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Definition of Tourism

Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside
their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. These people are called visitors (which may be either
tourists or excursionists; residents or non-residents) and tourism has to do with their activities, some of which involve tourism
expenditure. tourism, the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use
of the commercial provision of services. As such, tourism is a product of modern social arrangements, beginning in western Europe in the 17th
century, although it has antecedents in Classical antiquity.

Who is an Excursionist?
An excursionist is a visitor without an overnight stay, meaning that the arrival and departure occurs in the same calendar day. Also referred to as
a "same-day visitor". Like a hike in the woods or a walk in the park. Also, an excursionist will usually go back to his/her town, hotel or residence
that it is different from the visited destination, when sleep/rest is needed. A tourist is one that makes a tour for pleasure or culture. An excursionist
is a person who goes on an excursion.

3. Types of Tourists.
There are three basic forms of tourism: domestic tourism, inbound tourism, and outbound tourism.
Domestic tourism refers to activities of a visitor within their country of residence and outside of their home (e.g. a Brit visiting other parts of
Inbound tourism refers to the activities of a visitor from outside of country of residence (e.g. a Spaniard visiting Britain).
Outbound tourism refers to the activities of a resident visitor outside of their country of residence (e.g. a Brit visiting an overseas country).
Domestic tourism is the core of businesses revenue (generally at least 80%, particularly outside of London), with demand peaking during the
school holidays, particular Easter and Summer. Dealing with the demands of international visitors requires specialist knowledge, cultural
understanding and investment.

4. Characteristics of Tourism Products.

O Tourism products are available only at the destination. They cannot be moved outside the destination. Therefore, the tourist has to be present
at the destination for the consumption of tourism products.
O Tourism products cannot be brought back with the tourist to his/her home. Only memories of the tourism products in the form of photographs,
and videos can be with the tourist.
O Tourism products cannot be stored. For example, out of 100 seats in a flight from New Delhi to Mumbai only 80 seats are occupied, there is a
loss of revenue for 20 seats for that particular flight of that day and time. This loss can never be recovered.
O Tourism products cannot be owned by the tourist. For example, you can visit the Taj Mahal by purchasing an entry ticket but it does not mean
you own the Taj Mahal.
O Tourism products are highly dependent upon the experience of the tourist and therefore, it becomes difficult to measure the level of product

5. Definition of Travel Agency.

A travel agent is a person who has full knowledge of tourist product – destinations, modes of travel, climate, accommodation, and other areas of
the service sector. He acts on the behalf of product providers/principles and in return gets a commission. Technically, a travel agent is an owner
or manager of an agency, but other employees are responsible for advising tourists and selling packages tours/individual components of travel
A travel agent may be an individual /firm or corporation which is commonly known as a travel agency. An agency means the office of travel agent
or organization where all travel goods and services are assembled and coordinated for the smooth conduct of travel agency business.

6. Functions of Travel Agency.

The main function of a large-scale travel agency are:
Travel Information
Whatever the size of a travel agency, it has to provide necessary travel information to tourists.
Itinerary Preparation
The term tourists itinerary is used to identify the origin, destination and all the stopping points in a traveler’s tours.
Airline Ticketing and Reservation
A travel agency sells a variety of tourism products. Airline ticketing and reservation is still a major source of revenue. 
Tour Packaging and Costing
Travel agencies prepare a tour package and sell them to tourists. 
Travel Insurance
Some large-scale travel agencies perform additional functions to serve their clients.
It is a very important function of all types of travel agencies.
Currency Services
Approved travel agency authorized by Govt. body provides currency exchange services to tourists.

7. What are the Rules and Regulation to set up a Travel Agency?

Conditions that Must be Meet - A duplicate form must be submitted along with the required paperwork along with the application for recognition in
the format specified.
0 - The agency must have at least Rs. 3.00 lakh in the capital.
0- A certificate from a Chartered Accountant regarding the agency’s capital investment is required, along with audited balance sheets. 0- The
agency must have the International Air Transport Association’s approval, or it must be a General or Passenger Sales agent for any airline that has
received IATA approval.
O - Before applying, the agency had to have been in operation for at least a year.
O - In India, the business must have an office that is neat, clean, and well-maintained. In locations higher than 1000 meters above sea level, the
office must be at least 100 square feet.

8. Describe Inter-regional and Intra – regional tourism.

O Inter and Intra regional movement can be between any sectors such as jobs or people moving to a new home. For example a person having a
job in India and he is transferred to Germany then this is called inter regional movement. Moving from Delhi to Nagpur is an example of intra-
regional movement. Although intra-region tourism works with open programs within groups, inter-region tourism works with closed
programs within one group.
O In fact, international tourism is known as regional tourism, because many tourists flow to and from countries within the same global
region, forming an important part of international tourism.
O It is more important in developed regions (Europe, America) compared to developed countries (Africa, South Asia).
O In this study, using the domestic and outgoing tourism survey FAMILITUR, an analysis of regional tourism flows was conducted at this
O It will be visited between the various regions known as inter regional tourism.
9 Describe the Origin of Hospitality Industry.
The history of hospitality and tourism can be traced back centuries ago to the 1700s when young, wealthy Europeans began touring around
Europe as a way to broaden their horizons with a historical, artistic, and cultural education gained through travel. However, hospitality itself as an
industry has been found to have a history that is thousands of years old. Caves in France designed to accommodate visiting tribes have been
discovered and dated back to 15,000 BCE. Work associated with the movement and accommodation of people has been an important part of a
variety of different societies throughout history. Hospitality and tourism, although now generally considered a singular industry, have developed on
parallel but separate planes. Hospitality as an industry is dependent on travel and tourism. It is a dynamic category of commercial activity
surrounding the travel industry. The term hospitality means the welcoming reception of guests, whether that be through a kind greeting, a well-
appointed guest room, a delicious meal, or an entertaining event. The sector includes transportation, accommodation, dining, events, and

