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San Jose, Antique

General Education Curriculum

Liberal Arts Department

THEO 104

Week 10 Activity 1
March 30, 2023

Open your google classroom and do the activity. (100 points)

Access the PDF file of the document “Populorum Progessio” in your Week 10 Tab.

Answer the questions according to your grouping:

Group 1: PP # 6, #7

Group 2: PP # 12, #13

Group 3: PP # 17, #18

Group 4: PP # 19, #20

Group 5: PP # 22, #23

1. Read thoroughly the topics assigned to your group. Open in the Week 10 PDF file: Populorum Progressio and be
able to discuss:
a. What is the main theme of these numbers? Discuss each article separately.
b. Why are these specific articles (PP#_ and PP#_) significant in the discussion of Populorum Progressio’s
aims? Explain each article separately.
c. What is the significance of these articles in today’s context. Discuss each article separately.
d. What is the structure of Populorum Progressio in general? Create an outline. How do these specific
articles (assigned to you), are related to the entire outline? Explain.
2. Answer the questions individually and turn in your output until the end of class only.

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