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TORTS (QUASI-DELICTS) Example: While negligently cleaning his

gun, a person situated in State A
accidentally shot another in State B, who
A tort is legal wring committed upon then rushed to a hospital in State C, whre
another’s person or property independent of the victim finally died. Where is the locus
a contract. delicti?


(1) Existence of legal duty from (1) According to the civil law theory, the
defendant to plaintiff; locus delicti is State A because the
(2) Breach of duty; and negligence act occurred there.
(3) Damage as proximate result.
(2) Under the common law theory, State
CONCEPT OF TORT B is the locus delicti because the
(1) the Spanish tort – based on culpa injury was felt there.
aquiliana or negligence.
(2) the American tort – based on malice (3) Front the viewpoint of Dr. Rabel's
and wilful intent. theory, the locus delicti is evidently
State A, because it has the most
• Liability and damages for torts, in general, substantial connection with the tort.
are governed by the lex loci delicti commissi Had the gun not been fired, there
(law of the place where the delict or wrong or would have been no injury.
tort was committed).

Two (2) important reason for this rule: It is submitted that generally the
theory of Dr. Rabel should control as
(1) the state where the social disturbance it is the most logical one.
occurred has the primary duty to
redress the wrong, and to determine SPECIAL RULES
the effects of the injury; and (1) If the tort committed aboard a public
(2) the law of said state m use be vessel, whether on the high seas or in
presumed to have been foremost in foreign territorial waters, the country
the minds of the parties concerned: to which the vessel belongs is the
thus they acted with knowledge of locus delicti; the law of the flag is the
the resultant consequences under lex loci delecti commissi.
said law. (2) If the tort takes place aboard a
THEORIES OF LEX LOCI DELICTI COMMISSI private or merchant vessel on high
seas, the law of flag is likewise the lex
(1) Civil law theory – the locus delicti is loci delicti commissi. If the vessel is in
where the act began. a foreign port or within foreign
(2) Common law theory – the locus delicti territorial waters, the rule is not
is where the tortious act first became uniform. However, it is suggest that
effective. generally the law of the flag must also
(3) The theory of Dr. Rarely- the locus be determinative.
delicti is the place which has the most (3) If the tort concerns property, whether
substantial or essential connection real or personal, the lex situs is usually
with the act. also the lex loci delicti commissi.
(4) Maritime Torts
(a) If the colliding vessels are of
the same sate, or carry the
same flag, said law is the lex
loci delicti commissi.
(b) If the vessel come from
different states, whose laws
however, on the matter are
identical, said laws constitute
the lex loci delicti commissi.
(c) If the vessels come from
different states with different
laws, the lex loci delicti
commissi is the general
maritime law as understood
and applied by the forum
where the case is tried.

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