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In 1928, Fleming studied people in cultures of staphylococci that he had left

stacked in a corner of his laboratory. He noted that they had been accidentally
contaminated by a fungus. The staph colonies surrounding the fungus had
been destroyed, while more distant staph colonies were intact. Fleming grew
the mold in pure culture and found that it produced a substance that killed
various disease-causing bacteria. He identified the mold as belonging to the
genus Penicillium, and after a few months of calling it "mold juice", on March
7, 1929 he named the substance penicillin.
It still took fifteen years for penicillin to become a medicine for universal use.
In 1944, Alexander Fleming was made Sir and in 1945 he received the Nobel
Prize in Medicine.
Penicillin G is used to treat and prevent certain infections caused by bacteria.
Penicillin G injection is in a class of medications called penicillins. It works
by killing the bacteria that cause infections.
penicillin V potassium comes as a tablet and a solution (liquid) to take by
mouth. For the treatment of infections, it is usually taken every 6 hours (four
times a day) or every 8 hours (three times a day). To prevent rheumatic fever,
it is usually taken twice a day
Penicillin G benzathine injection may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if
any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:
pain, swelling, lumps, bleeding, or bruising in the area where the medication
was injected.

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