10. Types of Hotel Rooms.

Single: A room assigned to one person. May have one or more beds.
Double: A room assigned to two people. May have one or more beds.
Triple: A room that can accommodate three persons and has been fitted with three twin beds, one double bed and one twin bed or two double
Queen: A room with a queen-sized bed. May be occupied by one or more people.
King: A room with a king-sized bed. May be occupied by one or more people.
Suite / Executive Suite: A parlour or living room connected with to one or more bedrooms.
President Suite | Presidential Suite: The most expensive room provided by a hotel. Usually, only one president suite is available in one single
hotel property.
Connecting rooms: Rooms with individual entrance doors from the outside and a connecting door between. Guests can move between rooms
without going through the hallway.
Executive Floor/Floored Room: A room located on the ‘executive floor’ which enables convenient access to the executive lounge. 

11. Write the Laws and rules pertaining to Hospitality Industry?

The golden rules’ of hospitality
Extend a welcome: Make eye contact, smile, say hello, introduce yourself, call people by name, and extend a few words of concern.
Notice when someone looks confused: Stop and lend a hand.
Take time for courtesy and consideration: Kind words and polite gestures make people feel special.
Keep people informed: Explain what you’re doing and what people can expect in terms they will understand.
o Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, to protect customers from intake of poisonous or harmful food.
o The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 to curb measures which lead to air pollution.
o The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, for prevention and control of water pollution by hotels.
o Income Tax Act, 1961, which makes the hotels and restaurants liable to pay VAT, Service Tax, Entertainment Tax, CENVAT,
Expenditure Tax, Luxury Tax etc.
o Hotel Insurance Policies and other local laws.

12. Explain the Approval procedure for Travel Agent and Tours Operator by DOT.
A certification issued by the Department to a tourism enterprise that officially recognizes it as having complied with the minimum standards for the
operation of tourism facilities and services.
O A Travel Agent is one who makes arrangements oftickets for travel by air, rail, ship, passport, visa, etc. It may also arrange accommodation,
tours, entertainment and other tourism related services.
O The application for recognition shall be addressed to the Additional Director General, Ministry of Tourism, Transport Bhawan, No.1, Parliament
Street, New Delhi-110001.
O The recognition as an approved Travel Agent shall be granted by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, New Delhi initially, for five
years, based on the Inspection Report / Recommendations of a Committee comprising of concerned Regional Director and a member of TAAI.

13. What is a Desert festival?

Once a year, the empty sands around Jaisalmer come alive with a mesmerising performance on the sand dunes in the form of the Desert
Festival. The festival, organised by the Department of Tourism around January-February, goes on for three whole days and lets you enjoy the rich
and colourful Rajasthani folk culture. Rajasthani men and tall, beautiful women dressed in their best and brightest cost. Rajasthani men and tall,
beautiful women dressed in their best and brightest costumes dance and sing ballads of valour, romance and tragedy, while traditional musicians
attempt to outdo each other to showcase their musical superiority. The high points of the festival are puppeteers, acrobats, camel tattoo shows,
camel races, camel polo, traditional processions, camel mounted bands, folk dances, traditional food etc.

14. Describe Effective Communication Skills.

Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and
understood with clarity and purpose. When we communicate effectively, both the sender and receiver feel satisfied. Communication occurs in
many forms, including verbal and non-verbal, written, visual, and listening. It can occur in person, on the internet (on forums, social media, and
websites), over the phone (through apps, calls, and video), or by mail. For communication to be effective, it must be clear, correct, complete,
concise, and compassionate. We consider these to be the 5 C’s of communication, though they may vary depending on who you’re asking.
Communication is the process of sharing information, ideas, and thoughts from one person to another. It can be verbal or non-verbal, written or
spoken. Effective communication, on the other hand, is the ability to convey a message in the manner intended by the sender, with the recipient
understanding the same message

15. Write a Short note on Ganga Mahotsava?

Ganga Mahotsav is observed annually in Varanasi after Diwali to celebrate the Holy River Ganges, which is the source of life and nourishment to
the entire nation. It is celebrated for five days and is attended by tourists and pilgrims worldwide. It is a festival of cultural, traditional, and spiritual
vibrancy. Ganga Mahotsav is celebrated every year after Diwali, from the eleventh day of the month of Kartika, i.e., the Probodhani Ekadashi. The
festivities are observed for five days, the last of which is Dev Deepavali. It is a whole moon night and is known as Kartika Purnima. Ganga
Mahotsav 2021 is on November 18, 2021. The Gangetic plains are one of the most fertile regions of the country, it is believed to be the life source
of the nation, and the Ganga is thus revered and its glory celebrated. The festival also celebrates India's cultural, religious, and traditional capital,
i.e., Varanasi. It is the city of Hindu culture and way of life, preserved for ages.

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