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FEBRUARY 28, 2023

[Company address]

Evergreen Learning Center
Vision Statement
To provide a safe, nurturing, and stimulating learning environment that inspires young children
to become confident, independent, and curious learners.

We strive to foster social and emotional development, creativity, critical thinking, and a lifelong
love of learning in every child who passes through our doors.

Mission Statement
At our preschool, we are committed to providing high-quality early childhood education and care
to children aged 2-5 years.

Our mission is to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that promotes the
physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of each child.

We believe that every child is unique and deserves individual attention, respect, and care. Our
curriculum is designed to cater to the diverse learning styles and needs of each child, allowing
them to learn at their own pace and in their way.

We believe that play is the natural way that young children learn and make sense of the world
around them. Our program emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning, where children are
encouraged to explore, experiment, and discover through play.

We believe that a safe, welcoming, and nurturing environment is essential for optimal learning
and growth. We strive to create a warm and supportive atmosphere that fosters a sense of
belonging and security for every child.

Our goal is to prepare children for a successful transition into kindergarten and beyond,
equipping them with the skills and attitudes necessary for a happy and fulfilling life.

We aim to strive to work in partnership with families to ensure that every child receives
individual attention, respect, and care.

We intend to foster a love of learning and a strong foundation for lifelong success."

Rationale Behind the Idea
The rationale for opening a preschool in a society is to improve the education and socialization
opportunities for young children, support working parents, and promote equity and inclusion in
the community. There are multiple factors discussed below that provide solid reasoning to
materialize this idea into practicality.

 Meeting a community need: There may be a growing demand for quality early
childhood education in the community, and opening a preschool can help address this

 Providing a strong foundation for lifelong learning: Research has shown that early
childhood education can have a significant impact on a child's future success in school
and life. By providing high-quality preschool education, a preschool can help lay a strong
foundation for lifelong learning.

 Supporting working parents: Preschools can offer working parents a safe and reliable
place to send their children during the day while they work, enabling parents to focus on
their jobs and careers.

 Fostering socialization and emotional development: Preschool can provide children

with opportunities to socialize, interact, and develop relationships with their peers,
helping to foster social and emotional development.

 Promoting equity and inclusion: Preschool can provide an opportunity to promote

equity and inclusion by offering high-quality education to children from diverse
backgrounds, regardless of their socioeconomic status, race, or ethnicity.

Brief Description
The idea of a preschool start-up revolves around starting a childcare centre that focuses on
providing early childhood education to children between the ages of 2 to 5 years.

The preschool may offer various programs and services, including play-based learning,
socialization, emotional development, language development, and preparation for kindergarten.

The business model may involve charging fees for enrollment, which may be either full-day or
half-day, depending on the needs of the families. Additional services, such as after-school care,
snacks, and transportation, may also be provided.

The preschool may operate in a standalone building or may be located within a larger
commercial space, such as a shopping centre or office building. The business may need to be
licensed by the state and adhere to certain regulations related to child care and education.

The success of the preschool business may depend on factors such as the quality of education
and care provided, the qualifications and experience of the staff, the location of the business, and
the level of demand for early childhood education in the community.

With the right approach, a preschool business can be a fulfilling and profitable venture that
contributes to the education and development of young children in the community.

Market Overview
Over the last 40 years, there has been a shift towards quality education along with the health and
safety of children under 5 years old. This is why there is a huge gap in the market to provide
better and quality education to young minds.

Only this way they can flourish in their careers and would be able to make progress not only in
their own lives but also contribute towards the economy of the country.

Our Solution
 Our preschool will be a great solution for parents who are looking for a high-quality
learning environment for their children, few of the exclusive services that we will provide
 Childcare: Our preschool provides a structured and safe environment for children while
parents are at work or attending to other responsibilities. It allows parents to have peace
of mind knowing that their child is in a nurturing and educational environment.
 Socialization: Evergreen will provide opportunities for children to interact with other
children and develop social skills. This can be particularly helpful for only children or
children who do not have many opportunities to interact with other children outside of the

 Early learning: We will help children develop early academic and cognitive skills,
including pre-reading and pre-math skills. This can give children a strong foundation for
future academic success.
 Routine and structure: We will provide a daily routine and structure for children, which
can be beneficial for their overall development and well-being. It can also help parents
establish a daily routine at home.

