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Integumentary Assess

Assessment 5) Nodules – Elevated marble like lesion more than

1cm wide and deep.
Inspection for color variation: 6) Cysts – Nodules that are liquid or semi-solid filles.
1) Albinism – General loss of pigmentation E.g sebaceous cysts.
2) Vitiligo – White patches. Different melanin amount 7) vesicles – Circumscribed elevation of skin
in some areas containing fluid <0.5 cm diameter. E.g. Acute
3) Erythema – skin redness and warmth dermatitis
8) Bullae – Large vesicle that is >0.5 cm in diameter.
Wound Measurement – Circumference for circular E.g. 2nd degree burns.
wounds. 9) Pustules – Vesicle filled with cloudy or purulent
fluid. E.g. acne or acute impetigo
Bedsore Stage 1: Non-blanche redness
Bedsore Stage 2: Shallow pinkish red basin
Bedsore Stage 3: Slough
Bedsore Stage 4: Eschar

Braded Scale Interpretation:

o Very High: 6-10
o High: 11-15 points
o Medium: 16-19 points
o Low; 20-23 points

Skin Lesions:
1) Macules – Flat lesions <1cm diameter. E.g.
2) Patches – Flat > 1cm in diameter. E.g. Café Au
3) Papules – Small firm elevated lesion <1cm in
diameter. E.g. Warts
4) Plaques – Elevated more that 1cm in diameter
e.g. psoriasis

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