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What is Big data? What are the characteristic of Big Data?

What are 5 V’s of Big data

Difference between data science and information science

Difference between data science and business Intelligence

Explain Data science life cycle in details.

What is need of data wrangling

What are different ways of data preprocessing

What are methods of Data wrangling

What is data discretization

What is data normalization

What is scaling explain with example

How missing data is handled.

How noisy data is handled.

What is data reductions.What are different ways of data reduction .

What is measure of dispersion.explain

Explain mean ,median,mode with example.

Explain bayes theorem with example

What is hypothesis testing.What is null hypothesis.

What is type 1 error and type 2 error.

Explain t –test ,when it is used

Explain Chi-square test ,when it is used

What is pearson correlation explain with example

What is need of Hypothesis testing

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