Reading Philippine History

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Outputs 1, 2, 3, and 4

The intention of these three outputs is to highlight the value of both primary and secondary
data sources. These activities are meant to encourage you to make comments based on facts
whenever possible. Also, I would like to encourage you to raise our discourse by basing
arguments on facts and disagreeing in a respectful and responsible manner.

Output 1 and 2 will be printed and submitted on or before 3 February 2023.

Note: If submit your Outputs earlier. You will have additional points if you submit this output ahead of
the deadline.

A soft copy will be submitted in the Brightspace.

Output 3 will be submitted in our GClass so everyone will be able to view it. You could submit it on or
before 10 February 2023.

Output 4 will be printed and submitted on or before 3 March 2023.

Note: If submit your Outputs earlier. You will have additional points if you submit this output ahead of
the deadline.

A soft copy will be submitted in the Brightspace.

Name: Jodi Anne Valenzuela Course, Year, and Section: BPEA 1-A

ID Number:2022M0887 Date of Submission:

Output 1. Chronology of events of my life. (30 points)

1. Follow the table below.

Year Event in my life Historical source/s and/or material Primary or Secondary data
(Include the picture or copy of the (10 points)
material) (10 points)
2004 The year I was born
2005 My first birthday
2006 Burial of my grand
2007 My third birthday
2008 My first day in
2009 Our first family
picture in my
grandfather grave
2010 Went back 2010, I
took a picture of
my brother
2011 My first ever
number in our
barangay plaza
2012 Our first bonding
with my cousin in
year 2012
2013 We went to the
cemetery to visit
my grandfather
2014 I won third place in
a miss scrap 2014
2015 My first ever
2016 My first day of
school in high
2017 My first medal in
high school
2018 Joining
FESTIVAL for the
first time
2019 Joining
FESTIVAL for the
second time
2020 When I receive tuti
my dog in my life
2021 My first beach trip
in 2021
2022 My 18th birthday
2023 When we visit the
museum near
festive walk mall
(10 points)
Description of my life:
At least 5 event to support your description above.

2. For each year of your life, choose one event.

3. Identify the historical source/s and/or material that can be used to demonstrate that the event in
your life occurred.

4. Identify whether the historical source/s and/or material is primary or secondary source.

5. Look at the table. How would you describe your life? Your description could be a word or phrase.
What are the events that could support this description.

6. This is on page 1 and 2 of your paper.

7. Scoring

Historical source/s and/or material Primary or Secondary data Description of my life and
(Include the picture or copy of the support
10 points: all events have evidence 10 points: all historical 10 points: all the chosen
source/s and/or materials are events support the
correctly identified description of your life.
7 points: 1-3 evidences are missing or 7 points: 1-2 historical 7 points: 1-2 of the chosen
confusing source/s and/or materials are events does not support or
incorrectly identified or incongruent with the
missing. description of your life.
5 points: more than 4 evidences are 5 points: more than 3 5 points: more than 3 of the
missing or confusing historical source/s and/or chosen events does not
materials are incorrectly support or incongruent with
identified or missing the description of your life.

Output 2. Chronology of events of the Philippines. (30 points)

Newspapers, websites, and other information sources are essential for understanding current
events in our country. These events may help throw light on or provide context for your
experiences. This output will also provide you with the opportunity to explore issues or themes
that have caught your interest.
1. For the events that occurred in the Philippines, select a theme or topic.

2. Events in the Philippines should begin the year you were born and continue through this year. In
every year, choose one event that happened in the Philippines. These occurrences must be the result of
human actions rather than natural events.

3. These events are also related to the theme or topic you selected previously.

4. See the table below.

Year Event related to Reference (Use APA) (10 points) Answer the question in one
the topic or theme sentence. (10 points)
2004 “What do you see?”
(10 points)
Looking at this table, what view or belief about a concept or idea has been strengthened or
changed as a result of events relating to the topic you have chosen? Please expound your
answer in not more than 5 sentences.

5. Identify the historical source/s and/or material/s that can be used to verify that the event you choose

6. Allow the events, facts, or data you have chosen to "speak"/ "talk" to you. Consider this as a way of
generating knowledge. In the social sciences, this is referred to as the inductive method.

7. This is found on page 3 and 4 of your paper.

8. Scoring

Reference (Use APA) (10 points) Answer to the question in Effects on your perspective or
one sentence. belief
10 points: all events have Refences 10 points: The “answer” is 10 points: Your answer and
and are correctly written using APA supported by events. subsequent discussion are
correct and based on your
table entries.
7 points: 1-3 Refences are missing or 7 points: 1-2 events are 5 points: Your answer and
incorrectly written using APA incongruent the “answer” or accompanying discussion are
does not support the unclear, dubious, or not
“answer” based on your table entries.
5 points: more than 4 Refences are 5 points: more than 3 events
missing or incorrectly written using are incongruent the “answer”
APA or does not support the

Output 3. Self-introductory video. (30 points)

1. You are going to make a self-introductory video based on the Output 1 and Output 2. This means that
all you will be telling us are verified facts.

2. Please follow the details and information of the video.

a. length: not more than 60 seconds or 1 minute.

b. parts and sequence of the video:

i. First part will be who you are.

ii. The second part will be at least 5 selected and verified facts you wish to share with us.

iii. The closing will be your answers to the last column and last row found in Output 2.

3. Scoring:

30 points: a. The video is not more than 60 seconds or 1 minute long.

b. All information in the video is found in the Output 1.
c. The parts of the video are followed and in sequence.
d. The words chosen are suitable and the voice is clear.
25 points: a. The video is 1-10 seconds longer than instructed.
b. 1-2 information in the video are not found in the Output 1.
c. 1-2 parts of the video are not followed and not in sequence.
d. 5% of the words chosen are not suitable and the voice is clear.
20 points: a. The video is 11 or more seconds longer than instructed.
b. More than 3 information in the video are not found in the Output 1.
c. The parts of the video are not followed and not in sequence.
d. Most of the words chosen are not suitable and the voice is unclear.

Output 4. Realizations from self-introductory videos. (10 points)

Output 4's major objective is to let you get to know your classmates better. Second, it
would be beneficial to understand what your classmates’ views and beliefs are.

Instructions and other details

1. View each of your classmates' introduction videos. You would get to know your classmates
better as a result.

2. Choose at least five videos of your classmates.

3. Fill out the table below.

Name of classmate’s self- Ideas shared by your classmate Realization (10 points)
introductory video
What notion or idea was
strengthened or changed as a
result of your classmates' ideas?
Explain your response in no
more than 5 sentences.

4. Scoring:

10 points: your answer and subsequent discussion is valid and based on your entries in
the table.

5 points: your answer and subsequent discussion is not clear or questionable or not
based on your entries in the table.

Prepared by:
Jason C Cocjin, Ph D (Social Science)

Associate Professor II

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