 Preparation for school: Evergreen will help children prepare for the transition to
kindergarten and beyond. It can provide children with the skills and confidence they need
to succeed in a school setting.

Overall, Evergreen will be a valuable solution for parents who want to provide their children
with a safe, nurturing, and educational environment while also meeting their responsibilities and

Marketing Plan
Within our current school population, we hope to launch an aggressive marketing plan that will
encourage our parents to spread the word about our new location.
 Product/Service
Evergreen preschool centre
 Price
The fee of students will be according to the average income of a household in the area.
 Place
The school will be located in the ideal location of the city. It will be centrally connected to all the
major roads of the city.

 Promotion
The marketing and promotion of the school will be done primarily through social media;

 Facebook
 Instagram
 Word of mouth
 Billboards

Target Market
The target market for our preschool will be;
 Newlywed couples
 Young couples
 Working women
 Single parents

School Building
The layout of a preschool building will depend on various factors, such as the number of children
enrolled, the available space, and the educational philosophy of the preschool. Fundamental
proposed structure is given below;
1. Reception area: A reception area where parents can drop off and pick up their children,
and where visitors can check in.

2. Classrooms: Preschools typically have multiple classrooms, each with a designated

teacher and assistant. Classrooms may be divided by age groups or activities.

3. Play areas: Play areas, both indoor and outdoor, are essential for preschoolers to engage
in physical activities and play-based learning.

4. Restrooms: Preschools should have age-appropriate restrooms for children, which are
easily accessible and supervised.

5. Storage: Storage areas for equipment, supplies, and materials, such as toys, books, and
art supplies.

6. Staff rooms: Preschools usually have staff rooms where teachers and assistants can take
breaks and prepare materials.

7. Administrative offices: Administrative offices, such as the director's office, where

paperwork, files, and other administrative tasks can be handled.

8. Kitchen or snack area: Preschools may provide snacks or meals, and may have a
designated area for food preparation and storage.

Overall, preschools are designed to be child-friendly and safe, with easy-to-navigate spaces that
encourage exploration, creativity, and learning.

Legal Requirements
The legal requirements for starting a preschool business can vary by country and region, but here
are some common legal requirements that you may need to consider:

 Business registration and licensing: You will need to register your business with the
relevant government agencies and obtain the necessary licenses and permits to operate

 Health and safety regulations: Preschools are required to comply with health and safety
regulations to ensure the well-being of the children in their care. This may include fire
safety, sanitation, and food handling regulations.

 Staff qualifications and background checks: Preschools typically require their staff
members to have certain qualifications, such as a degree in early childhood education or a
teaching certificate. Additionally, staff members may be required to undergo background
checks and obtain certain clearances to work with children.

 Curriculum standards: Preschools may need to comply with certain curriculum

standards set by the government or education authorities to ensure that children are
receiving a quality education.

 Insurance: You may need to obtain various types of insurance, such as liability
insurance, to protect your business and its assets.

 Tax requirements: Preschools are typically required to pay various taxes, such as
income tax and payroll taxes, and may need to obtain a tax identification number.

Budget Plan
Like any other business, preschool requires a huge investment to start its operations. There is a
lot of fixed and variable cost that would incur at the start of the business. A huge amount in
terms of rent and equipment purchase will be required. The breakdown of the initial cost has
been mentioned below.

Startup expenses Amount ($)

Legal 1500

Consultants 500

Insurance 5000

Rent 3000

Research and development 2000

Expensed equipment 15,000

Total cash required 27,000

Startup inventory 0

Current assets 0

Long term assets 10,000

Total assets 10,000

Total requirements 20,0000

Organizational Chart
The success of any business doesn’t rely only on its financial model or any marketing plan but
HR is also an important component of the business. They are the ones who will implement those
policies and strategies that were thought and planned before starting any business.

Evergreen preschool has devised a simple yet productive hierarchical structure so that the
implementation of policies will be done appropriately. Following is the organizational chart of
the roles of management of the preschool;

Preschool is the need of the hour in modern societies, the growth factor of any country relies on
human capital so it is important to put focus on children of the next generation, this is why the
idea of a preschool set-up is highly suitable and less risky as compared to any other business in
the corporate sector.

By keeping in view, the requirements of the preschool set up this feasibility report is designed to
get insight into the market and make some plans of action for this project. Therefore, it is
recommended to thoroughly study the report before making any plans for this business idea.

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