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Topic: How to create a viable business idea in 5 steps and not die trying?

Objective: Analyze if you are ready, the idea, the sector, your client and the available

1. Analyze yourself.
A Business Idea needs the skills and competencies of its creator.

• Think if you are ready and determined to start a business.

• Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
• Choose an idea that suits your situation.

2. Give shape to your business idea

• Define your product or service.

• Make your value propositio.
• Decide on the promotion and distribution channels.

3. Study the sector

• Search for competing companies.
• identify what they offer, how they relate and what resources they have.
• Identify the threats and weaknesses of your project.

4. Find your client's profile

• Visualize your ideal client.
• think of a close person who fits your profile.
• Empathize and ask to know your needs, desires, habits, etc.

5. Assess the available resources

• Identify the necessary resources.
• Analyze market prices.
• Study the funding routes.

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