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Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Sesi 7

Nama : Latifah Tasliyatunadiyah

Kelas : TI22H

NIM : 20220040140

Write a procedural text about either how to make something or how to do something. The text
should be related to your field of study!

Procedure for Creating a Web Application

1. Establish project requirements: Before beginning the development process, it is important to

have a clear understanding of the project requirements. These requirements should include the
purpose of the application, the target audience, and the desired features.

2. Choose a development platform: Once the project requirements are established, a platform
should be chosen. Options include web development frameworks such as ASP.NET, Java, and

3. Design the interface: The interface of the application should be designed to be user-friendly
and intuitive. This includes creating menus, navigation, and other elements.

4. Implement the application logic: The application logic should be implemented using the
chosen development platform. This includes creating the database, writing code, and other

5. Test and debug: The application should be tested to ensure that it is functioning properly. If
there are any errors, they should be identified and corrected.

6. Deploy the application: Once the application is tested and debugged, it should be deployed to
the desired web server. This includes configuring the server, uploading the application files, and
setting up the database.

7. Monitor and maintain the application: Once the application is deployed, it should be
monitored and maintained. This includes responding to user feedback and addressing any
issues that arise.

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