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MID TERM EXAM (2020-21) MARKS -80


I. Write the definition of the following with the suitable example (10)
1. Possessive Pronoun 2. Describing Adjectives 3. Indefinite Article
4. Neuter Gender 5. Reflexive Pronoun

II. You are hostel student in XYZ school Ranchi. Write a Letter to your mother describing your new
school and hostel life. (10)
III. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with a, an or the. (5)
1. I waited for my friend for half ______hour. He came with____small kitten.He said
that his father had gifted____kitten on his birthday.
2. ___ film I saw yesterday was____adventure story. It was about ___ boy and
____tiger who were lost at ___ sea.
3. It is good to be____ vegetarian if you ___balance diet.

IV. Make two words with the given suffixes (5)

1.age 2. cy 3. ness 4.hood 5. ship

V. Rewrite the following sentences using Adjectives Predicatively (5)

1. These are hard question.
2. That is a strong boy.
3. This is polluted water.
4. Those are beautiful hills
5. This is a sick man.

VI. Fill in the blanks with suitable Collective /Common Nouns (5)
1. a _____ of musicians
2. a_____of beads
3. a_____of lions
4. a_____of goats
5. a______of keys
6. a flight of ______
7. a bench of ______
8. a herd of_______
9. a galaxy of ______
10. a choir of______
VII. Writer the Following as Plurals (5)
1. story 2.chimney 3.lily 4.volcano 5. blessing 6.discovery
7.thought 8.service 9.action 10. novelty

VIII. Fill in the blanks with the correct words given in brackets (15)
1. He is still immature, he _______ at every _______. (plays, place)
2. ______yourself to the new rich life by ______manners of the rich society.(adopt,
3. He _______from the roof and _______his arm.(fell , felled, heart, hurt)
4. The _____of the _______is not important.(prize, price)
5. He _____the snake but the snake_____him.(bit, beat)
6. The injured person_______in bed for a______.(lied , lay, week , weak)
7. He _____him hard in the _______of the discussion.(heat , hit)
8. Villagers ______to safety when the ________destroyed there village.(fled , flood)
9. The broken window ______hurt him and caused_______.(pain , pane)
10. He ____his _______dollar.(last , lost)
11. People _________their hair, they desire to look young till they _______.(die , dye)
12. ______work was difficult but ______is no mistake.(their , there)
13. _______parents work in the _______office.(their , there, same, shame)
14. Don’t _____your purse in the ______.(loose , lose , fair, fare)
15.________getting _____from bank was difficult.(ones , once , lane ,loan)

IX. Use Possessive in the following Phrases (5)

1. Fair meant for farmers
2. The school named after St. Francis
3. School bags for children
4. The house of the rich men
5. The work of the poetess

X. Write the Comparative and Superlative Degrees of the following words

1.Ancient 2. Merry 3.Dangerous 4. Noble 5.Important 6. Funny
7.Ignorant 8. Young 9. Expensive 10.Brave
XI. Use these outlines to write story .think of a suitable title for the story
 OUTLINE : a tailor’s shop near the road – a young elephant passed by the shop – the
tailor used to give bananas to the elephant – tailor’s nephew pricked a needle into the
trunk of the elephant – god angry and threw dirty water.



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