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VOLUME 11 ISSUE 3 (2023)



Posture Correction in Weightlifting, 2023

Since weightlifting is an inherently repetitive form of
Although a popular form of exercise, weightlifting can cause
exercise in which individuals are targeting specific muscle
a multitude of negative consequences to long-term muscle
groups through the addition of weighted loads, even a
condition and overall health if practiced improperly over
slightly misaligned form could lead to an unintentional
time. In order to prevent injury through repeated incorrect
muscle group being put under strain (Bauer, n.d.). As a
form in commonly difficult exercises, we designed a multi-
result, numerous long-term injuries could manifest in the
pronged device that is able to provide life feedback on
weightlifter, commonly rotator cuff injuries or SLAP
squatting form. The proposed solution is made up of a
(superior labrum anterior and posterior) tears (HOW POOR
central module and several feedback nodes, which are to
be placed on areas of the body that are of key importance
“clinical chronic problems also occur in weight training, with
in the exercise being performed and will provide vibrational
the most common being vascular stenosis, weight lifter's
stimulation if the posture of the wearer is not in alignment
cephalgia, and hernia. For maximizing their athletic
with a pre-calibrated “correct” form. After testing, we
performance, athletes perform weight training with heavier
observed that novice weightlifters who were provided with
weights. The poor technique causes extra pressure on the
live vibrational feedback were able to perform weighted
rotator cuff when lifting the weight which gives rise to
squats with significantly more ideal form after ten
shoulder injuries in athletes” (Mohtashman, n.d.).
repetitions than those who were not provided live feedback
Weightlifting injuries are even more common among 14-18
but were rather shown a one-time visual demonstration. As
year old novices, as a lack of knowledge on proper use of
a result, we concluded that the constructed solution was
machines and targeting muscle groups is a pressing issue
able to improve novice weightlifters' form towards the ideal,
(Mohtashman, n.d.). The three most common causes of
and thus would be beneficial for forming healthy habits in
weightlifting injuries are “doing too much over time
the long-run.
(overuse injury), doing too much at one time (acute injury),
and using improper form while lifting (overuse and acute
Introduction injuries)”, and can lead to “back strains, rotator cuff strains,
biceps strains, and patellar tendonitis” (McCullum, 2022). In
order to combat this, teaching proper techniques and form
Weightlifting is often a hobby that starts among young to gym novices could significantly improve the habits they
men and women around their late teens. For most, it form and thus lessen injuries in the long run.
remains a recreational interest alongside general fitness, an In order to do this, a modular feedback system is proposed
outlet to the stress of academic and personal life. However, as an appropriate mechanism for structuring the posture
even the slightest errors in proper form may have corrector. By doing so, parts of the body that are integral to
catastrophic effects on muscles, usually spinal ones performing weighted exercises can be tracked individually,
(Mohtashman, n.d.). In order to prevent injury through and given a vibrational stimulation when they are not in the
repeated incorrect form in commonly difficult exercises proper alignment and position.
such as deadlifts and squats, technology that is able to
provide live feedback on stance and form may be
quintessential in developing proper habits for prolonged Methods
future use. This paper will argue that motion sensing
technology and wireless transmission of data can be
For the purposes of answering the proposed research
utilized in conjunction with a decentralized, modular
question, how can we design a solution to enforce proper
feedback system in order to create a device that measures
form in weightlifting novices in order to decrease chronic
and provides live corrections to weightlifting form, which
long-term injuries, I collected and synthesized primarily
will drastically decrease future injuries and strains with use.
quantitative data through an experimental method. In this
Overwhelming evidence points towards the negative
particular experiment, I worked with my mentor, Arik
consequences of repeated weightlifting with incorrect form
Slepyan, to first build a single module that was able to
over time. By default, “lifting a heavy load squeezes the
collect motion sensing data, transmit the data, receive
intervertebral discs, which places strain on the vertebrae
feedback, and carry out an appropriate action with its
and ligaments. Too many repetitions with poor form may
vibration motor. In order to do this, a modular feedback
result in a herniated disc, which starts with pain or tingling
system is proposed as an appropriate mechanism for
in the lower back that may also travel down the legs” (HOW
structuring the posture corrector. By doing so, parts of the
body that are integral to performing weighted exercises can
be tracked individually, and given a vibrational stimulation
when they are not in the proper alignment and position.
Posture Correction in Weightlifting, 2023

In the instance that a specific module was found to be for each corresponding periphery. If any peripheral node’s
outside of the bounds previously dictated to be “correct”, coordinates fell outside of that range of 0.5 away from the
the vibration motor was set to buzz so that the user could ideal, the vibration motor was set to turn on. For Group 1,
feel the sensation and know to pay special attention to each student was fitted with the peripheral modules in an
align that part of the body for the exercise being orientation identical to that of the demonstrator, and they
performed. In order to do this, five main components were were asked to mimic an ideal weighted squat after watching
routed and soldered onto the designed PCB: an Arduino the demonstration. Students were given nine practice
Nano microcontroller, MPU6050 motion sensor, NRF24L01 repetitions to solidify their form and stance before their
wireless transmitter, vibration motor, and 9V battery (Figure coordinate data was collected on the tenth iteration. The
1). Other components such as capacitors and switches vibration motor was not operational during these
were also included in the design to streamline the repetitions or the final iteration during which data was
functionality of the device. collected, and instead they were simply observed without
The experimental design was to assess the weightlifting providing any feedback.
form of two groups of novice students; all had minimal For Group 2, each student was fitted with the peripheral
weight lifting experience and training and were females modules in an orientation identical to that of the
approximately 5’4” in height and 130 lbs. Both groups of demonstrator, and they were asked to mimic an ideal
three students each were shown a demonstration of a weighted squat after watching the demonstration.
properly performed weighted exercise, and then asked to Members of this group were also given nine practice
repeat the movement on their own. The demonstrator was repetitions to solidify their form, but vibration feedback was
equipped with four peripheral modules on the elbows and enabled during these repetitions. In other words, students
just above the knees, as shown in Figure 2, and coordinates were able to feel buzzing sensations on the appropriate
were collected. An appropriate range of deviation was limb if that limb traveled outside of the designated
determined to be 0.5 units away from the exact predetermined range. The students’ coordinate data was
coordinates of the demonstrator, and these ranges were collected on the tenth iteration of the squat.
inputted into the code

