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MOSFET (Metal-oxide- semicon duct field effed /\ Gsnt}yuchion © D-type E-tyPe Depletim type MosFeT CM-channel) Sounce (3) soe Drain Gp)e as esse S10, (Silicon Dj-evide ) {lasulator or ctielertnic ) N-Channel Jushly NT Deplag—___—f Mog oxity cayser (Electron) Minority camer (Holes ) Minority Cartien (eter Magonty cartin ( Heles) Substoate (= 5)/Bocly, + Potype Substoate + The Clalenaally Comnectes! to Sounce) clnain and source are connecteal to Nt CHeavily doper) * The NT type walt connected 40 each odhes to N-channel - t * The dlvaim and source ane interchangable J * The Gate is insulated trom channel throug h Hun sto, ; * Igso Foun 4enminal = Three +enmuinol r a— fas Niche 4 a n= hannol 5 G4 5 P-channel a—| P Areonel Basic openatioo & characteristics cares: when Vos=*VE Sn ath Yyz0¥ caren! whan Vy =-Ve when Vey = Tivo -3v > AV Pe subsdrste Elechon mave Source 4o Draio Cusned diecHiom Drain to Source *Vqs20 ard Voy applica foo My is set negative vollege a9-3V + Vasil Ht positive voltage . Drain 4o soutce terminals. _sNepahive potential ef gets will fond» gate will hain additimal fe alerhen fossa lee hom P- sinbs fret Rais lien lot the drceielecnwu Piteere ceine fear Bie elem substaste (like chge repel). (free cannits ) of the n-cRannel for the postive i 40 cn eaenae voliage at the chain Atirsd holes from P-type substicts hss Crate charge alter) rain curred oaill increaee cf + Increariag He Yo, veaulting + Depercliap -ve Volt ad gata Retombication yxpid ats 4 Pistan the current fining bebinon ale 4 clochns a Application of higher fous Gonkinutoe tp labeled Epc, 7 Restute the tlechons in N~chanel gat voltae —— “higher Depletion Hu elechoulDeate) 1) ain cum More -ve voltape of ph renudting + Enkancad the Vanish Ha 1-chyanel « tree camien in the Channel + sTncreare thu Va, no curred HO ye fomed ao onhsnmmed re Region bebvean cut off and Saupptio lavel of Ipc, Yefened as depletion repfon. tavel of | at, vi Noseuy Dt Yoy Pinch oH igitere: (ile turvead aly 4%) 2enfancemed? Pode by a Tees - i Sous iaav - | Oe plehin Say inode 3 2 | er f sot) chav ale bein Codd) Chavechendtti Enfancement type $ Genahuchion » ease as Source ($) Gate (Ge) Oran (0) 3 PA 2 : IL LTLEL ALLL MLE SEO, ——— Hgily hoping nt Magority Cansien Holeo) ‘| — Hinovity cannien Cetect ens) ° Substrate [ Body css) * P-type Substnate Css i's indena ally Connected to sounce ) + The drain 4 source ane connecter) 4o Nt wall through metallic corel * Unlike D-MosFeT, Channel is absent Cwe have to enfance the + Dand s ane tatenchang able ~— ° Gete is ingulated from substrate through StOy ° Theo Basic Openation % Characteristics case £! Whin Vg,zoV (@retr when Vey OS alee ou P-Substrate. 4 | . Regulate Voc» No electnons +The nogative ab gete All *The potitive af gate wall all HOW fiom Source toDrain ablnect, mafonity Holes vepel the majoaily foler,4 50, No Lp remaiaiap minority elecknans = a "s ke ill Fema’ ike s wheter the, saunce exchaye «Alnendy Holes the |“ "emai? ae 1S Loput> they gut neutnchic more Arles get Accomulatid *°S0, the oles ger wilh subshete | neon ge surface - sdepleléd neat the cunface _ Accunrulation,. Region > 2.50, ji i “Exactly opposite to D-Mocrer ~ 4 | ag hee where [gz Sqy at Var= OV) + So» itrenPective Varn «Bute Voy > Vn 0 V,,=0V eledinun will flow from | get fully cleple Sounce to Draia+ So,nddy sunfece and all ; E-MOSFET not wowking E-MosFET net assrkhy | elecd>oas nemains eohich fromm Se) eo) Channel calted Inversion Regio | Now, Vy, éleebons & s |Sounce +o dnaio g L, How wice 7 ; ; =—| Drain to = qin ROS pe RCM, -V,) a ooo all oles fers Be Bul Here, Io= ity ee 7 oud olf vey in ve 19" Oven’ ofp) cRarecheaish = re oF Ket af ofp mode: Ye, Ye y ga =6 +76 Caleulate, inter output eR Lngeslence Ry, oF Re os lege Source shot ol 4 fluat atest vel Sounce/eunteT saute eae Die fi os Kel ot ofp nodes. au & ee Gn Mp =0 won] dns wd = Jo CVg= Ve) Ca tn) = eM commen Gate Mosret Anplit ; , ' Total Mmpud resistance Kin = Rit Rin Internat camed gan Ap = 2 ia Bd pet, Ate be — Ly + Gn Beo Yo et L412) See 1th Ge) es Du( Ge Re ves ) se) Mop, = Mee i, St Gn% af mor & Tatenet vollage gun: Apply KeU af voyp. teaminal =0 as Wye v, RL % oA, =[ eA) Vi, = Lin te +0 -U Qe RL aye + ue a @ Cometh ) Overs voltage gusn : Ri be RL Gdmtot! Ge Fe 774 = A £ ne a Tel ema ji tubes s) Ga» © ee oa ane Edevnal oper "ri nee Run oY Ro os _ Va We £o&

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