurs do when making an investment decision.
Household Financer. This study will teach you to save money, budget salaries, proper
marketing, this strategy helps you to survive in this pandemic.
Workers. The result of this study will help our workers to control their taxes and
Working Students. The result of this will help the students to be wise in budgeting their
salaries every month for their personal finance.
Entrepreneurs. This study may serve as a guide and reference for the young and new
entrepreneurs undertaking similar problems.


The words are operationally defined for the better understanding of the research

Business Activity - any activity a business engages in for the primary purpose of making
a profit
Buy and Sell - Investors buy something when they exchange cash for an asset.
Personal Finance - It's about managing your money to achieve your personal financial
goals. It is usually long-term, basically your whole life.
Traditional Business - a local store which offers its services or products to its local
Investment Decisions - is a well-planned action that allocates financial resources to
obtain the highest possible return.
Financial Literacy - helps to manage our money wisely, make sound financial decisions,
and achieve financial stability in life.
Digital Investments - is a blended finance program that seeks to mobilize private capital
for digital connectivity infrastructure and digital financial services that strengthen open,
interoperable, reliable, inclusive, and secure digital ecosystems in emerging markets.
Entrepreneurship - is the process of developing, organizing, and running a new
business to generate profit while taking on financial risk.
Personal Investment - an amount of money that is invested in something by a person,
rather than by a company or organization, or these investments as a whole.
Investment Experience - the hypothetical amounts credited.
Financial - refers to money matters or transactions of some size or importance.
Investment - is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or
Correlation - means association more precisely it is a measure of the extent to which two
variables are related. To see if a relationship between two or more variables exists.
Enterprises- an organization, especially a business, or a difficult and important plan,
especially one that will earn money.
Financially Literate -to know how to manage your money.


Investment Decision.
As is well known, the Filipino mindset upon salary receipt is that spending comes
first, followed by saving. What remains is saved. If there are none left, nothing can be
saved. According to a Philam Life survey, 96 percent of Filipinos are concerned about
their own and their families' health, but only 16 percent are prepared to pay for medical
costs if they are diagnosed with a critical illness.9 Due to a lack of financial education,
there is an increase in the number of senior-dependents, or retirees who rely on their
children for financial assistance. Financial planning teaches people to be responsible with
their money and instills the discipline needed to stay on track with their financial goals.
Financial planning entails educating Filipinos on the various types of goals they should
set, including short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. Short-term goals include
paying monthly living expenses or meeting the person's basic needs, such as establishing
an emergency fund. In contrast, medium term goals are those that you want to achieve in
one to five years, such as buying a house or a car, whereas long term goals take longer
than five years to accomplish. To meet the increasing demand for more investments in the
country, the financial industry recommends that Filipinos should save first and spend
whatever is left after putting their savings aside. (Bernheim BD, Garrett DM, Maki DM

According to Gedmintiene, D. D (2016), In financial planning, a future entrepreneur

must understand personal finance since it revolves around investment, savings, and
budgeting. According to financial experts in Lithuania and the old European Union
members, the population's savings habits have remained very different for many years.
With Europeans investing in modern-saving measures such as pension funds, unit-linked
life insurance, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, most Lithuanians' savings primarily
adhere to time deposits, demand deposit accounts, or cash. Lithuanians save the money to
keep them at home or deposit it in their bank accounts ineffectively.’

The personal finance system that emerged in the United States was more disjointed
than that in the majority of industrializing nations, where savings banks had grown into
sizable, diverse financial organizations. A centralized public supplier of financial services
for households, like those that have evolved abroad, was prevented from being established
in the United States due to the federalist political system and lobbying by the current
intermediaries. Furthermore, due in part to rules that prevented savings banks from
innovating and in part to the risk-averse organizational culture of the banks themselves,
the United States did not build robust, diversified savings institutions at the local level.
These conditions facilitated the establishment of new financial behavior patterns among
households and the proliferation of specialized intermediaries that aggressively sold new
financial services to households.
(Harcourt et al., 1967) For a good investment decision, the investor needs to
understand completely and correctly the possible opportunities and these decisions should
not be made in a rush. A wrong investment decision can lead companies even to
bankruptcy. it is important and also necessary to understand the basic ideas of the
investment decisions to obtain the maximum value from the appraisal process because this
may help the owners to avoid negative outcomes in other hand by studying the investment
decisions and investment behavior. Therefore, investment decisions and investment
behavior can be studied from two points of view. Investment can be analyzed and studied
empirically and theoretically.

