WEEK 13 Activity 1

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San Jose, Antique

General Education Curriculum

Liberal Arts Department

THEO 104

Week 13 Activity 1

Course and Year:

Open your google classroom and do the activity. (100 points)

Read the PowerPoint presentation: Week 13

Answer the following questions and turn in your output:

1. Explain thoroughly the background of the document, Mater et Magistra”. What is the
context of that time? (25 points)
2. What are the main issues presented by the document? (25 points)
3. What is the main focus of the document? What is the role of the Church according to the
document? Explain your answer thoroughly. (25 points)
4. What were the solutions presented by the Pope Leo XIII in this document? Are these
solutions valid for the same problems we face today? Explain your answer. (25 points)

Deadline is at 9:00 am today. You may leave the room after turning in your work.

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