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UNCC300, AT2 student

writing guide
Note carefully: This document is a guide. It adds to and does not replace the information in the Unit Outline. Use the
notes following “e.g.” as ideas and suggestions. They are there to help you feel confident in your own approach.

Description, from the Unit Outline: you “will analyse the extent to which a Sustainable Development Goal incorporates
human dignity and the common good in practical ways.”

1. Analytic task
From the Unit Outline: “Choose one target from either SDG 13 (Climate Change) or SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong
Institutions), and analyse how it accounts for human dignity and the common good in the context of a specific global
community. How is your course of study preparing you to do work that will make progress toward achieving this
target? … For your analysis, offer your reasoned opinion in the form of either: 1) an online feature article; or, 2) an
invited blog post. Think about the discipline area and/or sector connected to your course of study globally.”
Key research:
a. Wolfgang Sachs, “The Sustainable Development Goals and Laudato si’: varieties of Post-Development?” Third
World Quarterly 38 (2017) 2573–2587
b. — SDG Indicators (
c. LEO resource from Module 2, e.g.,
a. either, from Book 3, Page 3, Antony Funnell for Future Tense, “Sustainable development won't solve
environmental crises, say these experts. It’s simpler than that,” Oct 7, 2021, ABC: Radio National
b. or, from Book 4, Page 2, Cameron Allen et al., “Assessing national progress and priorities for the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): experience from Australia,” Sustainability Science 15 (2020)
d. course of study-specific reading/resource from Module 2, e.g.,
a. if you’re studying in the Faculty of Health Sciences, either Rosalie Schultz, “Closing the Gap and the
Sustainable Development Goals: listening to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,” Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 44 (2020) 11–13 or and the Australian Health Promotion
a. either an online feature article (like, e.g., Features | The Guardian)
b. or an invited blog post (like, e.g., Blog | SociSDG)
Structure idea: 6 paragraphs, with clear focuses – e.g.,
a. 200 words introducing your response to the question
a. you might ask, e.g., What’s my course? What SDG target am I focusing on? In what ways is my course
equipping me to work toward the SDG target you’ve selected? How well is my course doing this?
Could my course be doing something differently? What is my course missing?
b. 200 words contextualising the SDG target you’ve chosen
a. you might ask, e.g., What’s the SDG? What are the other targets? Why does this particular target
matter to me?
c. 200 words contextualising your course of study
a. identify your course, and start to allude themes and aspects of communities, human dignity, and the
common good
d. 200 words analysing how the target accounts for human dignity in the context of a specific global community
e. 200 words analysing how the target accounts for the common good in the context of a specific global
f. 200 words connecting the dots between the previous paragraphs, so that you can
a. draw some conclusions, and suggest some implications

1 | UNCC300, AT2 GUIDE – SEMESTER 1, 2023

2. Checklist
Note carefully: On top of this guide and the related drop-in session, you might use the following as a list of key
resources and items to check as you prepare your assignment for submission.
a. ☐ Extended Unit Outline = all assignment details and requirements
b. ☐ Assessment tile in LEO site = this guide and the related drop-in session recording; information for
Extension and Special Consideration applications
c. ☐ Unit: Academic Skills Unit ( = general academic assistance from outside the Core Curriculum
a. ☐ Academic writing: Introduction ( = 9 x specific and general topics
b. ☐ Academic writing: 8 Steps of writing process ( = 1 x image with simple writing outline
c. ☐ Academic writing: Critical analysis and argumentation ( = interactive resource connecting
critical approaches to 6 x writing steps
d. ☐ Academic writing: Paragraph structure ( = slides on 4 x topics with 6 x final takeaways
e. ☐ 10% +/- 1,200 words = use strategically, excluding citations and bibliographies
a. ☐ Academic integrity: Academic integrity in practice ( = 10 x scenarios indicating levels of
b. ☐ Student Academic Integrity and Misconduct - Policy and Procedures (ACU) = official, detailed University
c. ☐ Introduction - Referencing - Library guides at Australian Catholic University ( = go-to
referencing resource
d. 4 x required sources:
a. ☐ 1 x Sachs article
b. ☐ 1 x SDGs report
c. ☐ 1 x Module 2 LEO resource
d. ☐ 1 x Module 2 course of study-specific source
a. ☐ your Core Curriculum tutor (i.e., for brainstorming ideas, choosing topics, initial enquiries, interpreting the
Extended Unit Outline, etc.) = through LEO; ACU email
b. ☐ the Core Curriculum lecturers = Zach Duke (i.e., for Extension and Special Consideration applications);
Blake Wassell (i.e., for matters of assignment content and research)
c. ☐ Academic Skills Unit: 24/7 Online study support ( = both (a) Academic Writing Feedback (i.e.,
up to 10 x uses for any student through any half-year period) + (b) Connect Live (i.e., online chat) through
Studiosity (i.e., outside Core Curriculum); targeted assistance on specific assignments
d. ☐ Ask an Advisor ( = question form for ACU Skills staff (i.e., outside Core Curriculum); focused on
general development

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