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3QW4 Worksheet: Laws of the Land 1

Name Danayah Nur Mocsin Strand STEM

Section STEM 1-2A

1. In the allotted space, give an example on how you can protect yourself and others from violations against your rights as stated in the
following Philippine laws:

1. The Family Code of the The family, as the nation's basis, is a fundamental According to the support, it includes everything
Philippines (EO 209) social institution that public policy values and necessary for nourishment, housing, clothes,
defends. As a result, family ties are supervised by medical care, education, and transportation,
law, and no damaging custom, practice, or based on the family's financial ability. So, if you
agreement shall be recognized or given effect. So, to know someone who is the child of parents who
summarize, I may defend myself through the use of have separated, you may assist that person in
this legislation and as a member of a family. obtaining the right to get support from both
parents, whether they like it or not.
2. The Responsible Parenthood The freedom to select and make decisions for oneself This Act also includes the right to equality and
and Reproductive Health Act in line with their religious views, ethics, cultural nondiscrimination in these rights. By sharing
of 2012 (RA 10354) values, and the needs of responsible parenthood is this right to others, they may firmly protect
one component of this Act. As a result, it can themselves.
particularly benefit me in protecting myself in many
3. DepEd Child Protection Policy This law aims to protect school-aged children against With the use of this Act, I may also help a friend
(DO s2012 n40) abuse, violence, exploitation, discrimination, who has experienced one of the previously
bullying, and other types of abuse. In conclusion, if mentioned kinds of abuse in getting assistance
someone violates my rights or abuses me, this Act from the authorities.
may help me defend myself.
4. Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 I occasionally experienced bullying from others due Someone close to me got bullied too and seek

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(RA 10627) to my physical appearance. I nearly had someone help to the authorities with the help of this Act.
expelled from school because he physically attacked In his case, they literally expelled the kid from
me after bullying me for a while. In my situation, my school and I recently heard that he's no longer
classmates witnessed what happened and informed active in any aspects of studying.
my teacher. So they disciplined the child and gave
me recovery support.

1. What did you think or feel while reading up on the laws?

At first, I got bored reading it because I don’t have any interest in learning the different laws in our country. But I realized while reading
it that it is really important to know the different laws we have because it may help us in the future. It is somewhat interesting too
because you can learn a lot of things that you don’t know that’s happening in our country.

2. How important are these specific laws?

It is very important because not only we can protect ourselves but we can also help others to protect themselves and support them in
their decisions.

3. How can you raise others’ awareness on the importance of upholding the laws?

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I can participate in a service learning project or perform community service to show to others the significance of these laws. They may
also decide to openly advocate for human rights causes, join advocacy organizations, submit letters to elected officials, take part in
protests or other awareness-raising activities.

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