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MADE BY:- Insan khan

Abhinav p.m
Kashish sheikh
Requirement of love in humans and other organisms

● Humans and most of the organisms are social beings and they need to have a
feedback mechanism to support social life and reproduce with their own kind.
● It also is helpful to realize that mammalian social behaviour is supported by
biological components that were repurposed or co-opted over the course of
mammalian evolution, eventually allowing lasting relationships between
● The study of love, offers insight into many important topics including the
biological basis of interpersonal relationships and why and how disruptions in
social bonds have such pervasive consequences for behaviour and
What is love in biochemical terms?

● Love is a complex emotional and psychological phenomenon, and while there is

no single "biochemistry of love," there are several key neurochemicals and
hormones involved in romantic attraction and bonding.
1. Dopamine(feel-good hormone)
2. Cortisol(stress hormone)
3. Oxytocin(love hormone)

● Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a critical role in the brain's

reward system.
● When we experience something pleasurable, such as spending time with
a loved one or receiving a compliment, dopamine is released in the brain,
creating feelings of pleasure and reinforcing the desire to seek out more
of the same.
How is Dopamine Synthesized?
● Dopamine is synthesized from an amino acid tyrosine then
it is converted into L-DOPA then L-DOPA is converted to
● After dopamine is synthesized it is stored in the
vesicles of presynaptic neurons
Rewarding mechanism of dopamine
● The neurons of VTA contains dopamine which is released
into NCa and in the prefrontal cortex

● Activation of nucleus accumbens causes dopamine in that

region to rise

● Nca is connected to pathway including amygdala and


● There are 4 types of dopamine pathway

Types of dopamine pathway
● Mesolimbic pathway begins from vta to Nca by
creating an action potential

● Mesocortical pathway begins from vta,from the

vta action potential travels to areas in
prefrontal cortex

● Nigrostriatal pathway projection starts from

substantia nigra to basal ganglia

● Tuberoinfundibular pathway starts from

periventricular side of hypothalamus to
infundibular region
● Cortisol is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. It plays an
important role in the body's stress response system by increasing blood sugar levels,
suppressing the immune system, and aiding in the metabolism of fat, protein, and

● In the short term, cortisol can actually enhance feelings of love and attraction. This is
because cortisol triggers the release of dopamine.

● Over the long term, elevated levels of cortisol can have negative effects on romantic
relationships. Chronic stress and high cortisol levels can lead to fatigue, irritability, and
a decreased libido.
How is Cortisol synthesized?

● The hypothalamus in the brain signals the pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH). ACTH then stimulates the adrenal glands, which are located above
the kidneys, to produce and release cortisol into the bloodstream.
● Cortisol release is regulated by a negative feedback system. When cortisol levels in the
bloodstream reach a certain threshold, they signal the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
to decrease the production of ACTH, which in turn reduces cortisol release.
● It's important to note that cortisol is also released in response to other factors besides
stress, such as physical activity, illness, and changes in the body's circadian rhythm.
Cortisol and feeling of Love

● Your heart is racing, your hands are getting sweaty, your mouth feels as dry as the
desert, you suddenly have so much energy that you feel like bouncing off the
walls, and all because that special someone walked in the room!
● This feeling is correlated with the produce of adrenaline and cortisol in the
● Oxytocin is released in the hypothalamus as a response to stimuli like
physical touch, sexual activity,social bonding etc.
● Oxytocin can increase feelings of intimacy and closeness, and promote social
bonding and trust between individuals.
● It's important to note that its effects are not always positive. In certain
contexts, oxytocin can also promote negative behaviors, such as aggression
and envy, especially towards people who are seen as outsiders or threats to
social bonds.
Release of Oxytocin

● Oxytocin is primarily produced in the hypothalamus, a region of the brain

that plays an important role in regulating various bodily functions and
● oxytocin is released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland, a small
gland located at the base of the brain.
● It can cross the blood-brain barrier and influence neural activity in regions of
the brain that are involved in social behavior, emotion, and bonding.
● Researchers believe that oxytocin's influence on reward pathways
creates a positive behavior loop for engaging in social and sexual contact
with a reliable, monogamous partner.
● Oxytocin is a peptide hormone.
● It is made up of a chain of amino acids. Its chemical composition is C43H66N12O12S2,
which represents the specific arrangement of the atoms in its molecular structure.

● More specifically, oxytocin is composed of nine amino acids: The amino acid sequence of
oxytocin is:
● This specific sequence of amino acids is important for the biological activity of oxytocin, as it
determines the way the molecule interacts with its receptor sites in the body.

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