Financial literacy
According to Zach Gonzalvo, Ernie C Avila Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research
in Business Administration 5 (1), 1-7, 2019.The goal of this study was to assess the
financial literacy of microbusiness owners in the Philippine municipality of Ragay,
Camarines Sur. The descriptive research method and normative survey technique were
used to collect data. In this survey, 374 microbusiness owners participated as respondents.
According to the analysis, Ragay microbusiness owners have an average level of financial
knowledge. However, based on the three elements of financial literacy, it is determined
that the aforementioned owners' overall financial understanding is inadequate in terms of
financial ideas. Additionally, the microbusiness owners' overall financial attitude and
behavior are considered to be ordinary. There is no significant association between the
according to the statistical correlational analysis.

According to Riccardo Calcagno, Yan Alperovych, Anita Quas.New Frontiers

in Entrepreneurial Finance Research, 271-297, 2020.In recent years, there has been a great
deal of academic interest in the measurement, causes, and results of financial literacy for
people and households. This chapter focuses on the financial literacy of business owners.
Entrepreneurs are well-known for being sources of growth and creativity, but their
capacity to accomplish these goals is substantially correlated with their capacity to make
wise financial decisions. Although it is debatable whether or not financial literacy is
necessary for entrepreneurs to make such judgments, there is little empirical research on
the subject. The few scholarly works that initially look into the level of financial literacy
of entrepreneurs are reviewed in this chapter. More importantly, we point some promising
directions for further investigation into the concept of financial literacy for (potential)
entrepreneurs and its effects on the result of entrepreneurial activity.

According to Mustabsar (2016) for those former business owners, it may be easy for
them to invest but still struggle with the actions that they should probably carry out or
what kind of investment they can profit augmented in their business. Thus, they can
manage to avoid some losses that perchance encountered inside their trading in the long
run. Taking a risk in business investment may grasp a threatened still, it can assist your
business to gain more profit.

Individuals today are more in charge of their personal finances than they have ever
been. Financial literacy is a key indicator of an individual's ability to make sound
investment decisions. Individuals have been affected by labor market changes. As skills
become more valuable, wage disparities between those with a college education or higher
and those with less education are becoming more pronounced. (Lusardi, 2019)

Digital Retail Investment

According to Kwang Lin Wong, Yvonne Ai-Chi Loh, David R
Hardoon Available at SSRN 4117997, 2022.Journal of Private Equity, Vol. 11, No. 2,
2008, pp. 90–99 This article examines the growth of the private equity sector in the
Philippines, a nation without the fully functional institutions required to sustain a thriving
private equity sector. We concentrate on the traits and difficulties that venture capitalists
and business angels both face, as well as the results of each group's investments. We
discovered that private equity investors have created distinctive investing strategies as a
result of the challenging investment environment in the Philippines. While venture
capitalists have typically reported negative returns, business angels investing in the
Philippines have generally reported favorable returns.

Personal Investment (PI) Theory

Personal Investment Theory is based on the centrality of meaning and people's ability to
make decisions in their lives based on what those decisions mean to them (Maehr &
Braskamp, 1986). It is concerned with however people choose to spend their time, talent,
and energy and stresses the role of social and cultural contexts in determining
motivational patterns in task performance and situation response. The PI theory
distinguishes three (3) kinds of meaning: self- belief, perceived behavior goals in specific
situations, and perceived alternatives for pursuing these goals. It suggests that people
spend their time and money on those things based on the value they attach to them.
Further, it suggests that the inner and outer lives are interconnected and mutually
reinforcing, so they must be examined together (Braskamp, 1986). Likewise, the further
rewards people aim for in a situation, the more driven they are and the more resilient they
are to disappointment and adversity.


Without risk, there can be no return. Investment is the long-term commitment of

funds with the goal of providing additional income to regular receipts and increasing the
value of an investor's funds. Investments are considered very important and useful if they
are made with proper planning because they provide regular and stable income as well as
tax relief.

