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Adamson University

900 San Marcelino St, Ermita, Manila, 1000 Metro Manila

Mathematics in the Modern World (04056)


Submitted by:
Jessel C. Bulatao

Submitted to:
Mr. Ireneo Ignacio
(Course Instructor)

May 2023

We frequently look at patterns but fail to recognize them. Patterns help to balance
our perspective on life and add to its appeal. Understanding how patterns provide
symmetry and natural order to our life brings a sense of balance. Patterns are quite
useful to me in my daily life. Patterns are employed in a variety of ways, as I've
discovered from the environment around me. For instance, when I count the
number of steps going up or down, or when I observe the total number of windows
in our house, or when I enjoy the pattern on my phone wallpaper. It's in our nature
to maintain order in our daily lives.
I used to enjoy playing with or building blocks when I was a child. My parents
usually bought me a block set. Then I discovered that through playing with it, I
began improving my comprehension of the idea of patterns through sequencing. At
such an early age, I see how things might be sorted by size, form, or color. Patterns
assist me in learning to solve sequences and predict outcomes, which leads to
mathematical abilities, logic structure in algebra, and an understanding of order in
life. Furthermore, being the eldest child in our family, I am used to handling home
duties. So, I separate our clothing and socks by color and pair them on a regular
basis. We may not recognize that we use patterns in real life in our everyday lives.
Now since I've learned sequence about pattern, I'm beginning to appreciate and
completely get its applicability.
Every living being in nature relies on pattern recognition to learn and behave. Its
acknowledgment and application remain to this day. Our learning ability is
determined by our ability to recognize and apply new beneficial patterns. In our
daily lives, we apply the pattern recognition approach instinctively and
occasionally, actively or consciously. When I pass through the city streets, I try to
figure out if the streets are in a two-axis grid or a star configuration. When I'm
looking for a specific house on a street, I look to see if the numbers on one side of
the street are even or odd, growing or decreasing. After all, what I learned is that
patterns are so deeply entailed in every aspect of nature and human life that they
should be an essential component of any practical application situation. And if we
can find such a pattern in our problem, we will not only have a better knowledge of
the problem, but we will also be able to solve it utilizing methods based on the
identified pattern.

A proposition is a statement, assertion, or declarative sentence that can be either

true or false but not both. Propositional logic is significant in computer science as
well as in everyday life. The key advantages of understanding and applying
propositional logic are that it protects us from forming contradictory inferences and
impulsive judgments. It integrates reasoning and cognitive skills into daily living.
Knowledge of Propositional Logic can help to improve logical reasoning in
everyday circumstances and in mathematics. Judgment is a crucial action in which
we get logical conclusions from our assumptions. This topic contains instances of
both accurate and incorrect conclusions. It highlights the errors that students make
while judging the validity of their conclusions. The aforementioned errors may be
addressed by employing proper approaches, and so the teaching process will be
enhanced, as well as the students' level of understanding.
I have a dream of becoming a lawyer, so I think practicing and mastering this
lesson would help me enhance my critical thinking abilities and decision making in
any circumstance. As a lawyer, you must give evidence for your decision and
acquire legal assumptions from your opponent. Understanding mathematical logic
allows me to explain right reasoning in both real-life and mathematical
circumstances. It is critical that when we reason from the given assumptions, we
receive logical conclusions. To do so, we must know the truth values of the
statements. According to what I've learnt about this topic, we assign truth values to
other statements. Correct judgment is essential in mathematics for determining the
qualities of a function, sequence, and solving problems.
Lastly, in my personal view, mathematical logic and propositions enable us to save
lives, assisting in policy and decision-making, and optimizing economic growth. It
may also be used to better comprehend what exists and the circumstances required
for life to thrive. It is of the utmost importance that students must be taught to think
rationally and correctly; the goal is for us to be able to evaluate judgements based
on validity.
Graphs are helpful because they can model a wide range of scenarios. We created
graphs with vertices representing persons and edges representing friendships. We
discussed envisioning ourselves walking on a graph. A graph's vertices and edges
might represent communities and roadways that connect them. So, graphs are a
great method to represent route maps. And, if we envision a graph with vertices
indicating cities and edges representing roads, we could be interested in the
shortest distance between two cities if we need to go from one to the other. If
you're anything like me, you probably ask your phone app this question numerous
times. Because graphs can be used to model maps and there are several
applications on our phones that show us how to move from city to city, we can
assume that most of the mathematics that created those instructions that we're
following is based on graph theory.
In real life, it is connected to when we are traveling to a place and are unfamiliar
with the route, we have numerous platforms that may be used as a map. We may
find a route in any location by utilizing Google Maps or Waze Maps, which are
popular with transporters and delivery services. The network is illustrated by a
roadmap. A network is just a collection of interconnected items. Our items on a
roadmap are cities, which are linked by roadways. A graph may be used to visually
represent a network of objects that are related to other things. The nodes in our
network are represented by vertices, and the connections by edges. And if a graph
can model a network, it can simulate a wide range of relevant things. The internet,
for example, is a network. If we consider websites to serve as vertices with edges
indicating which websites are related to which others, the World Wide Web is
essentially simply a massive graph. Facebook is an additional example. Graphs can
simply model Facebook friendships: each person is a vertex, and an edge links two
persons if they are friends. Researchers analyze social media for a variety of
reasons, and graph theory underpins most of their work. Don't even visualize for a
second that Facebook isn't employing graph theory to investigate our interactions
with our friends.
In conclusion, I learned that considering that networks are everywhere, graph
theory is everywhere as well. Graph theory is used to model and investigate
anything from transatlantic shipping routes to integrated circuits, and from
chemical bonds to food webs. Who would have guessed that connect-the-dots
would be so significant in our world.

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