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Theories are nets cast to catch

Theory Building what we call “the world”: to
rationalize, to explain, and to
master it. We endeavor to make
the mesh ever finer and finer.
by - Karl R. Popper
Dr. Anoop Kumar Gupta

Use of Theory
Two Purposes Of Theory
 Theory is used in research to provide
• Prediction foundation on which the research project
• Understanding stands.
 It provides the necessary framework that
enables the researcher to identify the
underlying variables and their possible

Use of Theory Theory

 A medical doctor uses theory to diagnose the
disease that bothers his patient.
• A coherent set of general propositions used as
 The patient comes complaining about the
symptoms of some underlying medical condition,
principles of explanation of the apparent
which is not apparent on the surface. relationships of certain observed phenomena.
 The doctor uses theory to explain the symptoms • A theory is a formal, testable explanation of
bothering the patient, and identifying underlying some events that includes explanations of how
cause of the symptoms. things relate to one another.
 For example, a patient might approach his doctor
• Consider theory a model of reality, a
with complaint of stomach ache, nausea, and fever.
The doctor, on the basis of his theoretical simplification that helps us better understand
knowledge knows that this might be a case of the logic and relationships among different
stomach infection. Thus, he might prescribe some factors.
antibiotics to cure the patient.

Concept (or Construct)

What makes a good theory? • A generalized idea about a class of objects,
attributes, occurrences, or processes that has
• Validity: It fits the facts been given a name
• Generalization: Makes predictions about • Building blocks that abstract reality …..
future or other events • Concepts are building blocks of theory
• Replication: It can be repeated with similar • In management we often use concepts or
findings constructs as variables
Theories must be: Objective, Verifiable (i.e. within the • Examples: Leadership, Productivity, Morale, Gross
accepted margins of error), Falsifiable / disprovable
National Product, Asset, Inflation, Social
Responsibility, GNP, Agency, Honesty, Efficiency
Good theories must understand, explain and predict

Example of a Theory: Voluntary

Concepts are Abstractions Job Turnover
of Reality Labour market conditions, number of organizations, personal characteristics,
And other partial determinants of ease of movement

Abstract CONCEPTS Perceived ease of movement (e.g.

Level Expectation of finding alternatives,
unsolicited opportunities)

Perceived desirability of movement

(e.g. job satisfaction)
Level Equity of pay, job complexity, participation in
decision-making, and other partial determinants
of desirability of movement

A Ladder Of Abstraction
For Concepts
• Concepts abstract reality

Increasingly more abstract

– Concepts are expressed in words that refer to Vegetation
various events or objects
– Concepts vary in degree of abstraction Fruit
• Ladder of abstraction
• Research operates at abstract and empirical Banana
level linking concepts together as we begin
the journey to construct theory. Reality

Scientific Business Researchers

Operate at Two Levels Definitions
• Abstract level • Abstract level - In theory development,
– concepts the level of knowledge expressing a
concept that exists only as an idea or a
– propositions
quality apart from an object.
• Empirical level • Empirical level - Level of knowledge
– variables reflecting that which is verifiable by
– hypotheses experience or observation.

Theory Building A Process Of

Increasing Abstraction
• Concepts are the basic building blocks
• Propositions propose the linkages between
Increasingly more abstract

these concepts

Level of abstraction
Propositions theory

Observation of objects
and events (reality )

From proposition to hypothesis

Scientific Method Proposition at Abstract Level
Concept A: Concept B:
The use of a set of prescribed Punishment Or Attendance Or
procedures for establishing and Proposition Reinforcement Habits
connecting theoretical statements
Hypothesis at Empirical Level
about events and for predicting
events yet unknown. Yelling at students Increases
Hypoth- Or attendance by Empirical
esis 50% Or Level
Dollar bonus for
Always makes
sales volume
four sales calls
over quota
a day

The Origin of the Hypothesis

• A hypothesis is a proposition that is
empirically testable. It is an empirical
statement concerned with the relationship • Is said to date from the time of
among variables. Plato (428-347BC), a Greek
• A variable is anything that may assume philosopher.
different numerical values i.e. that varies
• Plato believed one should develop a
• Make sure that you define, or
belief and then test it by
operationalize all your variables… an
operational definition
• Null hypothesis

The earth is flat! What makes a good hypothesis?

• The medieval church depicted the earth as
flat. • precise
• This was linked to religious and other beliefs
in a limited world. They used deductive • specifies variables to measure
reasoning based not on fact but on their own
• specifies relationships between
• Copernicus, Galileo and others helped prove
the earth was anything other than flat.
• The faulty hypothesis did not fit the facts, but
it held sway over generations till it was shown
to be false.

A poor hypothesis Theory and Song

• Students spend too much money on fast food.
A fact without a theory
Is like a ship without a sail,
Is like a boat without a rudder,
A better hypothesis
Is like a kite without a tail.
Students with incomes of less than 10,000 per year
A fact without a figure is a tragic final act,
spend a higher proportion of their income in fast
food restaurants than the established mean for the But one thing worse in this universe
general population. Is a theory without a fact.