Figure 1 - a PCB with an Arduino microcontroller, MPU motion sensor, NRF transmitter, vibration
motor, and power supply. Each of these components makes up one peripheral node, which will be
placed on key positions on the body.
Posture Correction in Weightlifting, 2023

because a weighted squat is intended to target the quads

and glutes, so the knees should be moving relatively little
throughout the progression. In the case of G1P1, the X
values from the top and bottom of the squat differed in the
right knee by 2.45, and in the left knee by 2.95, which was
almost 100 times the deviation in the demonstrator’s
squatThis same problem occurred for two out of three
members of Group 1, but it was not seen in any members
of Group 2. On average, the deviation for X values in Group
1 per periphery was 4.13%, whereas it was only 2.24% for
Group 2 (Figure 8).While this difference may not seem
significant, the respective deviations for peripheries two
and three, the right and left knees, were 8.76% and 6.67%
respectively for Group 1 members, compared to only 2.70%
and 4.94% for Group 2 members. By completing this
analysis we see a clear correlation between live vibration
feedback and adherence to the ideal form for weighted
squats. In order to do this, a modular feedback system is
proposed as an appropriate mechanism for structuring the
Figure 2 - the orientation of peripheral nodes on the
posture corrector. By doing so, parts of the body that are
demonstrator and all participants. integral to performing weighted exercises can be tracked
individually, and given a vibrational stimulation when they
are not in the proper alignment and position.


After obtaining the data described above, I was able to

chart the X and Y positions at both the top of the squat and
bottom of the squat for each trial participant’s four
peripheries (Figure 3). The most noticeable difference
between participants of the two groups was that members
of Group 1 were prone to splaying their knees outwards
during squatting, a common issue that can place
unnecessary strain on the knees. For example, as illustrated
by the coordinates of Group 1, Person 1 (G1P1), the
individual started off with their knees very close together
(Figure 4). The elbows were both well within the desired
range for the starting position. As the individual performed
the squat, there was a very large variation in the X values
for both knees (Figure 5). If we observe the right knee as
the focal point, as indicated by the dashed line in Figure 4,
we see that the right knee has deviated significantly to the
left in Figure 5, which represents this individual at the
bottom of the squat. For comparison, in the demonstrator’s
squat, the difference between the X values for both knees
throughout the squat was only 0.02 in the right knee and
0.03 in the left. Again, if we represent the right knee as a
focal point by placing a dashed line through its starting
position, we can see that the demonstrator’s right knee Figure 4 - Group 1, Person 1 at the beginning of
barely deviates from this line as the squat is performed the squat. The dashed line indicates the
(Figures 6 & 7). This is ideal, horizontal starting position of the right knee.
Posture Correction in Weightlifting, 2023

Figure 5 - Group 1, Person 1 at the bottom of Figure 6 - the demonstrator at the beginning of
the squat. The deviation of the right knee from the squat. The dashed line indicates the
the dashed line shows the difference in X horizontal starting position of the right knee.
coordinates for the knee throughout the
progression of the squat.

Figure 3 - X and Y coordinate data for each participant’s peripheries compared to the ideal
demonstrator’s coordinates
Posture Correction in Weightlifting, 2023

The results of this research work to support the claim that a
decentralized, modular feedback system that utilizes
motion sensing can create a device to measure and provide
live corrections to weightlifting form, which can drastically
decrease injuries and strains in the long-run. The literature
review had numerous examples of chronic injuries that can
manifest over time if strain is placed on muscle groups in
an incorrect manner, which is a very preventable
catastrophe. Instead of listening to verbal guidance or
watching a demonstration of how to perform an exercise,
we imagined that allowing the novice to experience where
changes need to be made in the body would be a much
more efficient and effective strategy for improving form in a
short period of time. As shown by the collected data, we
saw a significant improvement in form through only ten
repetitions with enabled live vibrational feedback. In the
case of G1P1, continuing to perform weighted squats as
they were initially doing would have placed tremendous
stress on both knees, and additions of weight could have
only worsened the problem until it manifested into an
injury or strain. The instantaneous, live corrections they
were able to feel immediately transformed the entire
appearance of their squat, and led to the improvement of
Figure 7 - the demonstrator at the bottom of form in a matter of seconds. In the future, many
the squat. The lack of deviation of the right adjustments can be made to the existing device in order to
knee from the line shows the consistency in X improve its versatility, scope, and durability, but the
coordinates for the knee throughout the underlying impacts of such a technology remain
progression of the squat. undisputed.

Figure 8 - Average deviation from the demonstrator’s coordinates for X coordinates at the bottom of
the squat for each group.
Posture Correction in Weightlifting, 2023

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