What Are The Academic Challenges You Are Expecting As A 3rd Year Student

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A. What are the academic challenges you are expecting as a 3rd year student?

Aside from loaded activities and requirements needed to comply for every subject, I expect
more sleepless nights and more stress because of the pressure of being on the senior year
next academic year but I need to get through the struggle of being in 3 rd year first

B. With these challenges, how will you convert it as a motivation?

I see it like as a shaping equipment for me to build and push my self to my limits and
discomforts to make myself the best version of me.

C. How will you make your parents proud of you being a 3rd year Criminology student?

By merely not giving up and always giving my best shot to survive my course is already
making them proud of me.

D. With the social media problems existing, as future members of the service, how will
you control/discipline yourself not participate in those social media acts?

Absence is the best option to do here because for me, ranting or bashing or making any
fuss on social media is just adding drama in your personal life and you’re just letting
other person know that your emotionally vulnerable when you can’t contain matters
within yourself.

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