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NAME: Sarah Jean Tecson PERMIT NO.:


I. Write the correct word/s on the space provided for.

1. The pen name that Rizal used when he wrote On Travel was Laong Laan.
2. Travel is a caprice in Childhood.
3. For the youth travel is Passion.
4. Sa Aking mga Kababata In this poem, Rizal describes his native town of Calamba and be remembers
his beautiful childhood days.
5. In this poem, Rizal shows the importance of religion to the ultimate alliance between religion and
eduation of the people.
6. To the child of jesus In this poem, Rizal asked why the Child Jesus came to earth like a common
7. Love of Counrty In this poem, Rizal reveals his love of God and fatherland.
8.The Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob.
9.June 12, 1898 proclaimed the “Declaration of Philippine Independence” in Kawit, Cavite.
10.Rizal was only 13 years old, when he showed his ability as a prophet.
11. Arnis was also called as native fencing
12.Orthographyis the study of the spelling of words in any language.
13. He gave his valuable manuscript, Studies on the Tagalog Language, to his beloved Ateneo teacher,
___________________________, as a birthday gift.
14. He made his archaeological discovery in Lumanao Hill.
15. Rizal gathered more than 400 species of insects, birds, snakes, shells, and plants.
16. He also made with the help of a Jesuit lay brother, ________________________, the survey plan of
the Dapitan waterworks which he constructed.
17.As a practicing surveyor, he surveyed the land of Jaime Rosario Y Zamora
18. Zoroastrianism means Ancient Persian Religion.
19. In November, 1886, while living in Berlin, he translated Blumentritt’s article
________________________, from German to Spanish.
20. The author of The Count of Monte Cristo was Alexander Dumas .
21. Burgomaster means in English was Town mayor.
22. To acquire a new language, Rizal memorized Five root words every night before going to sleep.
23. At the end of the year, he learned 1,825 new words.
24. Before he died, he was able to know 22 languages.
25. According to Antonio J. Molina, distinguished Filipino music professor and composer, Rizal had
composed a song.
26. The third house he designed was Hexagonal in shape.
27. The last sculptural work of Rizal was an artistic pipe representing a woman's head.
28. Many years later, when Rizal was in Fort Santiago, awaiting his execution, Father Luis Viza gave him
the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
29.He cultivated his great talent for sculpture by taking lessons under Romualdo De Jesus, a distinguished
Filipino sculpture.
30. While studying in Binan he received his first formal instruction in painting under an old artist named
Juancho .
31. La Solidaridad, was the magazine of the patriotic Filipinos in Spoain.
32. P.Jacinto ,was the first pen name he used in writings.
33. The first essay written by Rizal was his Autobiography Reminiscences of student of Manila .
34. sumi-e apanese art of painting.
35.Shinto shrine scene from Kabuki.
36. While Rizal was a medical student at the University of Santo Tomas, he was awarded a diploma and
silver medal by the Economic Society of Friends of the country for his wax model of a medal to
commemorate the first centenary of the Society.
37. The first house designed and built by Rizal was square in shape.
38. Other foreign writings translated by Rizal were The Rights of Man of the French revolution and parts
of Zend Avesta, sacred book of the ancient Persian religion.
39. Mario Cunanan was the name of his rich friend from Mexico, Pampanga, who offered to raise P
40,000 to finance the college for young Filipinos.
40. Rizal organized the farmers of Dapitan into a Cooperative association called it as Society of Dapitan
41. Rizal may not be as great as an inventor as Thomas Edison of America, but he possessed certain
ability as an inventor.
42 During his exile in Dapitan he invented a wooden brick machine for making bricks.
43. In 1887, while he was practicing medicine in Calamba, he invented a Sulpakan which he sent as a gift
to Blumentritt.
44.In London, he learned boxing and cricket from the sons of Dr.Rost.
45.The best essays of Rizal were published in La Solidaridad.
46.When Rizal, was a student at the Ateneo,Father Sanchez(his professor) gave him a prose story of Saint
Eustace the Martyr to be put in dramatic form.
47.The only prize winning drama written by Rizal was Council of Gods
48.Jose Rizal was the first Filipino Historian.
49.Rizal’s greatest achievement as a historian was his annotated edition of Morga's Sucesos de las Islas..
50.Rizal planned to establish an “International Association of Filipinologist”in Paris during the
International Exposition of 1889.

II. Enumeration
Qualities of Rizal
1-6 As Physician
-analytical and critical mind
-knowledge of many language
-training under the best eye surgeon
-steady nerve and skilled hands for surgical operations
-devotion to the art of healing
-faith in God

7-10 As Historian
-brillian and critical mind
-passionate love for truth
-knowledge of many language
-tience in research

11-13 As an Architect
-his skill and painting and sketching
-his knowledge of engineering and mathematics
-his love for beauty

14-16 As an Engineer
-mastery of mathematics
-his knowledge of serveying
-his extensive reading of engineering books

17-18 The Boustead Sister’s Name
-adelina bousted
-nellie bousted

19-20 Luna’s Brother

-juan luna
-manuel luna

Discuss briefly Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings.

José Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, wrote many political pieces which expressed the feelings
of many about the Spanish colonization and the potential for a democracy. Rizal studied medicine abroad
to heal his mother's eye. He fight spanish rulers in a form of writing books like the famous Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo.Rizal writes a poem and receives recognition for his writing from the Royal
Economic Society of Friends of the Country, also known as Amigos del Pals. The recognition comes in the
form of a diploma of merit and honorable mention.He fight for the rights of the Filipino people but later
on sacrifice his life for the greater good and now became our national hero reminding us that we should
always fight for our freedom.After his death, the Philippine Revolution continued until 1898. And with
the assistance of the United States, the Philippines declared its independence from Spain on June 12,
1898. This was the time that the Philippine flag was waved at General Emilio Aguinaldo’s residence in
Kawit, Cavite.

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