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Time: 3 hours Full Marks: 70

(i) The marks are indicated in the right-hand margin.
(ii) There are NINE questions in this paper.
(iii) Attempt FIVE questions in all.
(iv) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Answer any seven of the following: 2x7=14

(a) What is the main reason for using Yagi antenna?
(i) High directivity
(ii) High gain
(iii) Low gain
(iv) Low directivity
(b) Power density is basically termed as --------- power per unit area.
(i) Reflected
(ii) Refracted
(iii) Radiated
(iv) Diffracted
(c) Most of the radar antennas use -----.
(i) Dipole
(ii) collinear array
(iii) Broadside array
(iv) Horn and parabolic reflector
(d) In which kind of waveform is the phase velocity defined.
(i) Square
(ii) Sinusoidal
(iii) Rectangular
(iv) Triangular
(e) In an electrical circuit, which nature of impedance causes the current and voltages in
(i) Reactive
(ii) Resistive
(iii) Capacitive
(iv) Inductive
(f) Differential form of Gauss’s law in magneto statics is ________.
(i) div B = ρ/εo
(ii) div B = 0
(iii) div B = -dB/dT
(iv) div B = μJ
(g) Magnetic field can be produced by ___________.
(i) Conduction current
(ii) Displacement current
(iii) Both conduction and displacement current
(iv) None of the above
(h) Which primary parameter is uniformly distributed along the length of the conductor?
(i) G
(ii) C
(iii) L
(iv) R
(i) Which parameter is unity in air medium?
(i) Permittivity
(ii) Absolute permeability
(iii) Relative permeability
(iv) Permeability
2. (a) Derive the expression for the attenuation constant, phase constant and intrinsic
impedance for a uniform plane wave in a good conductor. 7
(b) Derive the one dimensional general wave equation and find the solution for wave
equation. 7
3. (a) Assume that E and H waves, travelling in free space, are normally Incident on the
interface with a perfect dielectric with r=3. calculate the magnitudes of incident,
reflected and transmitted E and H waves at the interface. 7
(b) A uniform plane wave of 200 MHz, travelling in free space Impinges normally on a
large block of material having r =4&μ =9. Calculate transmission and reflection co-
efficient of interface. 7
4. (a) Explain all forms of Maxwell's equation in time varying conditions with its
significance. 7
(b) Calculate the effective aperture of dipole antenna having length 2.0 cm at 1.2 GHz.
what will be the power receive for an incident power density of 2mW/m2? 7
5. (a) Drive the radiation resistance of half-wave dipole antenna. 7
(b) Drive transmission line differential equation. Also drive the condition of loss-
less transmission for it. 7
6. (a) Derive suitable relations for integral and point forms of Poynting theorem. 7
(b) Derive wave equation in phasor form. 7
7. (a) Calculate the attenuation constant and phase constant for the uniform plane
wave with the frequency of 10GHz in a medium for which μ=μ0, r=2.3 and =
2.54×10-4/m. 7
(b) A plane wave propagating through a medium with r = 8, μr = 2 has E = 0.5 sin
(108t – z)az V/m. Determine
(i) The loss tangent
(ii) Wave impedance
(iii) Wave velocity
(iv) H-field 7
8. (a) The amplitude of a wave travelling through a lossy non-magnetic medium reduces by
18% every meter. If the wave operates at 10MHz and the electric field leads the
magnetic field by 24o, calculate
(i) The propagation constant
(ii) The wavelength
(iii) The skin depth
(iv) The conductivity of the medium 7
(b) The magnetic field component of an EM wave propagating through a non-magnetic
medium is H = 25 sin (2x108t +6x)ay mA/m, Determine
(i) The direction of wave propagation
(ii) The permittivity of the medium
(iii) The electric field intensity 7
9. (a) The magnetic field component of a plane wave in a lossless dielectric is H = 30sin
(2x108t -5x)az mA/m.
(i) Calculate the wave length a wave velocity
(ii) Find the corresponding electric field component
(iii) Find the displace current density 7
(b) An EM wave travels in free space with the electric field component E =

(i) The angular frequency and wavelength

(ii) The magnetic field component
(iii) The time average power in the wave 7

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