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By: Lactum

1. What is the message?

People tend to quickly outcast words on others' life if they see something wrong about them and
judge them in the way of uneven intuition without any validation of their judgments. Can regard a mom
as being too strict or too neglectful. But only a mother's child can see the whole story and prides in her
every act of love.
Moms used to stay at home and look after their children back in the day. People increasingly
recognize that women can pursue many other things in addition to being full-time parents. Despite this,
society continues to judge women who aren't "motherly" in the traditional sense and are balancing work
with raising children. This new advertisement of Lactum addresses this concern.
Being a mother is no easy feat, especially amid the ongoing pandemic. Many strong women, from
medical professionals and pharmacists to policewomen and government and volunteer workers, have
stepped up to be the first line of defense of both their household and the community. They have been
called to duty to serve the needs of their countrymen in these trying times. The hardships of being a
working mother have shown through how a nurse manages to take care of her son, Mikey, despite being
unable to be there for him physically. Mothers' unconditional love for their children is the thing that
drives them to sacrifice everything for them. This video also shows how explicit the child is that no
matter how immersed her mother's schedule, he could still articulately understand its situation and neglect
what other people say.
We can all agree that there is no one way to raise a child. More than anything, it's all about giving
them all the care that they need. Now, let's stop criticizing these women and begin celebrating them for a
2. What is the purpose of the message?

  This video is Lactum's way of paying homage to moms who, as career women, work hard to
support their families and to once again shine the spotlight on moms as a fitting tribute to the person who
never fails to provide encouragement and help every step of the way. One of the purposes of the message
is to appreciate mothers because they are unique. They are the superwomen that do all the housework,
teach and take care of their children, do their job, and at the end of the day, if you ask for her help, she
says 'yes' with a smile on her face. 
The purpose of the message is to spread awareness that no matter how harshly you judge and
comment on someone's life, there will always be someone who will ignore all of your comments and
judgments because they understand the reality behind them. In connection to the last part of the video, the
child says, "Mom, in their eyes, you fell short but in mine, you are always a winner." This citation
connotes how he neglects what other people say to him and how he loves, cares for, and understands her
mother at all.
3. How do the text and video convey the message?

Others were moved to tears by this commercial, which made them think about how individuals
can comment on others' lives without being validated. This advertising, named "Wala si Mama,"
emotionally impacts and hurts viewers while conveying a complex message to everyone. Congruously
used the proper execution, appropriate use of words with context, accurate concept, and the delivery of
this video to convey a great indoctrination to everyone.

4. What did you feel while and after watching the commercial? Cite the scene / s that elicited the
feelings that you mentioned.

This Mother's Day campaign about medical professionals tugged into my deepest heart. The
mother shows a valiant effort to shuffle her own and expert duties. She figures out how to set up her
child's stuff for school, cook his morning meal, make courses of action with the pedicab driver and assist
him with setting up his science project. Around the last part of the video, I understood the penances that
specialists and medical attendants ceaselessly make to help those out of luck. Furthermore, it impacts me
personally since I am aware of how hard our medical practitioners' jobs are and how willing they are to
help others to the point that they forget to spend time with their loved ones to be flexible in their work.

5. Who is the target audience of the message?

The message was indeed to be in general, but most affect those judgmental and easily utter words
on other's life quickly without validation. On YouTube, this commercial has received over 9 million
views and counting. These views demonstrate how excellent the advertisement is, how faultless the
execution is, and how the video's message influences the viewer's emotional and mental well-being.

6. Are there any other ways to present the message?

In my perception, they already presented the message perfectly and effectively because they
integrate a different mode in conveying the message to the audience. As we all see, many people are
affected. Some cry due to its transmission and perfect execution. Also, it serves as communication for
people to comprehend, respond to, and compose meaning through emotional and even analytical thinking.
The different modes used in this advertisement are visual, gestural, linguistic, and even spatial methods,
resulting in a perfect outcome. The usage of visible ways in a commercial has a significant impact on the
audience in which it shows perceptions of luxury and contributes positively to attitudes toward the
audience. The execution of their linguistic mode is flawless in which they include an English subtitle to it
for those viewers who are not able to understand the Filipino language. The gestural way is also
fascinating as it gives a colorful action in scenes. The boy prepares himself from going to school, his
mom prepares his food in the morning, the boy who did his science project and submitted it to the school,
and lastly when he performed in their school activity in which her mom suddenly tried to get involved.
Therefore, those executions of gestural mode bring such colors in the production of this commercial. All
in all, used the methods in this commercial are executed accurately and appropriately.

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