Predetermined Life

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Predetermined life

Destiny to a man's life is a nightmare when you realize your fate, to know your destiny or to even have
one is frightening. Destiny does not exist in my book, and personally I don't have a fond look on the
existence of destiny, I believe there is a certain beauty to uncertain events, chaos, and unpredictability.
And if truly destiny exists all those things that may have seemed chaotic or unpredictable are not because
of destiny. No one is destined to something, we are all part of a moving puzzle constantly and no one
knows what they are truly alive for, they might think they are destined to be something but how could you
know when you don't even have the control of the puzzle you are currently a part of.

Destiny to be with someone, to be something, or to be somewhere are all falsification of your own hard
work, you were not destined to be something you earned it and it wasn't given to you by destiny, or an all-
powerful God. You downplay your work and passion for something thinking of it as destiny. You aren't
destined to be something, you made it yourself! There's no greater insult to Human's hard work than "You
were destined to be great". How could you be sure that I was going to be great? When along the way there
was struggle and difficulties, I wasn't destined to be this, I made it happen.

There is a misconception about destiny in romance. There's no such thing as love at first sight, if you were
to fall for someone at first sight it was no destiny it was pure utter stupidity. Having said that, destiny is a
misconception in romance, there is no such thing and there can never be. How many times has a couple
said to one another "We are destined to be together" and after a long relationship that they could only see
going on forever all suddenly falls apart, it's because there were uncertainties maybe you lost feelings,
maybe you two weren't as interested to each other as before, those were uncertainties to a false destiny
and to make that forever happen you won't rely on destiny alone you have to work for uncertainties
become certain. Love is not destined, it is worked for. (Or not, I ain't even know what I am talking about,
shit I never had a girlfriend my entire life)

All in all, destiny is stupid and it's quite a nightmare. Destiny destroy life's innate beauty of chaos and I
hate to believe that every action I take is destine because if destiny exist, life must be predetermined, I
wouldn't want to know that my actions today is just one big plan for who I will be in the future, I would
feel like I had not control, I want to control my destiny and I don't want it to control me.

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