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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 8C-8H
Guru : Christiani, S.Pd.

1. Hari : Selasa, 16 Mei 2023

Kelas : 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8H,
Tugas : Mengerjakan soal (LKPD) terkait ‘Short Message, Notice, Announcement”

2. Hari : Rabu, 17 Mei 2023

Kelas : 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8H
Tugas : Mengerjakan tugas dari Buku Mandiri “Practice” soal no. 1 – 20 halaman
Nama: ____________________________ No: ____________________________

Short Message, Notice, Announcement

Read the text below for number 1 and 2
Choose the best answer!

Dear Jeno
There is computer exhibition at Jember Expo centre. Would you like to accompany me to
go there tomorrow evening? I’m going to buy a headphone.

1. Why does Adella send the message to Jeno?

a. To remind Jeno to visit a computer exhibition
b. To invite Jeno to attend a computer exhibition
c. To suggest Jeno buy a new headphone
d. To ask Jeno to accompany her to visit an exhibition
2. What will Jeno probably do after reading the message?
a. Buy a Bluetooth speaker for Adella
b. Visit the computer exhibition by herself
c. Ask Adella to visit a computer exhibition
d. Reply to the message by stating his willingness
Read the text for numbers 3-4

3. Based on the text above, where can you find the notice above?
a. In the library c. In the mosque
b. In the laboratory d. In the church
4. What does the notice mean?
a. We may not enter the lab
b. We must wear lab coats in the lab area
c. We should come to the lab
d. We can’t wear lab coats in the lab area
Read the text for numbers 5-7

5. Where will the activity be held?

a. At library c. At student centre
b. At hall d. At class
6. Who makes the announcement?
a. The headmaster c. Students of grade VII
b. The teacher d. Student’s Association
7. Who can join the event?
a. All the students c. Students Association
b. All students of grade VII d. The teacher
8. What does the caution above mean?

a. We must be careful because the floor is wet

b. We may not pass the way
c. It’s not slippery
d. We must walk slowly
9. “Raise your hand before asking a question”
Which of the following pictures shows the action?

c. d.
a. b.
Where should Tomi put the key?
a. After having lunch
b. After doing homework
c. Under the pot
d. When he goes to music course

Read the text below to answer questions number


To All Students,
We inform that English club will be held every Saturday, at 9. The place will be at school library.
Don’t forget to bring your books and dictionary.
Please contact to Miss Diana for information.

Head teacher.

11. When will English club be held?

a. Every Saturday c. School library
b. At 9 am d. Head teacher
12. Where will English club be held?
a. School library c. every Saturday
b. Head teacher d. at 9 am
13. What should students bring?
a. Books and pens c. School library
b. Books and dictionary d. Head teacher
14. Who wrote the announcement?
a. Students c. every saturday
b. Head teacher d. at 9 am
15. How can we get the information? We can contact to…
a. Students c. every Saturday
b. Head teacher d. Miss Diana
Read the text below to answer questions number 13-15


 Ask for permission before going to the

 Do not run around
 Do not eat in the classroom
 Keep your hands to yourself
 Raise your hand before asking a question

16. What is the intention of writing the text….

a. To tell the importance of taking to your friends.
b. To show parents the school's regulations.
c. To ask students to obey the rules.
d. To ask juniors to respect seniors
17. "Keep your hands to yourself."
What does this mean?
a. Pushing or hitting friends is not allowed
b. Pushing or hitting friends is suggested
c. Students must not sleep
d. Students must sleep.
Read the text below to answer questions number 11-12

Dear parents,
In order to keep your children from carrying heavy school bags, please pay attention to the
following. Make sure your children bring their belongings according to the timetable.
The latest timetable is provided on the school website,
Encourage your children to use the school lockers.
Ask your children to carry their bags properly by putting both bag straps on their shoulders.
Always buy light bags.

18. The text is intended to ... the parents about avoiding their children from carrying
heavy school bags.
a. give tips to c. ban activities of
b. give trials of d. provide assurance to
19. Who probably makes the announcement?
a. The head teacher. c. The children
b. The students. d. The parents.
20. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. To describe about heavy school bag.
b. To invite parents to come to school
c. To give announcement for parents about student’s bag
d. To retell past information

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