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Headscarf Muslimah

Right freedom religious immortalized in the UN charter and considered by many people
as right basic human . Some religions require special diets , others pray on time
certain . Why method dress religious must get protection as much other aspects of
freedom religious this ? Lots Muslim woman looks on veil as means For protect
courtesy And privacy them .
Same like We No will force any woman for seen ahead _ general with clothes in If he
No feel comfortable do it , why a woman must forced to For show her hair If he No
want ? Courtesy is evaluation personal , there are convenient in the smallest bikini while
others are more Like more clothes _ many . No nobody except _ woman That yourself
have to make decision it .
Muslim women are not the only feeling forced to on method dress them . Most people
are affected by norms social around _ them . Fashion trends can seen with exact way _
The same with religious
traditions . Prohibition closing head only will trigger more reaction _ extreme in between
very community _ religious . Frame the only law forbid form clothes Islamic can
considered as attack to one religion. Feel attacked Can cause Muslims close _ self .
They can establish religious school where the children they can dress as they are want
And No mixed with children from another religion.
Effect This No will Once Good For integration public And will worsen influence extremist
. kindly international , perceived attack _ to Islamic values will inflame more Muslim
opinion broad , fertilizing theory conspiracy , and add feeling dangerous that There is
clash civilization .
Schools intolerant make problem as pretext For No give freedom religious to Muslims .
In public multicultural , students must realize practice religious And tradition different
culture _ from Friend class , and taught For understand And respect it .
Based on the discussion above , the government should No forbid Muslim hijab as part
from uniform school or office .
Question :
6. Paragraphs First called what ?
A. Problem
B. Orientation
C. Arguments
D. Preview
E. Conclusion
7. How view woman muslimah about veil ?
A. This is obstacle freedom they
B. For protect courtesy And privacy they
C. This is fashion trends in between they
D. They feel forced put it on
E. This is old clothes _ _ _ they
8. Verse 4 tells We that prohibition Muslim headscarves can ….
A. Raises conflict social between _ community social
B. Maintain solidarity between community social
C. Generate more reaction _ extreme in between very community _ religious
D. Teaches student awareness social
E. Make woman muslimah lost identity Answer
9. What is the author suggest ?
A.School _ No can tolerate freedom religious
B. Students must know various group social in society
C. Government must forbid Muslim hijab because can raises conflict
D. Muslim Hijab as part from uniform school or office No can prohibited E. School
allowed For forbid Muslim hijab because can raises Lots problem
10. “ School intolerant make problem as reason For No allow …..” ( paragraph 5) The
underlined word synonym with ……
A. Reason
B. Adat
C. Hope
D. Evidence
E. Requirements Answer

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