Theory Formulation
Research questions
• Are often used when you are not sure of
a specific hypothesis, you need to
generalise vs
• Helps focus on the problem and Inductive Reasoning
identifies what can be measured
• Whereas there is normally a single
hypothesis, there are normally
multiple research questions

Deductive Reasoning
• The logical process of deriving a Using deductive reasoning one
starts with a given theory as the
conclusion from a known premise or basis for which we develop
something known to be true. Hypotheses
hypotheses and then confirm
– We know that all managers are human these with specific data acquired
using observation or
beings. Observation experimentation
– If we also know that John Smith is a
(Is our theory valid or not?)
– then we can deduce that John Smith is
a human being.

Inductive Reasoning
• The logical process of establishing a
general proposition on the basis of Using inductive reasoning, one
observation of particular facts. Pattern starts with a specific observation
as the basis for which we develop
– All managers that have ever been a general pattern and tentative
seen are human beings; Tentative Hypothesis hypothesis as the foundation
of a theory
– therefore all managers are human
beings. Theory

Double Movement of The Scientific Method

reflexive thought The “scientific method” is basically an overarching
perspective on how scientific investigations should be
• Induction occurs when we observe a fact and undertaken. It can, in effect, be considered as a
ask “why” … Ramesh is laughing (why) complete set of principles and methods that help
• To answer this we develop a tentative hypothesis researchers in all scientific disciplines obtain valid
as the explanation … Ramesh laughed because results for their research studies, and which includes
the provision of clear and universally accepted
he read a funny message (answer) guidelines for acquiring, evaluating and communicating
• Deduction is the process whereby we test the information in the context of a research study
hypothesis … (if funny message is read one will
laugh … send a message to one and get the The goals of scientific research are, broadly
result .. Interpret result .. conclude) speaking, to understand, explain and predict

The Scientific Method: An Elements of the

Scientific Method

Assess Formulate Statement of  Empirical Approach

concepts & Hypotheses
 Observation
knowledge  Questions
 Hypotheses
 Experiments
explanation- Analyze & Acquire  Analysis
empirical Design
state new
data data research  Conclusion
 Replication

Elements of the Scientific Elements of the Scientific Method

Method (Empirical (Observation)
Awareness of the real / physical / social world
Evidence-based approach. The guiding principle in which we exist. This, in turn, gives rise to
behind all research conducted in accordance questions as the basis for research studies or
with the scientific method investigations
Operational Definitions – Ensures consistency
when researchers talk about or are interested
Data derived from direct, systematic and careful
in undertaking or replicating research on the
observation and experimentation (as opposed
same phenomenon. Example: What is
to speculation, intuition, opinions, hunches, gut
What is consistency? 35

Elements of the Scientific Method Elements of the Scientific Method

(Questions) (Hypotheses)
 Making an answerable question out of a research
Hypotheses attempt to explain phenomena of interest.
idea. The question must be answered using
A hypothesis is a proposition which is empirically
available and established scientific research testable (proposition ?). It usually seeks to explain
techniques and procedures. Scientific Analysis relationships between variables, and predict, and must
should not be attempted on questions which be falsifiable
cannot be answered Typical hypotheses structures:
Conditional - If Condition X is fulfilled, then Outcome
 Example of an answerable question: Can regular
Y will result Correlational - The value of Variable B is
exercising reduce an individual’s cholesterol observed to be related with
level? changes in the value of Variable A
Causal – The value of Variable Z determines the value of
 Example of a (currently) unanswerable question: Is Variable Q
time travel possible? what is variable?

Elements of the Scientific Method Elements of the Scientific Method

(Experiments) (Analysis)
Analysis is about the use of qualitative or quantitative
tools and techniques to process data
Experiments are basically about measuring Quantitative tools and techniques are considered
phenomena and collecting accurate and more desirable (objective) than qualitative tools
reliable data which are used for analysis and and techniques … (remember there are
evaluation experts who will strongly object to this)
Accuracy – Correctness of the Statistical analysis is typically used to
Measurement Reliability – quantitatively analyze data acquired in research
Consistency of the Measurement studies

What is (i) validity (ii) reliability? What is (i) procedure (ii) method (iii) methodology
(iv) technique
(v) tool (vi) farmula

Elements of the Scientific Method Elements of the Scientific Method

(Conclusions) (Replication)

Based on the results of the analysis The purpose of replication is to ensure that if the
same research study is conducted with different
conducted, and used to support or refute a
participants (i.e. researchers, research
subjects), then the same results are achieved
When undertaking research, conclusions should
only be based on the available data and not
Replication establishes the reliability of a
broadened to include statements which are not
research study’s conclusions
supported by the data
Example: If the research analysis shows that
Conclusions are often based on the results of one
two variables are correlated (related), do not
research study (aberration effect … oddness,
assert also that a causal relationship exists peculiarity) which may not be accurate
between them

• You cannot prove the theory that it is
correct, but you can disprove it.

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