The investor's goal is to find a variety of investments that meet his or her risk
and expected return preferences. Low-risk, high-return investments are preferred by
investors. The decision to invest is an optimization problem, but the objective function
differs from one investor to the next. There is different behavior when it comes to
decision-making involving their finances. They always depend on their finances to see if
they would invest or not. Investors may encounter immeasurable challenges in investment,
such as risk, ambiguity, and overloads, particularly if you're new in the business industry.

Taking a chance on a business investment may seem risky, but it can help your
company make more money. A successful investment decision may entail a significant
amount of risk taking. For those business owners who want to make successful investment
decisions, having mature knowledge about how you handle your financial decisions is a
huge honor. Financial literacy is a key indicator of an individual's ability to make sound
investment decisions. Financial literacy is also linked to higher investment returns and
investment in more complex assets like stocks. Findings demonstrate that financial
literacy is not a gimmick, but rather a critical component of saving and wealth

By the presented related literatures, it is identified that there are different forms
of business that a person can do. And having a business does need proper financial
literacy and investment decisions.


This chapter represents the research design, population and sampling, respondents of the
study, sources of data, research instrument, validation of instrument, data gathering
procedure, evaluation and scoring and statistical treatment of data.


This research paper is constructed using quantitative methods. Quantitative research

deals in numbers, logic, and an objective stance. It also focuses on numeric and
unchanging data and detailed, convergent reasoning rather than divergent reasoning
(Babbie, 2010). Close ended questions is used by the researchers in data analysis.

Closed-ended questions can be answered with “Yes” or “No,” or they have a limited set
of possible answers (Farrell, 2016). Closed-ended questions come in a multitude of forms
but are defined by their need to have explicit options for a respondent to select from.


The population frames of the study were 30 selected entrepreneurs working in a small
store in Southville 1 Marinig Cabuyao Laguna. The researches use purposive sampling,
also known as judgment, selective, or subjective sampling, because it is a method in
which the researchers relies on their own judgement when selecting proper of the public to
participate in the study.


The respondents of the research were the entrepreneurs of the small business around in
Southville 1 Marinig Cabuyao Laguna such as sari-sari store, salon, milk tea business,
laundry shop that the main focus is to know the relations between personal finance and
investment decisions.


The sources of data for the research entitled “Personal Finance and It’s Relation
to Investment Decisions of Entrepreneurs in Southville 1”. The Internet were also
used to gather related literatures and studies as well as acquiring respondents in
order to answer the survey questionnaires that was made and used by the


The researcher made multiple choice question to gather data from respondents. In
this study the researchers use close-ended question as an instrument to gather data
from the respondents. A close-ended question is a question that can be simply
answered by yes or no, a participant has given an option to choose a response.

The instrument used in this study was the survey questionnaire which was
validated by a professional language teacher and statistician from Cabuyao
Instittute of Technology. Along with that, the instrument used were validated to
keep the validity of the statistical tools needed for the study.


Scale Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

4 3.28-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.52-3.27 Agree
2 1.76-2.51 Disagree
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

In order to develop a questionnaire, the researchers read books, related studies,

consulted with a teacher, and browsed several websites that were relevant to the
presence study. The specific problem study also aided the researchers in
developing the questionnaire.

Before distributing survey questionnaire directly to respondents. The researchers

requested authorization from those in positions of power and by that the
questionnaire was given to the respondents by the researchers. The researchers
gave the respondents instructions on how to complete the test or questionnaire.
The students were given adequate time to respond to the survey question. The
questionnaire was then scored, tabulated, and tallied.


Statistical treatment of data is essential to make use of the data in the right form.
Raw data collection is only one aspect of any experiment. The organization of
data is equally important so that appropriate conclusion can be drown.

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution

A frequency and percentage distribution is a display of data that specifies the

percentage of observation that exists for each data point or grouping of data

The process of creating frequency and percentage distribution involves

identifying the total number of observations to be presented and counting the total
number of observations within each data point or group of data points.

Formula: P=f/N(10)

P = percentage
F = frequency
N = number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean

A weighted mean is a kind of average. Instead of each data point contributing

equally to the final mean, some data points contribute more weight than others.


X = weighted mean
F – frequency to the given
W = weights
N – total number of respondents

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Will Kenton (2022). Personal Finance
Lusardi, A. 1 (2019). Financial literacy and the need for financial education: evidence and
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