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Seat No, Questions. —_ 310251 [Fotal No. of Pages: 1 TE, PRE INSEM EXAMINATION 1B. (COMP) Data Science and Big Data Analytics (2019 PATTERN) (Semester-VI) Time: 1 Hour] [Maximun Marks: Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt Q. No. 1 or 2,0. No. 3 ord 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever neces: 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Assume suitable data, if necessary. 21).<9) List and explain examples of big data. 15] * ») What are Applications of Data Science Is] «9 Explain 5V’S of Big data. 15] OR 92) a) Explain Data Science Life Cycle. {5} + >) Explain Data explosion [5] *<°) Explain Data Integration 15} 23) 4) Explain conditional probability 15] b) Explain Bayes Theorem 151 ce) A certain test for a particular cancer is known to be test 95% rr} accurate, A person submits to the test and the result is positive, Suppose that a person comes from a population of 1,00,000 where 2000 people suffer from that disease. what can we conclude about the probability that the person under test has that particular disease. OR o4 a) Explain a)Left-tail-testb)Right-tail-test 5] Explain Hypothesis testing with examples iS] Ina factory four machines Al, A2, A3, Ad produce 10%, 18\ 20% , 30% 40% of the items respectively. The percentage of defective items produced by them is 5%,,4%,3%,2% respectively. An item is selected at random is found to be defective. what is the probability that it was produced by machine A2? PRE INSEM EXAMINATION TE. (COMP) Web Technology 2019 pattern (Semester ~ VI) [ime 1 how) ' [Max Marks: 30] Instructions 10 candidates 1) dutempt Q.No. Lor 2, O Nod or 2) Neat dliarams must be drawn whereever necessary J) Figures to the right indicate marks G1 (a) What do you mean by protocol ? Give purpose ind operations of HTTP protocol. [6] (6) Explain DOM and DOM levels in Script 15) (©) What is event handling [4] OR 2 (@) How to ereate an array in Javas tipt ? Give example (Program), (6) (b) 1 is Bootstrap? Explain it's advantages. 5] © following terms related to HiT b.kequest 14 Q3 fa) ixpain : 1. Angular JS 2. jQuery [6] (>) Explain document trce with example ? [5] (6) Define following terms related to HTTP a. Methods b. Responsive (4) OR Qa (2) What are the hyperlinks and anchors in TIML. ? Explain with suitable example (Program), [9] (b)_ Explain how frames are constructed in HTML documents. Explain with program. [5] (©) Expalin characteristics of JavaScript ? 14] [Total No. of 310254(D) T.E, INSEM EXAMINATION T.E. (COMPUTER) Software Modeling and Architecture (2019 PATTERN) (Semester-V1) [Time: 1 Hour] {Maximum Marks: 30] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt Q. No. 1 or 2, Q. No. 3 or 4 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. 3). Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Assume suitable data, if necessary. Q1) .a) Explain 4+1 view architecture of UML with suitable example. 5] 1b) List and explain Basic Building Blocks of UML. 151 _S)_ Design use case diagram for online railway reservation system. Is] OR 02) a) Explain COMET and phases of COMET. ‘8 b) List and explain characteristics of good SRS 1s) c) Draw use case diagram for Examination system. 151 3) a) Draw object diagram of hospital management system. 15] b) Define and Explain Rational Unified Process. 15) ©) Explain with example elements of deployment diagram. 151 OR @% a) Draw Package diagram of online shopping system. 151 b) Explain with example CRC analysis 151 151 #0) Explain class diagram with an example. {Total No. of Questions: 4] 3102 [Time: 1 Hour] 3 Seat No, [Total No. of Pay TLE. INSEM EXAMINATION T.E. (COMPUTER) Artificial Intelligence (2019 PATTERN) (Semester-V1) (Maximum Marks: 30] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt Q. No, 1 or 2, 2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessai No. 3 or 4 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) Assume suitable data, if necessary. Q1 a) Explain Benefits and Risk of Al 15] b) Give Characteristics of an Intelligent Agent. Is} c) Define Rationality and Rational Agent. Is) OR 22) a) Give different applications of Al 11 b) Explain Goal Based Reflex Agent. 15 c) Write a short note on Properties of Agent Task Environment 15] 03) a) Explain Problem Solving in brief. 15) b) What is blind Search? Explain one method in detail with the help 15] of example. 7 c) Explain Block World problem with help of Example. 5 OR . 7 5 04) a) What is informed search? Explain A (*) algorithm with help of 15] example. / b) Write short note on local search algorithm. 5 cc) What is searching? Explain Iterative Deeping search 3 Algorithm(IDDFS)

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