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Lesson 1: The Physical Self

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1. self-understand- The individual's cognitive representation of the self; the

ing substance and content of self-conceptions.

2. physical self refers to the concrete dimensions of the body, it is the tan-
gible aspect of the person which can be directly observed
and examined. (the self as impacted by the body)

3. physical charac- are defining traits or features about your body


4. Erik Erikson he believed in the importance of the body from early

development because the physical and intellectual skills
will somehow serve as a basis to whether a person has
achieved a sense of competence and be able to manage
and face the demands of self complexities.

5. William James he considered the body as the initial source of sensation

(1842-1910) and necessary for the origin and maintenance of person-

6. 10-12 years old age where puberty begins and considered to be in adoles-
cent period

7. 18-22 years old the transition period in the humans life span lasts from

8. 10-19 years old WHO describes adolescents as young people whose age
ranges from what?

9. healthy chil- they made the three periods of adolescence

10. early, middle, and 3 periods of adolescence

late adolescence

11. 11-14 years old early adolescence age bracket

12. 15-17 years old middle adolescence age bracket

13. 18-21 years old late adolescence age bracket

Lesson 1: The Physical Self
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14. 15-30 years old Age range crated by the National Youth Commission defin-
ing youth.

15. Youth in Na- Act in the Philippines defining youth accdg to age whic
tion-Building Act cover between 15-30 years

16. Menarche the first menstrual period

17. spermarche first ejaculation

18. brain-neuroen- according to Santrock, puberty is..

docrine process

19. pituitary gland master endocrine gland

20. ovaries female gonads

21. Testes male gonads

22. Oestrogen Female sex hormone

23. Androgen male sex hormones


24. secondary sexu- physical changes that distinguish boys from girls
al changes

25. primary sexual chages in the reproductive organs that prepare both boys
changes and girlsfor procreation

26. body image refers to the way one sees himself/herself or the way
he/she imagines how he/she looks

27. imaginary audi- an egocentric state where an individual imagines and

ence believes that multitudes of people are enthusiastically lis-
tening to or watching him or her

28. spotlight effect the belief that others are paying more attention to one's
appearance and behavior than they really are

Lesson 1: The Physical Self
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29. Personal and So- Factors that affect perception of the physical self
cial Factors

30. Intrspection and process by which one observes and examines one's inter-
Self-reflection nal state after behaving in a certain way.

31. self-perception explains that sonce one's internal state is difficult to inter-
theory pret, people can infer their inner states by observing their
own behaviour - as if they are an outside observer

32. self-concept is a cognitive representation of a self-knowledge which

includes the sum total of all beliefs that people have about

33. personal identity this is a concept a person has about himself that develops
over the years

34. Attachment Makes people learn about their value and lovabilty when
Process and hey experiences how their mothers or caregivers care for
Social Appraisal them and respond to their needs

35. Maintaining, Reg- Act as private audiences

ulating and Ex-
panding the self
in interpersonal

36. the looking-glass states that a person's self grows out of society's interper-
self theory sonal interactions and the perception of others

37. social compari- is a process of comparing oneself with others in order to

son evaluate one's own abilities and opinions

38. upward social comparing yourself to people better than you


39. downward social comparing ourselves to people who are worse than we are

40. Facebook biggest venue of comparison

Lesson 1: The Physical Self
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41. social identity (Tajdfel and Turner) a framework about how people
theory achieve understanding about themselves by being a mem-
ber of their group

42. Culture a social system that is characterized by the shared mean-

ings that are attributed to people and events by its mem-

43. beauty the quality of being physically attractive

44. Eurocentrism a tendency to interpret the world in terms of european or

anglo-american values and experiences

45. Colorism the prejudicial or preferential treatment of same race peo-

ple based solely on the color of their skin

46. Caucasian That which relates to white population of the human race

47. self-esteem the overall evaluation that a person has of himself which
can be positive or negative , high or low


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