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With this activity that I joined for the first time, I fully understand
why it was called “Training”. It’s because it seeks to improve or increase the knowledge and skills as well as the work behavior of those trained. At
first, I was really nervous meeting a different professionals and sometimes attending in training makes me feel bored and unwanted to participate but
during our training I realized there’s still fun of it because I meet a different students like me and although our topic is serious, I noticed that the
trainor are also makes a joke for us to avoid any boredom.

As a student of NSTP 2, I was given the opportunity to learn about Basic Fire Fighting, Basic life support, Disaster Preparedness and D rug
Awareness and Anti-Gang campaign. Through this program, I realize the importance of being prepared for emergencies, especially those involving
fire. I learned about the basic of first aid or the basic life support and the importance of being prepared for emergencies in the workplace. Also I
realize how importance drug awareness or Anti-Gang campaign in the youth like me.

One of the most important things that I learned during our training is the proper way of using a fire extinguisher. Before taking the course, I had
no idea that there were different types of extinguisher for different types of fire. I also didn’t know the proper way to use them. But through this
training, I am confident enough that I could use a fire extinguisher in case of an emergency. Another important aspect of emergency plan. I realized
that it’s not just enough to know what to do in case of an era, but to have a plan in place that everyone in the household or workplace is aware. This
can prevent chaos and confusion during an emergency and can potentially save life. The training also made me more aware of the causes of fire and
the steps that can be taken to prevent them. I learned about the importance of keeping flammable materials away from sources of heat, such as stoves
and heaters. I also learned about the importance of checking electrical appliances regularly and ensuring that they are in good condition, because
sometimes it may be cause of fire.

Participating in the NSTP2 program, also help me to learned basic life support. This is a quick assessment that can help to determine the severity
of an injury and the appropriate first aid measure to take. Learning basic life support was helpful because it helped me to quickly assist a situation and
take appropriate action, it necessary. I also learned about the different types of injuries that occur in an incident and even in the workplace as well as
the appropriate first aid measures for each one. I learned how to treat cuts, and fractures. I also learned how to perform CPR and the different steps to
be followed. At first, I thought that the first step in performing CPR was to check if the patient is still breathing but in our training I realized that the
first step was to check the scene or surroundings, these are the skills that I believe can be useful not only in the workplace, but also in other setting s
such as at home or in public place.

Another thing I consider as one of the important things, I learned during our training in NSTP 2 is drug awareness. Drug awareness protects,
particularly the youth to be informative about the dangerous and disruptive effects of it on their system specifically their physical and mental health.
This training allowed me to know the different drugs and its effect not only in our physical and mental health but also to our emotional and social
development. Some of the illegal drugs are methamphetamine, cannabis sativa, inhalant etc.

And lastly, we discuss during our training is about the awareness of terrorism. Terrorism is the group of people who are against in the
government. In this lesson, I learned that our innocence and curiosity will drive us toward joining in the anti-government group called terrorism. I
realized how important this training because without this people who are weak in mind specifically the young people or youth will continue to be
influence by their curiosity or by other people. That’s why, I am grateful for the opportunity given to us, as one of the student of NSTP 2. I believe
that knowledge and skills I gained are important for everyone to have.

Submitted By: May Ann Joy Ruelan BPA-1A

Submitted To: Myka Socorro Villacote Ponce,LPT

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