Vioni Mutiara BR Siregar (Mid CWLS)

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(Mid Test)

Subject   : Contextual Written Language Skills

Name : Vioni Mutiara br Siregar
Class : English Education E 22
R. number: 2223121062

1. Three elements of writing that are a must to be possessed by a writer regardless of the type of text
to write, are 1) Idea, 2) Language and 3) Organization. Explain why and how all three of them
contribute together to the production of a good essay.

2. Choose 3 different Types of text for you to describe the Generic Structure and Language Features
of each. Show how one is different from another in view of both Genereric Structure and Language

3. Analyze the following text in terms of its generic structure and language features. Then, in line with and
supported by your analysis, state its type of text.

Every April 21, people in Indonesia commemorate the Kartini day. It is a beautiful day for the woman
because we celebrate the birth of great lady, RA. Kartini. Everyone knows who kartini is. She is our
national heroine and a great lady with the bright idea. 
Kartini was born in 1879, April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her father was RMAA. Sosroningrat, Wedana
(assistant of head of regency) in Mayong. 

Her mother, MA Ngasirah was a girl from Teluk Awur village in Jepara. As the daughter of a noble family,
she felt luck because she got more than the ordinary people got. She got better education than
other children. She did anything she wants although it was forbidden.

She passed her childhood with her brother and sister. Because she was very energetic, her father called
her "trinil" .Then her father was chosen as Bupati (the head of regency) in Jepara. She and her family then
moved from Mayong to Jepara. In the same year, Kartini's second sister RA Kardinah was born. The
environment in Jepara gave her big chance to develop her idea. She could study at the Dutch owned
school where only children from noble family could study here. 

A few years after finishing her study, RA. Kartini was willing to continue her study in higher level. But the
custom of that day forbid a woman to go to school. A tradition of that time, a teenage girl should be
secluded and limited her activity. So was Kartini. She was secluded inside the house and forbidden to go
out until a man propose her. The rule could restrict her body but not her mind. During her "pingitan" time,
she spent her time by reading book which she got from her relatives. 

Although she was not able to continue her study to higher level, she was smart had a bright idea. She got
the knowledge from the books she read. To express her idea, she established a school for local people
on the backyard of Jepara city hall. 

In November 12,1903, she married Adipati Djoyodiningrat, the head of Rembang regency. According to
Javanese tradition Kartini had to follow 
her husband. Then she moved to Rembang. 
In September 13, 1904 she gave a birth to her son. His name was Singgih. But after giving birth to a son,
her condition was getting worse and she finally passed away on September 17, 1904 on her 25 years old. 

Now Kartini has gone. But her spirit and dream will always be in our  heart. Nowadays Indonesian women
progress is influenced by Kartini's spirit stated on collection of letter "Habis gelap terbitlah terang" from the
dusk to the dawn. 

~ answer ~

1. Essay” is a loose term for writing that asserts the author’s opinion on a topic, whether academic,
editorial, or even humorous. There are a thousand different approaches to essay writing and a
million different topics to choose from, but what we’ve found is that good essay writing tends to
follow the same framework. So, as a writer an idea, language and organization are the most
important thing to note.
Ideas are really the most important part of a piece of writing essay. After all, ideas are the reason
writers write. If we didn't have any ideas, we wouldn't need any words to express them. And if we
didn't need any words — well, you get the idea.
Language choice is key when creating mood, atmosphere and tone. Writers use different
techniques depending on the effect they want to achieve. The sounds of words, the images they
create, the literal meaning of words as well as the ideas suggested by or associated with certain
words and phrases all count.
Organization is one of the most important elements of an essay that is often overlooked. An
organized essay is clear, focused, logical and effective. Organization makes it easier to understand
the thesis. To illustrate, imagine putting together a bike.

2. Descriptive text
Generic Structure of Descriptive Text: Identification: Identifying the phenomenon (person, place, or
object) to be described.
Description : Describes parts, quality, characteristics, etc
Language Features of descriptive text Specific participants: have a certain object, not general and
unique (there is only one)
Use adjectives (adjectives) to clarify nouns (nouns)
Use of the simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is the simple present because it tells
facts from the object description
Action verbs: there are verbs that indicate an activity

Narrative text
Generic Structure of Narrative Text:
Orientation: It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.
(person, time, and place)
Complication: where the problems in the story developed.
Resolution: where the problems in the story is solved.
Language Features of Narrative text:
Using part action verb: Climbed, Turned, Brought, etc.
Using specific noun as pronoun of person, animal in the story. Example: The king, the queen, etc.
Using adjectives which are for noun phrase. Example: Long black, hair, two red apples, etc.
Using time connectives and Conjunctions to arrange the events. Examples: Then, before, after,
soon, etc.
Using adverbs and adverbial phrase to show the location of events. Examples: Here, in the
mountain, ever after, etc.
Using dialogue to elicit an emotional response from the reader.
Using Past Tense
Using of variety of simple, compound and complex sentences

Recount text
Generic Structure of Recount Text
Orientation : It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such
as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.
Events : A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence.
Re-orientation :A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end.
Language Features of Recount Text
Using the simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, and past perfect
continuous tense.
Using temporal sequence, e.g. On Saturday. On Monday, On Sunday
Focus on specific participant, e.g. I (the writer)
Using the conjunctions, such as: then, before, after, etc.
Using action verb, e.g. went, stayed

3. In generic structure:
text above gives the background information about RA. Kartini
In language feature:
using simpe past tense
example: She was secluded inside the house and forbidden to go out until a man propose her.
using temporal sequence
example: In November 12,1903, she married Adipati Djoyodiningrat, the head of Rembang
using the conjuction such as then
example: Then her father was chosen as Bupati (the head of regency) in Jepara.
So, the type of text above is recount text

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